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3.3 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

24 People found this comment helpful

If it weren't for this amazing drug and neb I'm sure I'd be in the hospital. I get yearly pnemonia & bronchitus(sp)...yes both and each time I "get" to spend time in the ER, plus I have severe Asthma. I've been blessed with a Neb and the medication and it has truly been a Godsend! I just got over both the above issues without any visit to the ER, all due to the Neb & med!! AMAZING!! I've had my Da...

Most voted negative review

5 People found this comment helpful

it help i think but i need to no the side effects from it

Shared reviews and ratings

Chris Murphy | 65-74 | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Emphysema
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

This brand of inhaler is useless. I had to call 911 because the damn things do not work.

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Lupinsucks | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Asthma
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

0 rating. Stops working up to 100 puffs. Cleaning doesn't help. They should not be in business.

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Mike C | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Asthma Attack
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I am a 40 yr old male. I have had asthma since around 7 yrs old. Previously was prescribed Ventolin which worked great. Now my insurance will only cover this type of rescue inhaler. This inhaler is useless. Its right on the same level as Primatene Mist which does not work for me. In fact it makes it worse cause when you take a medicine that doesn't provide relief, it can send you into a panic mode and if you ever had an asthma attack you know that panic can be a really bad situation that might need an emergency visit to the hospital. Insurance companies shouldn't have the power to force a medicine for dealing with something like asthma. Everyone is different so maybe this works for others. Judging by these reviews I don't think it helps many people at all. Just the insurance companies bottom line.Read More Read Less

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B | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Asthma
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Cipla Albuterol Sulfate inhaler is the weakest/worst inhaler I have been prescribed since I was diagnosed with asthma over 40 yrs ago. This stuff won't rescue anyone.

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JC | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Bronchitis
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I spoke to the pharmacist about the ineffectiveness of my recent inhaler which to my surprise was generic. He switched me to the formulary Albuterol. The formulary Albuterol really work with the right amount of pressure needed for release the medication really work. Change to formulary if you want to get better. The little extra cost is worth it!

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Albuterol | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Bronchitis
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

Inhaler does not push out full force strength when trying to inhale, is very poor. After 1 week of use the inhaler was empty. I’m still sick. I finally went back to my old inhaler and it was night and day.

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John | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Asthma
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

The medicine seems to barely make it out of the inhaler-the propellant or force is very weak. Hard to tell if I am getting anything. Does not work well - does not last or work on relieving my asthma. I am a long time -decades- user of Albuterol and this is the worst product I have ever used. Why CVS are you giving us this inferior product.

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Cari | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Asthma
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I’ve had as much for a very long time. The inhaler that I have now is manufactured by CIPLA. It is 90 MCG, and it says it was a dose indicator which there’s no indicator. This medication does not work! I used to use PRO AIR, but they no longer make that one. My doctor is trying to find other ones for me. This is what the Pharmacy gave me a couple of times and it just does not work. It’s not fast acting, it doesn’t open up the airways, it doesn’t stop the wheezing and heavy breathing! I say stay away from this one!Read More Read Less

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Josie | 13-18 | Nonbinary | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Asthma
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

This is the only inhaler I've ever used, so I'm not sure how good it is compared to others. However, I would say that it's not very good. Like other reviews stated, it's quite large and won't fit in some pockets. Instead of helping me breathe after two puffs, it usually only makes me shaky. It's annoying to have to go over the amount I'm supposed to just to be able to breathe. The cap also comes off very frequently so the canister is always filled with dirt and fuzz.

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jeanna | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Emphysema
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I got switched to Cipla albuterol inhaler. This stuff is absolutely useless. I used so many actuations I lost count. Finally got out of bed and used my old inhaler. TWO puffs and I can breathe. What gives?

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Lynn | 35-44 | Female | Patient
Condition: Asthma
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I asked then walgreens pharmacy for my regular blue inhaler and they brought me this ciplo thing without asking. I couldn't feel the medicine, it made my lungs feel over inflated in a scary way and my tongue broke out in blisters. Im so upset, I dont car if I have to pay more, this harmed me! and they have been in trouble for producing defective products. Im going back tomorrow and getting my money back.

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Plumbob | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Emphysema
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

It clogs constantly, I suspect the problem is not with the dispenser itself,but with not enough aerosol in the canister to push the product through the dispenser. Whatever the case, this issue has persisted for years. And inexplicably this inferior and or defective product has a virtual monopoly in this area, how can this be in a supposed free market? The product does work pretty well IF it's not clogged. If it is, let's hope you are near a water source to rinse it. BTW love ya WebMD

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noparticles | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Asthma
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

The cap always falls off... No telling what particles of whatever has reached my lungs! DO better!!!

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Anonymous | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

After 50 puffs it stops working. I had my pharmacy try and they could not get it to work. 3 one this has happened to.

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Rima | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Asthma
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

This is the most ineffective albuterol rescue inhaler I have ever used, in the 20 yrs I’ve been using them. It just really doesn’t work. After taking WAY too many puffs on this, I dug out an expired - yes expired - Pro Air from last year, and that worked right away! It finally helped. But the damage was already done from waiting too long trying to get this new one to work, and I ended up in the ER for a breathing treatment. I pleaded with the pharmacy to give me something else instead of this, and I was told this is the only one they are giving! I am scared for my future, if this is my only option when I get sick. Read More Read Less

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Tina | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Asthma
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I was asthma free for a number of years until the govt started spraying our skies with nano particles of aluminum bring back asthma like symptoms but a lot worse than I had years ago. My insurance won't cover anything other than Albuterol. I had been using the inhaler and nebulizer only making my attacks more often and worse. I am experiencing about 80 of the so-called side effects as in Heart racing and palpitation, vision problems - blurring, kalidescope to the point I am completely blinded, flashing and dark spots, Parkinsons like symptoms as in shaking, leg cramps, insomnia, massive amounts of mucus is constant, unable to think or concentrate due to lack of sleep, 24 hour problems breathing with little relief, coughing/hacking, can't walk 10' without going into attack, I can just be sitting reading and attacks come on, I can't do normal activities any more. Before I was asthma free I used to use Proventil or Primatine Mist inhalers. Those gave me relief for hours. But with the govt polluting or environment these symptoms appear to doctors as asthma. My asthma used to give me warning signs before the attack. Now it is a constant attack. I had become asthma free after extensive restoration of my moms house that I did myself. I found mold hidden in the exterior walls and other places, I removed all the blow in insulation and replaced it with vapor barriers cleaned and removed all the asbestos off of the forced heating ducts and it was like night and day. I no longer had asthma and all the triggers were gone. Then in 2006 I noticed the lines in the sky the next year more the next year after that even more by 2009 the lines in a grid pattern completely covered the sky blocking the sun. That's when it brought me one of the worst attacks I have experienced being a former moderate asthmatic which is the most deadly since you never know how bad the attack will be. It had almost killed me before lips turning blue the hospital had to give me 2 does of adrenaline to finally get it to subside. I had become asthmatic after being given a vaccine as a child at school. Albuterol is one of the worst products on the market along with Alupent. I went off the Albuterol when I found that they put Primatime inhalers back on the shelf. The price in after 10 yrs off the market had tripled. Inhalers is like Russian Roulette one squirt too many can kill you. I would rather be back not having to depend on a medication to live my life but the govt won't let that happen since all our people in office have pharmaceutical company's in their investment portfolios. Anyone diagnosed with "Asthma" as an adult after 2009 should be suspect. Read More Read Less

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Rose | 75 or over | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Asthma
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

Pro-air was good this is ineffective junk.

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Suffering | 55-64 | Female | Patient
Condition: Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

Inhaler does not always admit a dose. Sometimes you can squeeze the damn thing multiple times and have nothing come out. Then it will correct itself but still shows as if the doses have been taken but nothing was rendered. Have complained to Kaiser.

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Bubbles | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Bronchospasm
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Doesn't last as long as older inhaler with different propellant. SUCKS

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Diana | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Asthma
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

i HATE this rescue inhaler! My local Walmart pharmacy forced me to switch from my awesome blue inhaler to this one. With Cipla's inhaler, the counter is not precise and I cannot feel the medicine as I use it. The mouthpiece has a built-in spacer, which I also HATE. I can't feel the medicine when I take it and if it works, it doesn't work nearly as well as the blue inhaler. Cipla should be forced to take this piece of garbage off the market and give people like me their blue inhalers back, My asthma is WORSE,Read More Read Less

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