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I had plantar warts for 25 years, nothing would work, I had them cut out, lasered out, acid treatments. The doctors didn't know what to do next. I knew it was an immune problem so did some research of my own in a natural healing book. I began taking 'time released Vitamin C' in high dosages. 3500 mg a day along a vitamin B tablet. With in 6 months they were completely gone. I can walk normal again...

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sue | 75 or over | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Inadequate Vitamin C
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

The bottle of Vitamin C with Rose Hip had 90 chewable tablets. When I started taking then I noticed my stool was getting loose. So I took pills to stop the flow. But after taking more than 50 out of the 90 tablets I still was having diarrhea everyday. Then I looked up Rose Hip to see if there were any side effects. Yes Diarrhea was #1 listed!! I STOPPED taking Vitamin C with Rose Hip immediately!! So far no diarrhea and my stool is now back to where it should be. Never thought a little thing like an added Vitamin could cause me 50 days of diarrhea. Please check if something else is added to your vitamins. Thank You Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years |
Condition: Alcaptonuria
Overall rating 5.0
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PLANTAR WART HEALER | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I had plantar warts for 25 years, nothing would work, I had them cut out, lasered out, acid treatments. The doctors didn't know what to do next. I knew it was an immune problem so did some research of my own in a natural healing book. I began taking 'time released Vitamin C' in high dosages. 3500 mg a day along a vitamin B tablet. With in 6 months they were completely gone. I can walk normal again for the first time in 25 years. I must have built up enough immunity to kill the virus I don't know, I'm not a doctor but I found the solution myself when all the other doctors threw up thier hands. REMEMBER: MASS DOSAGES OF VITAMIN C WILL KILL THE PLANTAR WART VIRUS, MINE WAS THE SIZE OF A HALF DOLLAR, IT WAS GROSS. NOW ITS GONE. GOOD LUCKRead More Read Less

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