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My husband has been suffering with depression, mood swings, social anxiety, ADHD, irritability, weight gain, etc. for the past 8 years. At first we thought it was hypothyroidism, but his levels didn't register high enough on his blood chem test to alarm the doctor enough to give him an Rx (even though he has the tell-tale sign of thinned eyebrows). Recently, we came across an article about the sym...

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Want to start with Tanamins.

Shared reviews and ratings

SUSIEBYC | Age: 45-54 |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use
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Handytim | Age: 35-44 |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

Along w/ Sam-e, its worked well for me, take both w/ scullcap esp after my mom died 11/20/2010

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mylaine | Age: 25-34 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I suffer off and on through the year from depression and anxiety. The anxiety is the worse of the two for me. I started taking 500mg of L-Tyrosine and a tablespoon of flax seed oil everyday for around a month now.I don't feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin anymore when I am in stressful situations from the anxiety. I have noticed some mental clarity... especially at work (I'm not zoning out as much). I definitely reccomend this to anyone who needs a boost with their mood.

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dudeguyuhh | Age: 25-34 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have ADD but haven't tried real medication for it yet. L-Tyrosine helped A LOT. The only problem is, i can't remember to take it! (thanks to ADD.) But when i do, i am very stoked. life is better. (translation: a real increase in dopamine [happiness] and norepinephrine [energy]). try it! also, for some reason the psych prescribed wellbutrin (an atypical anti-depressant) for my ADD. I never took it, because i'm pretty sure Tyrosine does the same thing. and its cheap!

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cate | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 1 to less than 2 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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The product is now called ThyroSmart and it changed my TSH from 6.1 to 2.0 which aided in weight loss and my hair grew back

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onegreatguy08 | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I have been getting bad chest pains and getting dizzy also. Can this drug be mixed with suboxone?

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texaslady | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 5 to less than 10 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I used L-Tyrosine at 500mg. along with 400mg. of Sam-E every morning for 6 years to treat moderate depression very successfully. I stopped the treatment for 6 months to try an exercise/diet combo and the depression and fatigue came back. I am now back on L-Tyrosine and Sam-E and feeling great.

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Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I agree with other review which states tyrosine is more subtle and gradual in its effect in relieving depression than some other treatments. I take 1 gm (2 x 500 mg) on awakening along with 200 mg Sam-e, and do not eat for at least 30 min. I personally have found that this combo works better than Sam-e alone at the 400 mg dose.

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Fergus808 (State! :-)) | Age: 25-34 | On supplement for 2 to less than 5 years |
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I wouldn't be without L-Tyrosine. I'm convinced it keeps me upbeat and aids my concentration whilst combatting fatigue. Don't expect a psychostimulant (dexamfetamine-like) effect of a buzz or a "high", L-Tyrosine's effects are more subtle. It has to be taken for 1-2 months for the full effects to show. Consider combining it with NADH (10mg/day) for a real Dopamine boost.

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