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I'm actually amazed that microdosing Iboga root bark and TA worked to completely kill my alcohol cravings. I've tried everything possible over the last 20 years and this worked in a month. Granted - I will do booster doses once a month, or whenever I feel the need to, after the first steady month of microdosing. 1-2 grams of root bark, or 100mg-200mg of TA worked for me daily, 5 days on and 2 days...

Most voted negative review

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I was on very high doses of psychiatric meds (including benzos) as well as opioids for pain. It was obvious that I had built up a significant tolerance. According to medical literature and the physicians administering the treatment, I was told that the ibogaine would allow me to discontinue my meds without going through withdrawal and moreover help to rebalance the neurotransmitters (i.e. dopamine...

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Age: 25-34 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I am a medical school student that has been learning about iboga/ibogaine for a very long time. I have experience with microdosing and with flood dosing. My first flood dose was 2100mg of PTA, 22mg/kg. The acute experience lasted about 28-30 hours with strong residual effects for ~3 days. Best experience of my life. I have done lower flood doses and will soon be repeating a high flood dose. I would caution people against clinics using subtherapeutic flood doses. Anything below 15mg/kg is not going to give a complete experience and good clinics are dosing between 15-25mg/kg depending on cardiac function/changes. I would caution anyone against using ibogaine HCl as I have seen significantly more cardiac changes in patients treated with HCl than with Iboga (root bark, TA, or PTA). I would only recommend doing it after proper cardiac evaluation in a medically monitored setting. If someone is going to attempt it at home, you should have a thorough cardiac evaluation before hand and only use root bark, TA or PTA. This can be deadly but I understand many people are desperate when looking at ibogaine. For depression or other psychiatric disorders (anxiety, mood instability), low dosing can be very effective. Doses of 10-50mg of TA or PTA (~0.5-1g root bark) can be very effective when administered over 1-3 months. Start low to assess tolerance. Even low doses can cause cardiac events so use with caution. Read More Read Less

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Devodad | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for 10 years or more |
Condition: Substance use disorder
Overall rating 1.0
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An entry with no substance. Discard the information contained in this article. This is the medicine that cured my patient's mental illness, and cured his addiction.

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oneintheweb | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I'm actually amazed that microdosing Iboga root bark and TA worked to completely kill my alcohol cravings. I've tried everything possible over the last 20 years and this worked in a month. Granted - I will do booster doses once a month, or whenever I feel the need to, after the first steady month of microdosing. 1-2 grams of root bark, or 100mg-200mg of TA worked for me daily, 5 days on and 2 days off; but you'll have to dial in your own dose and frequency if you're doing it alone. You may be higher or lower. Start low and build up. Start at 500mg of root bark for a week and go up from there. It is not recreational, there is no 'fun' party aspect to this. In fact, even microdosing you can get to a point where you feel a little down or heavy and that's your cue to take a break. You may have a 'grey day' where the iboga mostly leaves your system, and then the feeling better comes in the days and weeks after that. It takes a few days to a week for microdoses to build up in your system, so you won't feel it on day one, but by day 5, you should. I hope they are able to create a synthetic analog that is readily available to treat people, because it is literally the only thing that works. It also heals on a level that's harder to explain. You feel grounded, focused, the anxiety is gone, the self judgement goes away. You're able to look at your traumas and truths and process them for real, and move past them. It's just amazing stuff. And that's just doing micro and low doses so that you can function normally during days. Once you learn to work with the medicine, you can heal yourself. This isn't like a doctors prescription, you really do have to own your healing. I now share with others and am grateful that this has become part of my life. Read More Read Less

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I_Am_Iboga | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for 6 months to less than 1 year |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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Micro dosing iboga saved my life. Helped heal 30 years of repressed trauma, cPTSD, severe depression and anxiety, helped correct negative patterns of behavior I didn’t even know I had and even cured my hemorrhoids. Iboga is a very wise and powerful teacher & you will get more out of this then micro dosing anything else. It’s amazing how effective it is even at such low doses. I am so grateful for iboga. My life is better then it ever was. Thank god for iboga and all the plants he gave us to use to heal ourselves. Read More Read Less

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Natalia | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Opioid withdrawal
Overall rating 1.0
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I was on very high doses of psychiatric meds (including benzos) as well as opioids for pain. It was obvious that I had built up a significant tolerance. According to medical literature and the physicians administering the treatment, I was told that the ibogaine would allow me to discontinue my meds without going through withdrawal and moreover help to rebalance the neurotransmitters (i.e. dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine). Essentially it was to reboot my system after which my psychiatrist would re-evaluate my case and hopefully discontinue, reduce or switch medications as needed. Unfortunately, being treated with ibogaine was the WORST decision I’ve ever made! Since that treatment I have never been the same—and that was 10yrs ago. I thoroughly researched the drug, doctors & clinics before deciding to go through with it but my poor response to the treatment even perplexed the attending physician…and they didn’t know how to handle the situation. In my experienced opinion, if you’re considering ibogaine I’d say DO NOT RISK IT!!! I paid an exorbitant amount of money that left me in a far worse state than I began. Read More Read Less

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Age: 19-24 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

Iboga is taken in one of two ways: One is the "Flood" dose, in which the user takes an amount of Iboga or ibogaine that provides a 3-day psychedelic, visionary journey into the subconscious and memory banks of the user. It is almost always a deeply spiritual experience which can show the user how he/she has been mistreating him/herself, and how he/she can treat him/herself better and become well. Addiction is the most common health issue addressed by an Iboga/ibogaine experience. The Iboga experience is not to be taken lightly. It can be very difficult, and almost always involves a "purge," where the user vomits in a spiritual, cleansing way. A trip sitter is a must. Do not try this alone, ever. The other way to take Iboga is by microdosing, or taking minute amounts over an extended period of time. People who do this often report having more energy, feeling more centered and grounded, or other benefits. I took Iboga in flood dose form as well as microdose form to try to treat inflammation in my joints. At the peak of the flood dose experience, the inflammation was gone. However, it came back as the trip subsided. The microdosing did not have an effect on my inflammation, but had a positive effect on energy levels. Do not try Iboga without researching it extensively. It may be illegal in your country, so please abide by your respective laws. As stated earlier, do not try Iboga, particularly the flood dose, without a responsible, sober party with you for the entire time. Iboga is powerful, life-changing medicine. It has no recreational value and it has the potential for enormous psychological rehabilitation, especially for those suffering from addiction. It is recommended that one fast for at least 24 hours before taking a flood dose. Read More Read Less

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