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4.4 Overall Rating


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68 People found this comment helpful

Dr cycles me on for 5 days and off for 2 days. It keeps your body from building up a tolerance to the medication. Take a month break every few months along with cycling on/off each week. Lost 77 lbs, kept it off during the month long breaks. I have 30 more lbs to loose, eating low carb and calorie, healthy fats and lean protein. Exercise 4 times a week.

Most voted negative review

24 People found this comment helpful

i have not tried this medication yet

Shared reviews and ratings

Michelle | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have used this drug for almost two months I have lost 13.6 pounds , the only side effect I have had has been a dry mouth . I have been watched by my doctor and this drug has been helping me . May not be for everyone , but for me its has been working !

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Anonymous | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Overweight
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

Took this for two months. Followed healthy eating habits. Exercised regularly. Gained ten pounds.

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Anonymous | 55-64 | Female | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

While taking Phentermine given to me by a Weight Loss MD and Internist in 2009, I lost a lot of weight. I felt manic and like I was taking psychidelic drugs. My energy was boundless. I began jogging, fractured a disc and had surgery. 1 month later I became sick suddenly, with dark urine, vomiting and rigors. I ended up hospitalized with idiopathic bilateral pulmonary embolisms, my liver was a mess and I was scanned for liver and pancreatic cancer. I now am Diabetic. DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DIE!!!!Read More Read Less

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Marie | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for Overweight Person with BMI 27 to 29 and Weight-Related Comorbidity
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I started out taking a half because I know that I’m drug sensitive and I have to admit I was a bit dizzy very thirsty and did not sleep for the first week it definitely stopped my appetite and I had to make sure that I ate enough I did take a full pill and I was pretty dizzy and it’s funny that this does play with your body temperature. I’ve been on at six weeks I’ve lost about 10 pounds it seems a little slow but I guess it came on slow so it would seem that it should go off slow. I’ve read reviews that some people lose so much more than what I have. I still only take a half a pill I think that’s good enough but I have to admit I almost stopped taking it after the first week because I did not like the side effects. I can see how people would get increase blood pressure because it is like speed I still don’t sleep a full night. And if you drink any alcohol it definitely intensifies. Plus you don’t have a full stomach so the next morning tends to not be so great therefore I just don’t drink too much these days. I do get cravings every once in a while but I do eat much less of everything. Less times a day and smaller portions. I definitely do not love this drug however I wanna lose weight but I’m not going to jeopardize my health I’ve been paying attention to my heart rate and all of that and if I think at all that I need to stop taking this I certainly will. When I was reading the reviews the first week I panicked and I almost quit it. I will not increase to the full dose of the 37.5. I may even stop taking this on the weekend just to give my body a bit of a break maybe I will get a full night sleep on those days and that will be better for my system. Read More Read Less

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Kelly Gilmer | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Overweight
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Very satisfied with the first prescription I was getting until the pharmacy changed my pill Beware in the difference in the pills the pill with K-25 did not work at all it was a white pill with two blue specs and some had no spec From KVK/tech pharmaceutical the pill from sunrise pharmaceutical that was white with several blue specs and N-4 on it worked wonderful My pharmacy changed it on me BEWARE IF THAT I was not happy. If you get the right pill it’s works great! 40 pounds down in 4 months Read More Read Less

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JMF | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

This medication has helped control my appetite and has given me energy. I am taking this medication in conjunction with a low-calorie diet. I am averaging a weight loss of 1.5 lbs per week. After taking the medication for about three weeks I found myself getting a bit irritable. I now take this medication Monday through Saturday. I have found this has helped with my mood. I am a 66-year-old female, 5' 6", and weighed 198 lbs. - BMI - 32 Obese. After one month I am down to 183 - BMI -29.5 Overweight. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Gain
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I started taking Adipex Jan 2023. Because I started gaining weight from all my iron infusions. I am 5’7” and 219. It’s been a month today and I am at 198. I cut out all my sugar. Take the pill at 5 am everyday before work. My schedule is from 9-5 so after 5 I fast till 9 the next day. This medicine has really worked for me.

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Bikerdude13 | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for Overweight Person with BMI 27 to 29 and Weight-Related Comorbidity
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I lost 110 pounds with the use of adipex and exercise. I made a attempt at eating better and I was more successful than I ever expected. I am even better now that I was then and lost 30 more pounds over the years. My doctor had a problem with taking too long and I stopped for a few months. Starting again to make it a better experience.

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GE | 55-64 | Female | Patient
Condition: Adjunct Treatment of Obesity in a Comprehensive Weight Reduction Regimen
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

My experience is like most reported. POSITIVE!! When I started, I was desperate. I am a Caucasian female. I'm 63 yrs old 5'2" at 220 lbs with high b/p and cholesterol/triglycerides issues. On meds for them but inherited the cholesterol thing. B/p I feel was just as my knee pain, hip and lower back... IT WAS BEING OBESE!!! Obesity causes a lot of issues and they all negative. I am now 191 lbs. I am very happy where this is going. I feel great! I only take 1/2 tablet every morning before my coffee and breakfast. I do watch what I eat but I'm not killing myself over it. If I want sweets, I allow myself that treat once a week! I drink mainly water. (That was a hard thing to adjust too but, it's better for you.) I try to eat three times a day. Before it was only one time (supper). I try not to eat after 7pm. It's an adjustment and lifestyle change. I took Vit B-12 shots and I have NEVER FELT BETTER! I'm taking it slow. My cholesterol (good and bad) are perfect now. My b/p got used to the meds (this is why I only take 1/2 a day). My goal was under 200. Now my goal is under 190. Next will be under 180. I didn't put it on over night. It won't be over night when it comes off. I want to take time and go through this journey where I never want to deal with it again!!! Good luck to everyone on it or thinking about it. Please do use common sense and don't abuse it. -Thanks for reading!Read More Read Less

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Wowwed29 | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Overweight
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Ive been on Adipex 7 days now and lost 9lbs 5 days in cant wait to see where im at in a month.

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destiny | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

i am 20, 5’6.. weighed 228 02-15-22 (my heaviest). i’ve been having a lot of health issues with no lab results to show the problem. (my period stopped for 5mo, got checked & no pcos) my doctor asked if i wanted to try to lose weight to see if it’ll help. (i have gained 55lbs in 2 years). so i told her i wanted to get back to where i was (155). she recommended adipex. i started taking them march 15. it is now april 6, & am 204lbs.. my goal is to lose 30 this month (i’m 24 now), 15 in may, 15 in june. i forget to eat most days (just call it fasting ig) i workout every weekday in the mornings, i don’t eat breakfast, & eat SMALL portions for lunch & dinner. i take the pill at 6:30am. you’re not hungry at all so u might only eat once a day. DRINK ONKY WATER. i have only drank water for 3 months now & i can’t even stand the taste of soda now. only side effects i’ve had is headaches, back pain, & dry mouth. haven’t had a problem with sleeping. just make sure u take it in the mornings & i recommend taking only half for the first week or you’ll feel so high ??Read More Read Less

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MiMi | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Overweight
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I’ve taken Adipex a few years ago and lost gradually with diet and intense exercise. It definitely raised my heart rate so my Dr monitored me once a month for a whole year because I had high blood pressure but under control. The Adipex definitely helped but I had to put in the work! .Side effects were tolerable but drug was costly. After 1yr of hard work exercising, 1/2 the amount of eating, and persistent weight loss, my total weight loss was 97 lbs! It was a life changer and was worth it. However, once I’ve stopped taking them because I reached my goal at 130 lbs the weight slowly crept back up. Sadly as I got a little older and health challenges came, it was hard to keep off. I’d like to try again but with high blood pressure it’s a risk. Take my advice, if you’re going to try it, make sure you monitor your blood pressure regularly no matter what it is! It’s not worth risking your heart Read More Read Less

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aswarrior | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I have been on generic Phentermine for a week now. Seems fast to write a review, but I’ll tell you why I’m already sharing. I have an autoimmune disease that causes chronic pain and inflammation in my spine and hips, making it nearly impossible to lose weight as exercise is quite painful including stretching, and inflammation fights weight loss. I have tried every diet and any other person would be losing weight at a healthy pace but I was not. Doc put me on this with hopes it would kickstart my weight loss and also help with side effects of having chronic pain. I can’t give it five stars yet because I haven’t been on it long. I also have high BP due to my condition, but it is managed with diet and medicine. I was initially concerned with anxiety and tachycardia side effects, so we agreed that I would start on half a 37.5mg pill until I was comfortable. So far I do have increased heart rate, especially when I do not eat or eat balanced. Staying away from caffeine or high sugar foods and monitoring my heart with my Apple Watch I have felt comfortable with my numbers. I have no trouble sleeping though I take the pill around 1030 everyday (though I also do not react to sedatives, there is a chance I do not react to stimulants either). I haven’t noticed dry mouth but I am a person that always has a beverage anyway. No anxiety or jitteriness. That said, I have already dry lost 10 lbs. i started at 5’11” 338.6 and this morning I am 328.6. I haven’t seen my weight below 330 no matter how hard I tried in a very long time. I do not have random cravings anymore. I feel full faster, and sometimes I have to have loved ones remind me to eat or if my heart rate is too high I grab a snack so my body has something to burn off and that seems to steady it back down. I’m hoping to keep these results going and will probably stay on half a pill until I start to slow down/plateau and start on a whole pill. Have a follow up with the doc in a month to go over a long(er) term plan if we’re both happy with where I’m at by then. If you’re like me and seem to be stuck I say at least give this a try. Don’t let the POTENTIAL of side effects scare you away from what could be potentially life changing. Good luck!!Read More Read Less

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Jane | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Overweight
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I was recommended the Adipex Genericum and it helped me so much. I couldn´t lose weight after I graduated. I started taking it five months ago, took a break in december, because of the holiday and everything. For my surprise even though I haven´t been active lately I managed not to gain the weight, that I lost during the three month period when I was taking it. It helped me lose 25 pounds and now I´m finally happy with my appearrance. I´m looking forward to start again in march.. the only thing I found difficult was that I had sometimes lost track about the time, so I took it later during the day, but it still worked for me fine.Read More Read Less

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Latasha M | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for Overweight Person with BMI 27 to 29 and Weight-Related Comorbidity
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

This medication did wonders for me. I started off at 238 and Im currently 185. I lost my first 20lbs in three weeks. I would not recommend taking after 8am. This medication will keep you awake and you may experience tachycardia and dry mouth. I like it and am currently on my second round. I am looking to get to 170. I hope this helps anyone thinking of getting it.

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Holly | 35-44 | Other | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Adjunct Treatment of Obesity in a Comprehensive Weight Reduction Regimen
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I started this medication to lose weight because my extra weight was causing knee and foot pain. I started at 176lbs and after 2 1/2 months I am at 156. I have lost 20lbs with this medication along with daily exercise and nutrition. I have no thyroid and had not been able to lose weight before. The down side of this medication has been dry mouth, constipation, insomnia at first, and feeling like I have had too much caffeine.

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Amanda | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Gain
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

Please do not take this if you want to gain all your weight back when you get off of it! I took it for 3 months lost about 10 pounds been off of it for 3 months and have gained 20 … I also had mood swings the whole time being on it . I was so happy to get on it and see if it would work and it didn’t I would not recommend it!

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AG | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Gain
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I am a post menopausal 54 year old. I am not obese, but over the past 4 years had put on about 15 lbs in stomach and breast. The breast weight was becoming uncomfortable. I am active and eat healthy with regular exercise and just could not get any weight off. At 5'4" and 138 lbs my doctor was not crazy about the idea of me taking adipex, but did give me a 3 month dose. I took it and I experienced some side effects of dry mouth, my heart beat was elevated, and I did have trouble sleeping at night. I did change my exercise routine from jogging a mile or so 3-4 days a week to vigorously walking 3.5 miles 3-4 days a week. It did decrease my appetite and I would make sure to eat very healthy foods since I was not eating as much as I used to. I also cut out pretty much all sweets. I kept a calendar tracking my weight daily and would weigh first thing every morning when I get up. Most of the weight loss happened in the first month as I went down 10 lbs. For month 2 I went down another 3.5 lbs. I am not going to take the 3rd months dose at this time and see if I can maintain this weight with continuing to exercise and eat well as I understand that it is not healthy for your heart. I do feel it gave my body a jumpstart that it needed though.Read More Read Less

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Emily | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Overweight
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I started this meditation about a month ago and I weighed 348lbs I went to the doctors 2 days ago and weighed in at the beginning I didn't have some side effects but the more I took the pill it went away. My goal is to get to 220 more would be nice . I work 8 hrs a day and a restaurant manager im always moving . I eat what I want like before I was on it but not as must

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Alkay | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

This medicine worked very well for what it was supposed to do. However, I had quite a few side effects. It really messed with my digestive system rather than only suppressing hunger. Every time I had more than a banana or a few peanut butter crackers, I would have horrible stomach cramps, use the bathroom too much or not be able to at all, and I was very nauseous, especially towards the end of the day. I had to stay on Zofran or another nausea medicine to make it through the day. I also experienced insomnia. Works great for what it is supposed to do, but the side effects make it not worth it. Hopefully will get on another one to help me lose weight. Also, I hope others don’t have the side effects because they suck. Read More Read Less

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