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2.4 Overall Rating


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This medication saved my life. I was unconscious and not breathing due to a drug overdose and the fire dept. gave me this drug to bring me out of it. It worked in seconds and I felt 100% fine when everything was over with no side effects. This experience changed my life and I have not used drugs since then. I honestly owe my life to this drug and the firemen that gave it to me.

Most voted negative review

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kllhepsrb | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I was given this and when I say it put me in hell, that is an understatement. I remember thinking this is what hell feels like. I felt like I got injected with a brick of meth. My whole body was just WIRED, my lungs were just breathing insanely fast. I became insanely disoriented and confused, and then it felt like ice just ran through my veins. I jumped in the shower with my clothes on cause I was so disoriented, I couldn't even take them off. I was so cold, I laid down on the floor and wrapped towels around me. I laid there thrashing and just being in pure hell. Then I just insanely started shitting myself. And then came profuse vomitting. At one point, I lost all function of my body. I couldn't move my arms or my body. My lungs stopped working. I felt myself fade away, I felt the last of my bowels go, and I laid there, knowing I was dying. All of a sudden, it was like my lungs just jolted and I took in a breath. I screamed for my mom to go call 911. When the emts got there, every single time they would uncover me, I would scream cause I was so cold. They said my skin had already gone cold. Because I was on methadone, it put me in immediate withdrawals. They say you can't die from it, but I know that I was literally within an inch of my life. My head still feels very funny 2 days later. Read More Read Less

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charmaine | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Caregiver
Condition: Toxic Amount of Narcotics in the Body
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

this drug should be reported to the FDA and who ever else can bann this drug. If that is "if" you have an opiod overdose it may save your life. But there is alot of people on this review who should'nt have had it.PLEASE all of you report this to the FDA, the doctors 90% of the time NEVER report it. We are the human guinea pigs in this day and time. please protect the ones you love and others who dont deserve this drug. Only we can speak up (after its too late), I play it safe & dont take any drugs that are newer than 15 years old or more. educate yourselves. alot of DR.'S do not know the side effects. beware!!educate yourselves. I have a family member that had narcan and it is as horrible as everyone states. please remember to report ALL bad drugs to the FDA.Read More Read Less

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NorHumDan | 35-44 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Caregiver
Condition: Toxic Amount of Narcotics in the Body
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I picked up a kit from a needle exchange clinic and kept it on hand just in case, good thing! After my buddy and I had been doing quite a bit of coke and heroin I found him unconscious with blue lips on my couch. After repeated attempts to wake him, giving him mouth to mouth, I was unable to revive him. His lips had returned to normal color from my breathing for him, but still he would not breath on his own. I was afraid to check his pulse but once I did, I was relieved that his heart WAS beating. I got out my narcan kit, figured out how to assemble the syringe/cartridge, pulled down the back of his pants and stuck the huge needle into one of his cheeks. I was SO hoping for him to wake up immediately and spring to life but he did nothing! I smacked him around a bit, and I'll never forget, he reached up and scratched his eyebrow then opened his eyes and said "did it happen again?". OMG, I was so relieved! The narcan did the trick! I am SO GLAD I HAD IT! Thank god for needle exchange clinics providing this kit! My only complaint MIGHT be that the rig was somewhat difficult to assemble. It had a rotating cylinder with the drug that needed to be threaded into the syringe barrel. I had to remove several caps in the process. The needle on the kit was HUGE, I actually said "you are going to hate me for this tomorrow" or something like that before stabbing the huge needle into the muscle of his butt cheek. No joke, this review is for real. Pat, you owe me!Read More Read Less

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missy | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

found out i was pregnant after being given narcan ,what can happen to my baby

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MerckManual | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I was given this medication by EMS without any prior use of any narcotic drug (or drugs prescription or other). I ended up in Critic Intensive Care on a ventilator with damage to my heart, kidneys and and the problem or critial illness was ARDS. THIS DRUG SHOULD BE BANNED FOR ANY AND ALL USES. ALSO, IDIOTS WHO PROFESS TO HAVE MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE SHOULD BE GIVEN THIS DRUG AS TRAINING! I WAS ONLY GIVEN THE DRUG ONE 6 HOUR PERIOD.

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Deborah | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Decrease in Rate & Depth of Breathing due to Opioid Drug
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

It brought me out of a "Overdose" error, given by EMT personnel. Had they not given me the injection, I probably would have died. It saved my life.

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SandraTau | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I had the stomach flu for ten days....they asked me if I was on any meds when they saw me with a leg brace and a walker... at the time I had been taking prescribed meds for multiple back surgeries which left me partially paralyzed and with permanent nerve damage. I also had two meds for high blood pressure. I was taking Ms contin 30mg twice a day and neurontin and 10 mg of percocet once or twice a day for breakthrough pain. Big mistake. As an Emt and a nurse myself, I knew once they started the IV fluids I would start feeling better which I did, until without the ER doctors order, they drew up the narcan, which I strongly told them NOT to give me that drug, because In the last ten tens with the flu, not only had I NOT taken an EXTRA dose, but that I hadn't been able to keep my meds down. My heart rate accelerated, my throat began to close, I told them before I started to lose consciousness,I couldn't breath. They did not have the counteractive drug on board so they radioed another ambulance and thank God there was one right behind us as well as my husband. When the ambulance stopped, my husband followed the other ambulance personnel and found them doing CPR and intubating me. I felt my body let go.. body fluids, etc.. I saw them working on me, I heard what they were saying and as they reversed what they did...I felt the most immense pain and started struggling with the tube in my throat. All of this because I decided to fight against the effect of the virus so that I could go to my daughters wedding and reception. I was weak and severely dehydrated and passed out at the reception. And my family called an ambulance. I was coherant when they arrived. Two of my family members who were both paramedics said I was dehydrated and was in need of fluids. My husband and I told them the same. I could have sued. But I did not, however, I demanded that the paramedics and Emts from that service be trained in the administration of Narcan. To have a Doctors ORDER!!Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Toxic Amount of Narcotics in the Body
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I am an ex-heroin addict and several years ago after injecting a large amount of the drug I went unconscious and stopped breathing. After several attempts to revive me I was taken to the er where they administered a shot of Narcan. I woke up shortly after disoriented and unaware of what happened. The whole ordeal only lasted about 30 minutes. Although I have read some bad stories about people who were given this drug it actually saved my life and I wouldn't be here today if i hadn't got it.

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Anonymous | 35-44 | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Toxic Amount of Narcotics in the Body
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use
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NARCAN INJ | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

i was admitted thru the er because they thought i may be having a heart attack. it was not, but they mistakingly thought later on the next day that i had drug toxcicity for some reason. THIS DRUG ALMOST KILLED ME. IT SHOULD BE OUTLAWED NEVER AGAIN WILL I LET ANYONE GIVE ME THISL

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kdawgz | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Toxic Amount of Narcotics in the Body
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

After the hospital staff administered a toxic amount of pain medication (Kadian & Dilaudid) in error, they administered Narcan to me..... I hate the feeling that I experienced...fearful that I was dying, felt out of control and like I was going crazy. The hospital staff was in error and I almost died from an overdose given to me by incompetent medical staff. Always, verify the drugs you are being given.

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winnie | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I have suffered from severe hypoglycemia for well over a year. I have had several cases of hypoglycemic coma which I came thru with D-50 or oral glucose gel. Unfortunately, my most recent case was severe enough to call an ambulance at my work where I passed out. As a far side note, I also gave suffered from severe migraine h/a since a was a small child. The most rercent migraine was 3 days prior to the hypo coma. The EMT's revived me enough with the glucose to be coherant although somewhat combative, which is completely normal with hypo coma. They still were convinced my problem was an opiod OD and insisted on intravenous Narcan. Needless to say, I almost died AGAIN enroute to the ER. I take one abortive drug when I have a migraine and that is it. That drug is Nucynta which is contraindicated with Narcan!! Train the EMT's prior to use of this drug. Oh and by the way, I work in a medical office, have 25 years or medical training and could have prevented this whole incident had the EMT simply talked to me rationally. NOT A FAN OF NARCAN!!! Read More Read Less

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korkey541 | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Easy use with inj in IV...everything else rates NO stars if that were an option! My husband and I were in our car, having just left the doc office. I had been fasting for tests, so nothing to eat and it was 2pm. We were looking for a place to eat and as he was driving, he said I dropped my purse and went limp. He could not wake me so he went straight to ER. Being type 2 diabetic, they thought low blood sugar, but it was 97. They asked my husband what meds I was on. I have been on morphine sulfate 30mg 3x per day, and hydrocode 10/500 up to 4x per day (most days 3 needed) pain management after having had multiple back surgeries and neck fusion after an accident in 2003. ER doctor quickly decided I had narcotic intoxication and kept asking us if I had taken an extra dose. We repeatedly said I had not, however, the doc insisted that when we got home we would find a dose missing. (This was NOT the case when we got home.) I keep my pain meds in a daily dosage pill container, so it is easy to see if I have missed a dose or taken a dose. Nevertheless, the doctor gave me an inj of this Narcan which immediately sent me into orbit. I was thrashing in the bed and trying to get off the bed to climb the walls! My hips were on fire where I have so much nerve pain...and down the backs of my legs. I repeatedly begged them to make it stop. Being a Christian, I prayed for it to stop. I have never had anything so horribly painful. It eventually subsided, but not completely. It has now been 5 days since this happened and I still feel it down in my hips and legs. I continue to take my pain meds as scheduled, but they don't seem to control the pain as they did before this happened. I have another doctor appointment this week to determine what to do next. I also have a large herniated disk and I am trying to avoid another surgery, so the physical thrashing around aggravated that even more. Note: Don't let ER give this to you if you KNOW you did NOT take extra meds! Read More Read Less

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Mema | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Decrease in Rate & Depth of Breathing due to Opioid Drug
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I woke up, went into the kitchen and told my daughter I was not feeling well. I told her I took my morning dose of Morphene (for DDD) and then I abruptly passed out. She called 911 and the ER doctor game me the narcam (which I don't remember getting) and then I heard this loud noise and then I came back into consciousness and began immediately vomiting and again passed out. I have had 82 surgeries and have been on pain medication for over 40 years. The ER doctor stated that my opiate level was not elevated and that I was not overdosing, but for some reason my breathing stopped, so they used the Narcam. I believe in my case, it was necessary to use this medication, but not because of too much medication, but for the reaction my body was having, no matter what I was taking. I believe this medication saved my life and that the ER doctor used his best judgement in injecting it in me. I have read some of the other comments and I feel bad for all of those people with bad reactions, but I just wanted others to know that I guess sometimes it does help. I am stil on the same medications and have never had any other problems.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 55-64 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

My husband went to wake me onemorning only to find I was unconsious.He called 911 where I was brought to the er and given narcan.They assumed accidental overdose.I was on a vent for 4 days then ccu for 4 days. I have been on morphine sulfate for 9 yrs, the gave me the drug which you can never ever give to someonewho has been on those narcotics for yrs causing severe withdrawls right away. I almost died, please know what your giving a pt before you give it.

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lisa0116 | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I awoke to a kitchen full of EMT's. I take serguel 300mg for sleep. The serquel kicked in while I was in the kitchen and I fell to floor in a deep sleep, my daughter found me on the floor and couldn't wake me up, she called 911 and they couldn't wake me up either, so they gave me a shot of narcan, it woke me up right away, but had my head buzzing like crazy and made me extremely nausea. I told them as soon as I woke up it was the serquel. I was given an IV for the nausea which I needed badly because of the shot.Read More Read Less

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karmakid | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Toxic Amount of Narcotics in the Body
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

I was given this drug when I went in for a routine colonosopy and was given too much medication, I am on a Fentanyl patch for extreme back pain. The surgery center released me two hours later to my young daughter who was horrified I didn't know who she was, she took me right to the ER where they monitored my withdrawal from the medication, I spent another 9 hours of hell, slipping in and out of consciousness. Doctors obviously need to learn more about this drug before administering to patients on Fentanyl.Read More Read Less

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BJ | 65-74 | Female | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I have sleep apnea.My breathing went down to 67. My son called 911, aid car. They said I was not awake. I was wide awake knew every thing happening. They said I had anoverdose of narcodics.I had gotout of the hosp.After surgery at 6pm the nurse gave me 2 percoset. I have taken 5mg of Methodone 5x a day,for Fibromialgia & Lupis.I have taken this for several years. I took 1 5 mg tab at about 10:00. Went to sleep woke up with blue lips. I did not use a cpap machine.The EMT.that was transporting me to the Hosp. gave me intervainous Narcan.Every muscle in my body spasm for about10 seconds each 10 sec. With only my head and butt touching the gerney. They continued to give it to me for about 5 or more hours.I begged to die, My tongue would flap out of my mouth.My daughter at the Hosp. heard the Doctor ask how much he gave me she heard 25 ? The doctor said "why so much".The doctor kept lowering the amount a little at a time.It was about 4 am when they came to get me and 930 am the last time I looked at the clock.I just passed out from it all. Yes I withdrew from my Methadone.after getting out of the hospital but would wind up in the fetal position all my muscles tighting up. I have such terrable aching from my hips past my feet. the only thing that helps is Tramadol.My poor tummy from all of the strain turned black from around my surgery sight down to my pubic bump.Thank God the surgery was not hurt, doc. feels. I wanted to die I begged them to let me die. I am a 67 year old widow going to a pain Clinic and following the contract as expected. I am no drugie.Read More Read Less

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pogo011 | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Caregiver
Condition: Toxic Amount of Narcotics in the Body
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I WILL NOT ENDORSE THIS DRUG IN ANY WAY. My husband had an epileptic seizure that put him in a coma-like sleep. When I got him to the hospital, I informed them of such. They hit him with narcan without regard to what I told them, and without contacting his primary physician. They took it upon themselves to diagnose an overdose. He lay in a full coma for two days. When the tox screen revealed no drugs, the staff physician THEN agreed that it was a seizure. The SECOND time it happened, at a different hospital, the same thing happened. Again, the narcan was given without regard to my telling them he was epileptic. They also ASSUMED it to be an OD. This time, he went into a full coma, and three days later, he died. Again, the tox screen showed no drugs, INCLUDING his epilepsy meds. This alone probably sent him into a coma, as in the first case. First responders are becoming too quick in their diagnoses of drug overdose. They need to take the time to consult with family and primary physicians before administering this dangerous drug. Now, I am without a husband and my son is without a father. HEY, NOT EVERYONE IS A "DRUGGIE". FIRST, DO NO HARM! My husband was only 48 years old.Read More Read Less

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TNBadco | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I went in for an EGD because of acid reflux problems, when it was time to come out of the anesthesia I was given Narcan. What the nurse did not take into account was that I am on opiates due to disc degeneration from a motorcycle accident. I went into convulsions, sweating, uncontrollable shaking my heart was beating through my chest and could not breath very well. But I could hear everything clearly from the nurses desperation to the doctors trying to evalulate the situation.I swear I thought I was going to die without saying goodbye to my wife and daughter. I personally think you need to reiterate to your health care professional if you are on opiates before going under. Thank God it wasn't my time.Read More Read Less

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