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3.7 Overall Rating


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What in the WORLD is going on, here? After 12 years of drinking virtually every day (moderate to extreme amounts) and desperately wanting to quit, I finally made it in to see my GP. I am the worlds most sinister alcoholic. No DUI, no legal problems, generally stayed out of embarrassing situations, successful professional and a complete and total drunk. Drink in the mornings, throughout the day a...

Most voted negative review

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It does not work for me.6

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Worried mom | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Caregiver
Condition: Prevention of Opiate Drug Abuse
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

My son was court ordered to take this and he started having nightmares, depression, sleeplessness, out of touch with reality, paranoia, thoughts of suicide, muscle cramps, pain and weakness. It has not stopped after discontinuing over a year ago. DO NOT RECOMMEND.

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testerdisplay | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

It just did not work. Some of the reviews that I read touted this as a sort of miracle drug. Not so for me. My first trial was 2 months long, 50 mG/day, an hour before my first drink. My second trial was 2 doses of 50 mG, one in the morning and one in the late afternoon. It just made me sleepy. No changes in my desire for alcohol.

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Karen | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I started Naltrexone after I detoxed 9 mos ago. I’ve had no side effects and no cravings. I was an everyday drinker (a box every 2 days) and feel so much better, life is better. Good luck, I hope you have as good an outcome

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Clever Name | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I've been taking this for a month. Haven't had a single drink since I began taking it. I still have cravings, but not as bad as I used to. I was a heavy drinker for 10+ years (1-2 bottles of wine daily). Hasn't really affected my appetite or weight yet. Minor side effects... ringing in my ears, sleep problems (but I've always had those), reduced sex drive, some foods taste different... I seem to have less depression, but also less emotions overall. However, I do get infrequent bouts of anxiety. Not sure if it's related to the medication though. I wouldn't call it a miracle drug... but I haven't had one drink since I started taking it, which considering my level of alcohol consumption I suppose it is somewhat of a miracle. Lol.Read More Read Less

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Joe | 25-34 | Male | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I was always scared to start this but I’m so glad I have. I’ve been an alcoholic for most of my young life & after starting this (I haven’t quit) I drink normally & cravings are so low. Im working full time in a career I love & I honestly owe all of everything to how naltrexone has impacted my life in the work field & in life.

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#TraC | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

Nope no nooo, I am not a opioid user to the point that if in a emergency situation I tell medical staff DO NOT GIVE ME OPIOID however i was prescribed this to help get off meth, methamphetamine not methadone and i knew better. Seriously someone explain to me how a opioid blocker helps meth addiction IT DOES NOT, I DONT NEED HELP W CRAVINGS I NEED THE DR TO LISTEN PUT ME ON ADDERALL AND LET ME LIVE MY LIFE. As of yet no one can convince me a opioid blocker will help the methamphetamine addiction. I took 2 days and puked violently the 2nd night and was prescribed 50 milligrams also already had mild constipation tonight as well as awful smelling urine and my med provider must need to learn to read cuz I know my charts or whatever information Says I have liver problems like hepb and I didn't know anything about this drug so I didn't tell her no absolutely not....on the liver alone. Why I even tried this knowing ITS NOT GONNA HELP ME THE TWO DRUGS ARE DIFFERENT AND IDGAF WHAT THEY SAY . AS FOR CRAVINGS I HAD THEM WORSE I JUST WANTED TO GET HIGH ON MY DRUG OF CHOICE TO NOT FEEL THAT . I GIVE IT AND MY MED PROVIDER BOTH 2 BIG THUMBS DOWN. AS WELL AS THOSE THAT THINK A OPIOID BLOCKER WILL WORK FOR THE METH ADDICT .NO JUST GIVE US THE FUCKING ADDERALL OR LET US LIVE OUR LIFE. IVE BEEN A FUNCTIONING ADDICT 30 YRS. THIS DRUG WAS WORSE THAN WHEN I WAS PUT ON trazadone. NEVER AGAIN.Read More Read Less

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Richard Smith | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
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Like many heavy drinkers, I'm not alcohol dependent. I'll quit for a few weeks with no withdrawals or cravings. But when I start drinking, I don't have brakes. I've never done anything I've regretted or blacked out, but I worry about my liver. Naltrexone helps me not get carried away with my drinking. As an experiment, I got a box of wine this weekend and let myself drink as much as I wanted. I had some left over, which is unusual for me. That's still more than's good for me, but with a little efffort I can reduce further. I don't have plans to quit drinking for good. I enjoy it. But if I can take a pill when I know I'll be drinking I can keep it to a healthier level.Read More Read Less

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tgb | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I started taking this at 25mg once in the AM for weight loss. Initially it worked extremely well - I ate significantly less, and any time I got even close to 'over eating' I literally couldn't stomach another bite and would get violently nauseous. I ended up losing roughly 30lbs, but I did notice that the effect started to wear off kind of quickly. I'm back up 10lbs and notice I'm eating a lot more than I used to when I initially started it. Supposedly a lower dose is more ideal for weight loss, but I did ask my doctor about moving up to 50mg, so I'll see how that goes, but overall I'm just disappointed at how quickly the appetite suppression seemed to wear off.Read More Read Less

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Tez | 35-44 | Female | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.0
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I'm on day 7, I was very wary of side effects so I started a quarter for 2 days then half and day 5 a full pill. I have had a bit of tiredness during the day however I was drinking from 8am so I have a lot of time on my hands and a lot less calorie intake. I'd probably have a good 12 mid strength beers a day (7 days a week for many years) and would go to bed at about so have no time with my man I was just tired. I had some withdrawal symptoms like sweating but that's it. I still have cravings, have cut down from 12 to 4 and tonight I've had nothing. I went to a party Saturday night, I had 3 drinks in like 5 hrs so why did I even bother? I had a great time so next time I'll just take non alcoholic drinks. I really rate this medication, it was difficult to get as it's only prescribed if your in AA and seeing a shrink plus getting blood tests, I lied and got it for eating too much and requested this. If your here researching give it a go.Read More Read Less

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Larry | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I take Low Dose Naltrexone (3MG) once per night for an autoimmune disorder that affects my lungs. When I started it my lungs were inflamed and I was coughing violently all day and I was at 50% lung capacity. It saved my life and 100% controls my disorder and allows me to live a normal functional life.

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winezombiegone | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

This the first time I have ever admitted all of this, and I feel free. I cannot believe that I let alcohol take control of my life. It actually does happen, and it did happen to me. I am beyond grateful that I took the step to try this medication because it has truly given my life back. Benefits: I have my life back before it revolved around drinking wine. Side Effects: I do not believe any side effects from the medication. I had some withdrawal symptoms at night (I am embarrassed to admit). Surprisingly, the symptoms only lasted 3 nights and got better each night (chills, sweating, agitation). How Has It Worked for Me: It has taken me a while to admit that I had/have a drinking abuse problem. I am a 44-year-old successful professional woman - happily married to an amazing man and blessed to be surrounded by a loving family. Recently, my "casual" drinking that I have hidden all these years started to come to fruition. The "casual" drinker that I was in my early 20's (not counting the binge nights in college that I told myself were normal because I did not get hurt, arrested, or get in other sorts of trouble) snowballed into full blown alcohol dependency by my late 30's to be honest. I started to feel insanely anxious and shaky in the AM. It was embarrassing, so I had a glass of wine at 830AM, and the feeling went away. Next thing you know, I was only focused on how I could manage to get wine without anyone knowing because they would think that I am an alcoholic. I made plans around alcohol so that other people would be drinking as well socially. So, all was normal because others were drinking, right? If it is normal.. and so is drinking… it is TOTALLY ok that I am. I would constantly make up these justifications in my head until I needed more wine to feel "normal". So, I started sneaking wine just to have with me - like the thought of not having it was unbearable. Then, I thought it was ok to drink it during the day because I worked better, I socialized better, I could dance better, etc. etc. I am in tears because for the first time in 5 years, I have not put wine first. I wake up not thinking about drinking, I brush my teeth with thoughts of exercise - not "how am I going to sneak alcohol without getting caught", I open the fridge and do not even think about grabbing a bottle of wine or sneaking a glass before anyone can see, I look at my husband with all of my love and not this horrible guilt I used to carry about hiding alcohol. I do not think I would have been able to stop on my own and the thought of going away just was not an option for me. I keep thinking about how I would be an embarrassment. My family, my husband, work... The thought was paralyzing, so I continued to paralyze myself using the "W" word. In a social setting, I ordered a glass of wine. I did not like it! It was the strangest and most amazing feeling. I am overwhelmed by the fact that this medication has given me the ability to take my life back without having to go physically away. I will be going to therapy because this feeling is so overwhelming. I have so many "why's" ... That said, I am so excited to be present and in control. The wine zombie can suck it! Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

There will be a period of time where you have to get used to the medicine curbing your craving. The habit is still there, but the pay off isn't. So there's an awkward stage. Once you sync up... smooth sailing. This has been a game changer.

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CD | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

Customer service and medical support from Oar has been terrible. Cannot contact my medical support person. Attempted multiple time to contact their customer support people. They said I have to ask them any medical questions and they would pass them on to my medical support person and get back to me with an answer. Been weeks and still havent heard back with an answer.

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Abi | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Prevention of Opiate Drug Abuse
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Words do not describe how grateful I am for the existence of this medication, it saved my life. Former heavy fentanyl addict here who seemed like a lost cause & I now have nearly 6 months clean for the first time in my life. After getting my first injection I went to rehab not wanting to get clean but was open to the idea, by the end I wanted to give it a try. then I did sober living, php then iop outpatient treatment. which was important bc this medication is not a replacement for treatment and I still attend NA meetings. Suboxone never worked for me bc I would quit it be able to use in 24 hours , I needed to not be able to to quit it and use whenever I wanted and it blocks my cravings more effectively aswell and deals with paws symptoms. At the end of the month I take oral naltrexone on top if I’m experiencing cravings. And recently I have broken my nicotine and weed habit aswell , bc I simply got bored of it (I can’t believe it either). I think this medication definitely helps with cravings for other drugs aswell and I am its #1 fan. THANKYOU Read More Read Less

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Sasha | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I was prescribed these meds by OAR Health. I had a lint of side effects, dizzy, nausea, no appetite, yet didn’t take away urge to drink. If you use OAR Health they won’t help you with anything else. Don’t mistake the company with an online company that will help you beyond the one prescription. Definitely best to go to a Dr or find real help in case it doesn’t work for you. $170 wasted

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Hk | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I got in the habit of nightly wine drinking to relax (1/2 bottle to 3/4 of a bottle a night) so my MD prescribed this to help me break the habit. I took 25mg the first day and felt totally foggy and spaced out and that evening had panic attacks, extreme anxiety and couldn’t sleep. I also could tell it does affect appetite because I didn’t enjoy any food, I guess that can be good to lose weight but frankly don’t want to live life not enjoying things. I will not take this medication again mainly due to the extreme anxiety from it. I hope it helps others but it is not for me. Read More Read Less

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M K | 65-74 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I'm a 70 y/o Vet and successful business owner. After years of civilian GPs and 2 Psycs I finally went to see a Vet Psychiatrist at the VA Hospital. We talked openly. He asked me if I knew about Sinclair or Modified Sinclair. I had no idea. He explained the program. I was a 5-7pm daily drinker since after boot camp. My drink was Vodka put away 375ml or a bit more every evening. Didn't drink weekdays or weekends unless it was 5pm. He took a lot of time to discuss in-patient detox and or how to do home detox but it's vital to have someone around and know the symptoms of detoxing. In my case I would have to have an alcoholic drink while I detox. Im a former Corpsman and worked on the Psych ward many years ago. I have seen many Vets go through Detox. I also experienced it once myself. It is frightening, dangerous and even when mild the night sweats, lucid dream restless legs, aching joints, insomnia, nausea, fear and anxiety can be dangerous, scary beyond belief and result in seizures and death. PLEASE DO NOT GO COLD TURKEY on your own. That is very dangerous. I spent 10days weaning myself off alcohol. Though I did not feel like drinking once I started the Naltrexone I did forced myself in order to wean myself off the alcohol dependency. I cut back a little every day. In the past I tried surrendering to AA but in AA cutting back was not an option, meds were frowned upon and this process would be considered a failure and relapse. Not knocking AA it just wasn't for me but maybe it is still the best choice for others. Using this method I am feeling successful and achieving milestone results. So after the 5th day I felt the detox symptoms (not adverse reaction to the med) was over and I cut back a little faster. I now drink one small glass of wine with dinner and tonight I will probably not have any wine. If I do I am sure I wont have more. I no longer feel like the monster has me, no longer chase the buzz, or feel a need to self medicate (go numb). For me it is easier to stay on the pill and attend support where others understand sometimes medication helps where other programs may not. I like the science of this and plan to stay with Naltrexone that would be a relapse for me giving up the medication. It is only 10 days but having tried other methods I am encouraged with this approach and the medicine does exactly what it advertises to do - kill the craving to chase the buzz. I did experience a reduction in sexual desire about a week and some diarrhea 4 days initially but those symptoms went away. With the drinking my Dr. asked me why use will power against your disease? What's the difference if using medication it takes you 2 week or a month to quit alcohol or drink responsibly. Make it a reachable goal. So far so good. Hope I can write a review at the end of next year with the same positive results.Read More Read Less

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theman89 | 25-34 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I was a binge drinker, drinking 2-3 times a week, heavily, mostly blackout drunk. I would keep trying to stop drinking, and I'd relapse usually after 4 days, with the odd occasion making it to 2-3 weeks. I finally got the courage to go to the doctor and ask for help, and after insisting on I needed some medical help he prescribed me this drug. That night I got home, and I got drunk for "the last time"......that next day I started taking naltrexone and I never looked back, the drug made IT EASY. I no longer felt like drinking AT ALL. Every day passed, and I never craved alcohol. I felt like I had to use virtually ZERO willpower. My thoughts of drinking were replaced with thoughts about how I would normally be thinking about wanting to drink alcohol, but now I’m not. The side effects I had for the first week included feeling nausea about 1 hour after swallowing the pill, but that cleared pretty quickly. I also had this bizarre feeling in my head, its quite hard to describe; I felt off a little bit, but it didn't stop me from doing anything. I think it killed my sex drive a bit, it does make orgasms seem kind of pointless. That was about it, those symptoms passed after about 7-10 days and taking the pill was just a habit. IT FELT LIFE-CHANGING. I was on here reading all these reviews and showing my family, it honestly sounded too good to be true and I took them with a healthy amount of scepticism, but I was truly blown away by how easy this drug made it to quit drinking. I stopped taking the drug after about 5 weeks. I could tell I didn’t need it, and there were no side effects from stopping. There was a few days that I could sense just a tiny amount of me feeling like a drink so I took a pill and that went away very quickly. Recently I just made it to 3 months sober. I had a major event, and I had my first drink, I had a special gathering and took a pill before going. I had 5 beers and couldn’t continue, and even the 4th and 5th ones were really hard to finish (They weren’t even enjoyable really). I had never had five beers and just stopped before (usually 15+). I went to sleep like normal and woke up without a hungover (this happened last night, I’m writing this review the same day). I thought I would be disappointed that I broke my 3 months of sobriety, however, I am experiencing the opposite, I am really happy that I drank responsibly and it didn't come forced. Game-Changing. Honesty this drug is amazing, and anyone that struggles with drinking should consider this. I don’t think many people realise how effective this treatment can be. PS - Lots of the negative reviews on here are from Opioid users so be sure to take that into your consideration.Read More Read Less

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MarkH | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I was a daily drinker, snd have been for 15 years. I would go after work for a "late lunch" at least 3 times a week and could easily have 4 pints of an IPA and be pleasantly buzzed. I would go home, crack open a bottle of wine and polish it hrough the course of the evening. If I didn't drink during the day, I drank even more at night. There were virtually no days I didn't touch a type of alcohol. I don't smoke cigarettes. I occasionally partake in cannabis (edibles or the drinks). I am on day 3 of Naltrexone 50 mg. All I can say is wow. It does exactly what it says it will do. First day i took one around 4PM on an empty stomach, an hour before getting home. I got home and immediately (out of habit) cracked a bottle of wine. I had two glasses. Nothing. No warm feeling, no buzz, no feeling of euphoria. I stopped. Had dinner and felt just off. Hard to explain the feelings, but I was just out if it. I felt slightly nauseous, stomach felt tight. I went to bed tossed and turned and eventually got about an hours sleep. I felt anxious and would shake each I woke up. It took forever to get back asleep. Next day i got out of bed, went to work feeling groggy, but got through the morning with zero issues. Took my second pill around 1PM and went for a late lunch with a colleague. I was hungry, but at the same time I wasn't (hard to explain). I told him I was trying Naltrexone out. I drank my first pint and ordered some wings. I sipped my way through it (30 mins to finish it). Ate my wings, had a second pint. Again, I sipped it. My colleague lapped me and had his third (he's not a heavy drinker usually). I finished mine just before he finished his. Bartender asked if I wanted another.. "no thanks, just the bill". I could have easily ordered another, but why? I had no buzz, no desire for my third. Drive home I was agitated, very tired and nauseous. Got home and just flopped on the couch for sn hour, completely our of it. Not sure if it was due to lack of sleep, withdrawal, the Naltrexone or all three. No real appetite for dinner but made some tacos for the wife and kids. Had three, but one would have satisfied my appetite. No desire for any alcohol, zero. Wild. Fell asleep early because I was so tired. Woke up a couple times with that anxious feeling, knots in my stomach, nauseous. Its now 4 AM, and I'm writing this wide awake. Keep in mind, I was never a good sleeper, often waking up several times a night. It's just the joltness and anxiety that are different. I'm feeling better now. Going to get ready for work and see where tonight takes me. It's Friday, so it will be a good test. Gonna try abstaining completely tonight. This is not a miracle drug imo. It doesn't curb my desire for a drink. The fact that having a drink is pointless now (no buzz) is what makes it work. The side effects aren't great, but tolerable. I believe I just have to break the habit of my daily ritual. Instead of reaching for a bottle of wine, I grab water or pop. Well, at least that's the plan. They say mind over matter, and combined with Naltrexone, I believe I can do it. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

It does not say anything on the website about side effects that are harmful as I got a full body rash that took a month to get rid of from going to the doctors and taking skin grafts to find out what it was from and it is from this medication do not recommend it

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