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3.8 Overall Rating


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2 People found this comment helpful

Caution! This drug is used by Meth/Ice users to help prevent weight loss from IV drug use. We found this in numerous addicts. If you see this drug in someone you care about, check their drug addiction profile.

Shared reviews and ratings

Two Blues | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

Muscle loss with Use of GLP1s. It works. Check Enobosarm - Ostarine - awaiting FDA approval. And..... Ostarine has been used medically for other muscle loss condition. Not sure if this WebMD article is a review for the benefit of humans, or simply mitigating legal risk?

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Jack | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

In short, improved drive, energy, and healed my arthritis in my right hand in a week! Couldnt bend my fingers and had pain in my wrist 24/7. Now the hands looks the same again.. Side effects, lowered test levels after a month use but nothing my trt cant handle..I only wrote this review to let others with arthritis know that all hope is not lost!

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Al | Age: 25-34 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I warn u not to use this garbage…my life went down hill after, no sex drive no sperm and mental damage

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M fren | Age: 55-64 |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Completly Got rid of my 7 month long issue with Plantar fasciitis ..improved my running and gym.

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aguyintexas | Age: 65-74 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

I took a combination of Andarine and Ostarine for about 6 weeks. I was satisfied with the results UNTIL my bloodwork results cam in. My BUN level was 35% higher than it's ever been (and above 33 which is the maximum considered normal).

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Bob | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

59yo, I’ve done 2 cycles of Ostarine, 1st @5mg daily, secondly @10mg daily. In both cases I train hard 5 days per week, experienced some strength increase, muscle growth, fat burn, quick healing. However it wrecked my Testosterone level - causing depression, loss of libido etc. I’ve still got 2 bottles of pills but I am not sure if it’s worth taking it again tbh…

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Johnny gains | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 1 to less than 2 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

If you want to Build muscle and burn fat this is what you need! I will say that I am a bit testy and irrational when in this however to curb that 1 go 60 days on 60 days off with noticeable results!

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Drug Users | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for 6 months to less than 1 year |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Caution! This drug is used by Meth/Ice users to help prevent weight loss from IV drug use. We found this in numerous addicts. If you see this drug in someone you care about, check their drug addiction profile.

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PEDuser | Age: 25-34 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Cachexia
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

It does work to keep or gain some muscle (2-3 pounds) while cutting weight, but the side effects outweigh that. I hope everybody knows that they are tanking their testosterone levels when using this or any other androgen. Talking reductions of 70-90%. Coming off of it currently after 9 weeks and currently very depressed, tired, unmotivated, anxious etc. *my liver enzymes did actually lower from pathological (before cycle) to normal levels (while on cycle) and I think it was related to reduced muscle damage. Read More Read Less

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Female over 40 | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I am a female that took for 60 days to help increase muscle and lose fat. Had a ton of energy that was reduced after the 7 week mark. Had to workout everyday because i had a ton of energy. When I didnt work out i felt slightly anxious. Was lifting heavier and not as sore. Did liver function test at 6 week mark and liver numbers were good. Husband did something similar but because they take so much more, his liver enzymes were elevated. Only side effect was a slight headache but that could have been my allergies. Read More Read Less

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Age: 35-44 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I had tendon inflammation in my lower back, knees and elbows. Ostarine with dosage 15mg per day resolved the problem within a month. It is not written anywhere on this website, but there are studies indicating increased bone density, improvement of tendon healing and strength and inmprovement of collagen absorption for joints. The side effects are greatly exaggerated, as after a month of usage I had no negative effects whatsoever on my body.

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sergio | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: General Health And Wellness
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use
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Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 6 months to less than 1 year |
Condition: General Health And Wellness
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use
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