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3.7 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

6 People found this comment helpful

Due to a 10+ year undiagnosed autoimmune thyroid problem I ended up with type2 diabetes from exposure to a medication which can raise/cause diabetes. When they wanted to prescribe Metformin and I read about warnings and interactions including with my thyroid meds I said NO. I did research to find a natural alternative and have had great success with Goat's Rue. from BS of 450 to 114 now.

Most voted negative review

3 People found this comment helpful

Never try without sound evidence. This is nuts: goat died from this herb (Hence the term Goat's Rue).

Shared reviews and ratings

Herbalist Mix | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I am a podiatrist. In 1991 I had a new patient who was a diabetic. He came in with osteomyelitis and gangrene of his toes which necessitated a forefoot amputation. In the hospital he was transferred to rehab where he fell and opened up the surgical site. The vascular surgeon was called in wanted to do a BK amputation. I spoke to the surgeon and said, "Let me try conservative care and if it doesn't work I will send him back to you". He agreed. I saw the patient everyday and he wasn't getting better. I asked about his blood sugar and he said it was horrible. I asked if he spoke to his doctor. He told me that his doctor would not write a prescription unless he came to the office. I couldn't write a prescription for his blood sugar as a podiatrist, so I called an herbalist in Vancouver that I met at an herbal seminar. The recommendation was Goat's Rue, garlic and Prickly Ash. The patient took one teaspoon per day. The patient eventually healed and he told me his blood sugar was never better. This was a year before Metformin came out. Goat's Rue is a precursor to Metformin. That is why it worked. I had to check a brand to finish this review. It was not this brand. It was a mix by an herbalist. Read More Read Less

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Michelle Doll | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I find it ludicrous that this herb is rated "unproven" when the widely prescribed Metformin was derived from it in the early part of the last century. Please refer to this paper if you doubt: Just because goats got greedy and OD'd on it does not mean anything except they thought it was tasty. Humans using it for meds are unlikely to suffer the same. I just got mine; am switching off Metformin slowly. I have had *some* success with the drug, but not enough. My post-prandial numbers are still too high, ranginging from 180 to 215. They did go down by a third, but that's with 1000mg twice a day!! I have been diabetic since my teens, but until 3 months ago it was managed with diet & exercise. I am now postmenopausal at 56, have Nordic/German/Irish ancestry, was at 198 lbs, lost 10 lbs in 2 month on Metformin, have a spinal condition that doesn't let me move as much as I used to. Mostly vegetarian diet, but I use some dairy and occasionally eat organic eggs from my own (spoiled rotten) hens. I include this in case it matters. Different populations react differently and all that...Read More Read Less

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Not for people with IBD? | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.3
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Enhanced my milk supply but might have provoked IBD flare up.

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Nir Ts |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.3
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Never try without sound evidence. This is nuts: goat died from this herb (Hence the term Goat's Rue).

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CLPlatts | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 5 to less than 10 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Due to a 10+ year undiagnosed autoimmune thyroid problem I ended up with type2 diabetes from exposure to a medication which can raise/cause diabetes. When they wanted to prescribe Metformin and I read about warnings and interactions including with my thyroid meds I said NO. I did research to find a natural alternative and have had great success with Goat's Rue. from BS of 450 to 114 now.

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