I am currently back on Synthroid, and I'm having so much trouble tolerating it, once again.
Not my first time on Synthroid, but I've been on so many of the other thyroid drugs (both
synthetic & natural), and none of them work right on me. So, I end up on things that have
failed me, over and over. We adjust doses, etc, but it still doesn't work right. And I must have
some sort of thyroid-replacement medicine, as I don't have much gland functioning due to
RAI for Graves' Disease, when I was eleven and twelve (back in 1975-76). The sad thing
about Synthroid is there used to be a different version of it, which they stopped making in
1982-83, just to be "cost-effective" according to one thyroid professor at UC San Diego Med
School that I went to....and the old stuff worked so much better on me. Nothing has helped
right, since. All these drugs now tend to give me symptoms of hyper and hypothyroid at the
same time, and this current version of Synthroid is no different. That's why I'm up so early
this morning, not sleeping well (again) and getting bad nightmares, which seem to go away
if I go off Synthroid for a day or two...but come back when I return to it, even at a lower dose.
Current version of Synthroid also seems to be raising my blood pressure too much....I will
have to keep lowering the dose, even though labs say I need more medicine. I just can't
handle it. Also can get heart-pounding; too much nervousness; depression; very dry and
coarse hair; too much swelling; eye problems; appetite is off; too cold, generally. It is horrible
to have to go through such a time, every day, and then see the symptoms get "magically"
improved if I go off the medicine for a day or two...but I know I'm doomed to have to be on
something, because of my lack of functioning thyroid gland. I'm happy for those on here who
write that Synthroid really helps them. I remember that feeling, from how the Old Synthroid
used to help me, before 1982. But the Newer versions of Synthroid since that time (and all
the other thyroid drugs I've been on) do NOT help me like that; they hurt me in many ways,
no matter the dose. And that's an incredibly hard thing to deal with....I shouldn't have to; and
neither should the rest of us who don't have a useful drug for us, that really works. It's one
of the reasons I started a petition to get better treatment for thyroid patients. Don't know if
they'll let me post a link to it, but it's here https://www.change.org/ThyoidBetterTreatment
If link doesn't work, google "Thyroid Patients Need Better Treatment Now" and it's on
the petition platform called Change dot Org (the dot is a real period, when you type it)
I mainly started it in memory of my brother, who didn't get his thyroid trouble caught early enough
and treated well enough. I'm trying to get the White House to help us with better drugs, better
and earlier testing for thyroid problems, etc. People like me need help, too, and I know others
could use better meds or maybe some innovative treatments to help us. Thanks for reading,
and for maybe signing & sharing my petition. I will be skipping most, if not all of my Synthroid
today....and yes, my doctor knows my situation. He doesn't seem to be able to do much for it. Read More Read Less