My healthy, average weight 31 yr old sister went to the er for possible flu symptoms on 11/30/06 and she has been in and out of the hospital every since. she was ACCIDENTLY given this drug in her iv and she has been on chemo and radiation ever since. I HATE THIS DRUG. IT HAS DESTROYED A YOUNG VIBRANT WOMAN. She is not hiv,not aids,no eye infection,never had ANY TRANSPLANTS, and now she has los...
nursenanook | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Disease caused by Cytomegalovirus Infection
Overall rating 5.0
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I am a liver transplant patient who was donor positive for CMV but recipient negative. 10 months post transplant I became very ill and was hospitalized x 1 week. After tests they found I had CMV and started me on Gancyclovir. My viral load started at 40,000 and in a week it was down to 22,000, the next week 5000 and this week I am negative.
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[email protected] | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Caregiver
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
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My healthy, average weight 31 yr old sister went to the er for possible flu symptoms on 11/30/06 and she has been in and out of the hospital every since. she was ACCIDENTLY given this drug in her iv and she has been on chemo and radiation ever since. I HATE THIS DRUG. IT HAS DESTROYED A YOUNG VIBRANT WOMAN. She is not hiv,not aids,no eye infection,never had ANY TRANSPLANTS, and now she has lost everything due to negelect of a practicing nurse at Mt Carmel East in Columbus OHio. I will be doing further research to get this drug taken off the market. I can't lose my sister. The doctors say she doesnt have ANY TYPE OF CANCER; SO WHY DOES SHE KEEP GETTING CHEMO? AGAIN I HATE THIS DRUG.Read More Read Less
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