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This is honestly the worst drug anyone could ever take. I took 60mg of Duloxetine for over 5 years and had to come off it for surgery. I was initially prescribed it by a psychiatrist and left on it for so long because my GPs didn’t know what it was or what it did. Admittedly, it did the job and helped a lot with my depression and anxiety, but it wasn’t worth it for the withdrawal symptoms I suff...

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luluo1 | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Disorder characterized by Stiff, Tender & Painful Muscles
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

i have been put on them for fibromyalgia and reynauds i dont know what they r to help me with my sleep is i think interrupted by them i am not sure but i cannot sleep any ideas would be great thanku

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Lea | 75 or over | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Repeated Episodes of Anxiety
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Am evidently allergic to it. Had severe diahrrea and extreme light headedness. Will not take again.

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JenniHusker | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Disorder characterized by Stiff, Tender & Painful Muscles
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

A psychiatrist discontinued Effexor XR and added Cymbalta to my drug regimen. I have MDD, Fibromyalgia and CFIDS. Within the first few days of taking the new drug I had crying episodes that I felt I could not control. I could form sentences in my brain but the words didn't come out of my mouth in the right order. This drug was supposed to help control the pain from all three diseases. It didn't make a difference in my pain level.

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Baltimore | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

Much benefit to relieve my symptoms of irritability and moodiness which are symptoms of my level of depression as well as generalized anxiety disorder. Excellent relief of each above symptom from Cymbalta. There might be a downside for me in that just 2 months after taking the medication I noticed that my blood pressure increased from 135/82 to 170/95. Although the randomized clinical trials I researched do not show such a severe increase in BP I will be tapering my dose from 40 to 20 then, likely, to 0 mg/day to see if I can rule out the BP adverse event. I have been on paxil and lexapro prior to cymbalta. They each stalled out on me after about 12 months of use. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I tried several antidepressants before cymbalta and had severe side effects on all. Cymbalta has been the only drug to help me and also has worked for my father and sister. I does however, make me very tired at times. Otherwise, I have had very little in the way of side effects. Make sure you do not miss any doses because coming off of it is hard.

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djenkinsfmly | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Took Zoloft for yrs... it got to where it did not work, doc put me on Cymbalta (Duloxetine)and within days I felt SO much better! Especially after a week or so, I felt 1000% better! If you can take this drug, it is wonderful ! I have not had any side effects except maybe a little sweating during the night, but that might be from the onset of menopause, not sure, anyway, small thing to have to deal with considering the benefits of this med. I strongly recommend it! I have fibromyalgia and depression.... and it works wonders for me ! Best of luck and God Bless ! Read More Read Less

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green eyes | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

Taken for severe deppression, and chronic pain, 60mg once a day, suicidel thoughts stopped within a few days mood lifted, felt happy for first time in months, can't sleep at night, no appetite, increased bowel movement, but that i can cope with, im glad my Dr prscribed them for me, I feel I can cope with life again.

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krazy krissy | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

took 1 day very poorly for three days.with nausea,almost fainted one day.was vomiting the next.very tight throat.felt very ill.short breaths.enough to put me off taking any tablets again

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lioness | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

works v. the depression, but awake at nights with pains in my hands and very scary episodes trying to get off the drug. Overall, try something else. Take care when reducing/ending medication. Use close doctor supervision.

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sharx | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have tried so many other things during my life to try to get my depression under control. This is the only medication that has ever helped me. I call it my miracle drug, and that is an understatement. I have been taking this for over three years now and I am grateful everyday that there is something that helps me.

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515lady | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Disorder characterized by Stiff, Tender & Painful Muscles
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

female, 60, on Cymbalta for 3 mths. 60 mil twice daily, along w/tramadol 50 mil 3 daily & neurontin 300 mil once daily, for pain & depression for fibromyalgia; also take zolpidem 10 mil at night to sleep. It took me a while to find the right combination of medications that would work for me. I had gotten so racked w/pain that I could hardly get out of bed to go to the bathroom, took very hot baths in the heat of the SC summers to releive the pain in my legs, would lay with heating pads on my shoulder, back & legs (both front & back) for pain relief as well. I have always eaten a very well balanced diet w/lots of fruits & veg, fish, chicken, some pork, & very little beef, and a vit. & supplement regime since I was a very young woman. I have maintained my weight & have exercised at least 3 times weekly, (weights, stretching, swimming indoors, walking)throughout my life. To be struck by this weird disease and to look the picture of health has had me baffled. The worst now is the relentless fatigue I feel daily. I begin my day thinking I can do as much as I have always and in a very short while I am over come w/fatigue and must sit or lie down before tackeling another house hold project. I have not worked for months or driven my car (six speed standard) for fear of not being able to depress the clutch! I believe I am improving but I also have noticed that a low pressure weather system with rain will affect my pain level quite a bit. I believe the Cymbalta was the key that started me on the path to finding which medications would help me. I am loathed to think how long I must be on these medications since all are very expensive, but for the forseeable future, this looks like what my life is.Read More Read Less

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Jenni | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month |
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

After approx. 1 wk on Cymbalta, major episode of rt. hand swelling twice the size, fingers w/ no feeling, brown/red/blue "leather-looking" skin with a large, pulsating lump that appeared in the center of the hand, stretching the skin as it grew before my eyes within 10 minutes! A very dangerous drug with 35+ side effects that people don't know about unless they search to find real-life experiences & studies done not only in the U.S., but other countries. This lasted 2-1/2 wks; there are reported experiences of swelling of the THROAT in which you must get medical attention immediately--I was "lucky" & immediately stopped using. People should always research (on sites other than the drug's site) all possible side effects & consider asking for something far less invasive. My hand literally looked like a monkey's paw & was Not Usable for weeks. I still do not see this particular reporting in the advertisement literature--just "swelling." That is an understatement. Be your own best advocate so you will lower the incidence of some of these frightening results. Many of the anti-depressant drugs/anxiety stay in your system even after you stop. Take time to read what other people have experienced & less on "a few people experienced..." in ads. I had no prior history of anything of this nature, so it can happen to anyone. There are many excellent drugs (older drugs) that work much better under supervision. Thank you.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Two drawbacks: increased sweating and bowel changes. The sweating is easily treated with antipersperant. The bowel changes are tricky. I'm constipated and irregular. Neither much fun. Overall, it's worth it for me to feel better.

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sam | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Caregiver
Condition: Neuropathic Pain
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

i have had neck pain for several years and abnornmal sweating if i take this drug i feel much better, but i take the lowest dose you can.

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Anonymous | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Neuropathic Pain
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

Severe side effects: nausea, sweating, flu like aches, headache, intestinal distress. No appetite

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