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Was prescribed Rocephin 1 gm daily x 30 days for late Lyme disease. Tried 5 oral antibiotic prescriptions prior to that with zero success. Once I was set up with home health through the local hospital, I received Rx deliveries at home and self-administered Rocephin via my PIC line. I had serious GI side effects - nausea, gastritis, etc. and lived off yogurt, crackers, acidophilus and kaopectat...

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a1rose | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Lyme Disease
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

Was prescribed Rocephin 1 gm daily x 30 days for late Lyme disease. Tried 5 oral antibiotic prescriptions prior to that with zero success. Once I was set up with home health through the local hospital, I received Rx deliveries at home and self-administered Rocephin via my PIC line. I had serious GI side effects - nausea, gastritis, etc. and lived off yogurt, crackers, acidophilus and kaopectate. Lost 20 pounds and spent a lot of time resting. Took another month to recover from the Rocephin. This is the ONLY drug that CURED my Lyme disease. This is a wonderful antibiotic.Read More Read Less

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