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do not let your pill doctor make you take this drug. its the worst antidepressant i have ever taken. i quit cold turkey and feel ten thousand times better than i did while on this wicked med. side effects of cold turkey were nominal for me. DONT USE THIS PRODUCT!

Shared reviews and ratings

Just Me | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

Most of the reviews I’m reading have been negative. My guess is this is not the right medication for those people. I have been on many different anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs since being diagnosed with PTSD In 2015. This is the most effective medication that I have taken however, if you need to come off this drug, you need to do it slowly the way the doctor tells you to because if you come off cold turkey, the effects will be miserable. Again, do not let the negative reviews scare you. This medication can be very effective and for me it has been very helpful.Read More Read Less

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Kim | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Since the first day over 25 yrs ago my need to want to jump on someone (verbally) has been gone. I was dx depression and anxiety 25 yrs ago post children . This drug saved my life. I don't have any side effects and I actually lost a few pounds. However, if you try to get off this drug it may be extremely difficult. I have not been able to get off . Due to insurance,I had to change my psychiatrist who wanted to change things up and suggested to d/c effexor slowly and get on a newer antidepressant. In no way dis that work. Then again why fix what's not broken. I am happy and no longer snappy.Read More Read Less

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anxiety-ridden | 13-18 | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

even though most of these comments are negative, remember that majority of the time, it is the unsatisfied that think of leaving a comment. My experience with this has been great, although if anything, it isn't compatible with caffeine and I do feel it if I forget to take it for a day but apart from that, it's great!

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Bettina | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Panic Disorder
Overall rating 5.0
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I started on 75mg of effexor then moved up to 150mg after a month. This is the only medication that has helped me with my anxiety which I have had for almost 20yrs. Minus gained some weight I highly recommend this. I have tried to lower the dose which I did for a few months and taking a lot of vitamins helped a lot with side effects if you do your research. I did go back on the higher dose it worked best for me. Good luck to all that takes this!

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I’m coming for | 35-44 | Nonbinary | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Two words to summarise Venlor : Life destructive. I was prescribed Venlor by my GP after a consultation that lasted about 20 minutes. I consulted my GP because I was having difficulty sleeping and I was moody. He diagnosed it as possible depression and prescribed Venlor 37.5mg. It took about a week and half and I experienced a feeling of awareness. Hearing birds more distinctly was the first change I recognised. Then came the dreams - which were violent and mostly about me overcoming or surviving attacks by taking the life of my attacker. I woke up in extreme sweats. Needless to say the dreams were disturbing but I convinced myself that perhaps it symbolised “taking control” of my fears. The dreams and sweats continued to such an extent that I sought the vivid dream world. I couldn’t wake up in the mornings and all I wanted was to sleep - it turned my sleeping pattern upside down and I found myself awake at night , sad and unable to sleep- not wanting to sleep. When I finally did fall asleep I didn’t want to stop. Eventually I found myself in a destructive pattern , disconnected with my family - sleeping untill the last second that I had before I had to fetch my children from school. I also developed chronic painful gastric issues. All the while not realising why I felt the way I did. Not wanting to be part of anything or anyone. I went back to see my GP who told me that I had developed a resistance to the dosage and that it was normal. I told him about my tiredness and he gave me vitamin B shot. I was prescribed 75mg. It became worse and worse. Two weeks ago I decided to start weening off. I couldn’t ignore what impact this horrible drug had on my life. I started the process as recommended by medical advice. It is excruciating. It is unbearable. All that stops me from relieving the dreadful symptoms by taking another Venlor pill to make the pain of withdrawal stop is knowing that I have a goal. I am going to properly, publicly, factually and legally exploit , inform and warn the people of this poisonous concoction prescribed by negligent uniformed quacks that prescribe medication to people based on information given by those unqualified to do so - medical reps” . This ends now. Read More Read Less

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PL | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Repeated Episodes of Anxiety
Overall rating 2.7
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It was effective for the first 3 months. After that, all down hill. My anxiousness has come back 10 fold. Side effects on this medication is horrific. Severe nighttime sweating, so wet as if I just got out of the shower. Pounding headaches that wakes me up at night. Loss of appetite. Dry mouth. Itchy, spider-feeling on my legs. Zombie-like feeling. (only taking 75mg SR) Loss of any emotions, could just stare into space all day long. Extreme yawning and tiredness. How can anyone live like this. I did go off...cold turkey... for 5 days but then had a terrible night where I felt like the walls was caving in, started hyperventilating and complete panic. So back on it. Now what?Read More Read Less

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Lilly | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: "Change of Life" Signs
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

The side effects were terrible. Blurry vision, insomnia, ringing in ears, chills, tingling in arms and legs. Also experienced vomiting and headaches. My doctor gave me the prescription to manage menopause symptoms due to the fact I have a blood clot disorder and cannot be prescribed HRT drugs. Would not recommend.

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Mentalhealth | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Repeated Episodes of Anxiety
Overall rating 1.0
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I started taking venlafaxine XR two days ago and I’ve never been in so much pain in my life. The first day started okay, I was a little nauseous, but it was okay. Then it really kicked in and it felt like I was completely disconnected from reality. I couldn’t feel any emotion, I became very numb, my brain started to feel weird and tingly, I couldn’t concentrate, had no desire to do anything productive like school work, I had no desire in my hobbies, I felt like a zombie. I didn’t really sleep at all because my brain felt so empty and if I did sleep, it was dreamless and 15 minutes max. I went into a manic episode through the night and it was not fun. The following day is today and school was a nightmare. I experienced very big pupils, severe pain on the right side of my skull and right eye, pressure in both of my eyes, a clenched jaw, heart palpitations and chest pain, I was yawning every couple of minutes but I didn’t feel tired, I couldn’t focus on my school work and didn’t even care. It got rid of my irrational anxiety, but also my rational anxiety that helps me get things done. It got rid of all emotions and interests, made me feel euphoric like I was on another plane of existence and that nothing mattered, I was very aware of myself and not aware of my surroundings, I’m severely dizzy and lightheaded and my vision keeps getting blurry. I keep seeing white and black spots in my vision, as well. I would never recommend this and I was on a very low dose (37.5mg) and only two days on it and I feel worse than I ever did trying to manage my anxiety and depression without the meds. If you have a family history of eye problems, cholesterol and blood pressure issues, issues with bipolar disorder or manic disorders, or if you already experience migraines, lightheadedness and things to do with the heart (murmur, palpitations, skipping heartbeat, etc) I would definitely not suggest taking this drug. The withdrawal immediately if you don’t take it at the same time as the last pill is terrifying as well. I was half an hour past my window because I forgot to take my pill (since they were new) and my hands began to shake severely, I could barely move I was so sick to my stomach, I was lightheaded and had vertigo, just not a fun experience. If it does help, just know that going off of them or not being consistent is going to feel horrible because you’re body instantly becomes reliant on the drug and the withdrawal symptoms are ten times worse than the symptoms of simply taking it. I would recommend literally any other drug for depression or anxiety, but hats off to you if it helped you.Read More Read Less

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Spark84 | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Anxiousness associated with Depression
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I was put onto Venlafaxine back in September 2023. This was after coming off of sertraline, that I have been on for many years. I was told that it would take awhile to get into my system, which it did, and I immediately noticed that my sleep was being disturbed. Secondly, that I was badly constipated. But I thought Stick with it. I had frequent checkups with my mental health nurse, each time telling her that I was seeing no noticeable difference in my mood. In fact, I would go as far as to say, that my moods were worse, because of the forementioned side effects. Each time I mentioned that I wasn’t noticing any positive changes, my mental health nurse simply increased the dosage. I started, as most people do, on 75 mg per day. It was quickly increased to 150 mg per day, then 225 then 300 mg. I had an adult autism assessment, on the 1st of December 2023, which led to a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. This diagnosis led me to reevaluate my relationship with antidepressants. I made the decision to reduce the Venlafaxine. First I reduced it to 225 mg for two weeks, then down to 150 mg then to 75 mg. My ultimate goal was removing it from my system. Reducing it to 75 mg per day has proved difficult. I was experiencing terrible insomnia, nightmares. However, I am now on day number four of 0 mg per day and I feel like my body has gone into shock. I have not slept properly in four days. Every time I try to go to sleep, my body jolts me awake. When I do manage to go to sleep, I have the most horrible and vivid nightmares I’ve ever had in my life. The brain zaps were to be expected, but they are much worse than coming off of sertraline. My entire body is tingling. My hands will not function correctly. I am currently using dictation to write all of this down. I am sweating yet freezing cold. My heart rate was incredibly high, 106 bpm to be exact. I am lucky that my husband is here to look after me otherwise I fear I wouldn’t make it. I am truly hoping that the symptoms of withdrawal do not last me much longer, because I can tell you in my 39 years on this planet. No medication has ever done so little good for me, tortured me when I try to rid it from my system. I do not understand how these so-called medical professionals give you such little information about the implications that these harsh drugs can have on your body. I do not understand how they can increase such a strong drug in such a short space of time, all of this was done over a telephone. They have never met me in person. My advice to anyone who has had long-term mental health issues, do not take this medication. My advice is also to seek more specific help. I am 39 years old and only just learnt that I am autistic. This has allowed me the chance to be kinder to myself. I don’t think that pumping people full of medication is always the answer. Venlafaxine is a horrible drug, it had little to no positive effect on me, yet it has terrible withdrawals. I hope that some of what I have said, will help somebody somewhere not to put this garbage in their system. Read More Read Less

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Calina | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I used Venlafaxine for the past 15 yeas for major general anxiety. I was always on low dosages. The highest I was on was 75 mg. I never felt happier, however, my appetite increased a lot, but that wasn't the main problem. The problem was thatI didn't care if I was getting fat, I didn't care for anything. I became so fearless that it started to put my life on danger. I tried to quit it (never cold turkey) like 5 times during these 15 years but without success. The anxiety was always back, couldn't sleep for 6 months, everytime was unbearable. So I managed to lower the dosage to 37.5 mg, which I took for the past 5 years . My anxiety is still there, but I can function - ish. Now for the first time, I succeeded to decrease to 1/3 of 37.5 mg without many side effects, beside the lack of serotonin în my body. 0 motivation, biterness, nothing really makes me happy. The conclusion is, these pills help, but my advise is to try something else. If nothing works, then go for it, but bear in mind that discontinuation syndrome can be very difficult and long ( depending on the duration of the treatment ). Also, the best option to get rid of venlafaxine is to change it to a less addictive treatment if you want to quit it in a safer manner. Read More Read Less

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Db | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Major depression syndrome, panic disorder &agoraphobia.... psychiatrist started me on venlafaxine along with 25mg quitepine.... First 3 months no major change but I could feel all my symptoms slightly slipping in the wrong direction, 3 month review psychiatrist decided to up the ven to 75mg .... 3 months in and my mood is so low so flat ,no emotion no apathy and and bearly eat (which is new) all i want to do is hide from the world , can not think clear at all , agoraphobia has got so much worse .... it doesn't take a genius to put 2 and 2 together and see that all my symptoms have gotten worse with the increase in dose ...... this drug is not for me , I don't recognise myself any more , THIS DRUG HAS MAFE ALL MY SYMPTOMS WORSE AND GAVE ME NEW SYMPTOMS TOO .....and I'm not looking forward to the withdrawal either ... as I am not taking this drug any longer Read More Read Less

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Jógvan Lisberg | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

Have been taking venlafaxine for 10 years now, and have been complaining about it from the wery start, that it doesn't work and can't concentrate, can't filter what I am saying to people and haven't been able to fall in love. Ps if you wait to long its really hard to quit, which I am trying now.

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Biff | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 5.0
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Been taking for a couple months now, had been dealing with anxiety my whole life and never did anything about it. I had a some basic side effects initially but they went away. Once this got into my system the panic attacks and suicidal thoughts have stopped. Feel so much better everyday, Positive, happy and have so much more energy. Seems like a lot of bad reviews on here but for my situation this has been a complete game changer!

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timulo | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Repeated Episodes of Anxiety
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Withdrawl over a week from this was sheer hell, had to go to the ER at one point with sever hypertension, mood was worst it had ever been in my life. Shortness of breath, SEVERE NAUSEA, insomnia, chest pains, and constant overload of adrenaline so bad it hurt. Had to have another dose 2 weeks in to reduce withdrawl symptoms. You should taper this over a month or two, not a week, no benefit, AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

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KJ | 25-34 | Male | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Panic Disorder
Overall rating 4.3
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I have been on a higher dose of Effexor XR than what I am reading others are on. I have been on the same dose now for 10 years, with previously extreme panic disorder and social anxiety. I was in such bad shape I couldn't even go to school, sleep, or do much of anything for a good 1-2 years. My original trial with the drug was not successful, as the symptoms managed to linger and depression came from not feeling any relief. I was then tested with other drugs and eventually introduced again to Effexor XR but with a new dosage when new studies came out. It took about a month and a half for myself to notice improvement, but studies have shown this drug works completely differently depending on the exact dosage given. I am comfortably on 150mg+37.5mg, so 2 pills, and have been symptom free and depression free for about 10 years. This drug literally saved my life, but it is not perfect. The side effects of "forgetting" to take your daily dose can be very bad, but this is a far cry from the symptoms I had to once deal with. The difference in what the drug does from 150mg only to adding 37.5 mg more but staying under 225mg is amazing. I have been on higher than 225mg before and as low as one 37.5 pill. Im sure depending on what the exact ailment is, these different doses can help. For me personally, the key was sucking it up for the month and waiting for the drug to actually kick in. It is also a very good idea to monitor both your sodium levels and liver, as you can get very dehydrated in the summer months. The side effects for this drug are minimal in relation to almost all drugs in its category. Ive been on some very terrible ones. I would not take much stock in the negative reviews of people who weren't on this drug for at least a full month and a half and at a dosage of at least 75mg. This drug takes time to even kick in, at any dose. I can only speak on the efficacy for panic/social disorder w/ comorbid depression Read More Read Less

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m | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

started taking 37.5 mg a day for depression along with buspirone for my anxiety. just a small dose of this med made my depression 100x worse. within 2 weeks i became very suicidal, couldn’t stop crying, and almost checked myself into a hospital. i feel much better just a week after stopping. do not recommend.

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m | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

i have been unable to stay awake for more than 5 hours at a time and have been unable to stay asleep for more than 4 hours at a time i am able to cry but that’s just because i’m off my old antidepressant i feel the exact same off my meds as on my meds except for the withdrawal symptoms which feels like the worst high i’ve ever experienced

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Anonymous | 55-64 | Female | Patient
Condition: "Change of Life" Signs
Overall rating 5.0
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I started taking this med for menopausal symptoms; hot flashes, restless sleep, moodiness and irritability. It has been a life changer and I only wished I started taking this 10 years ago! I hope I don't have to stay on this or any medication indefinitely but for now I can live and when I'm ready to try life without it I will go off gradually.

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Casey Louise | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Extreme Apprehension or Fear of Social Interaction
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I am 36 and have been taking this medication for somewhere around 12 years. I was prescribed this for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). I could not tolerate 150 mg as it made me feel crazy and depressed. I stayed on 75 mg for many years. Before this medication, I had severe vertigo, bright colors were very overwhelming, I could not think very clearly and I felt extreme emotions. This medication has cleared that up, even on the small dose of 18.75 mg that I have been on for the past year. I wanted off of this medication and have been trying to wean off of it for two years. I have been cutting my 37.5 mg pills in half and taking it in the morning. This has worked well for me. I decided to try weaning lower and cutting the half in half to make approximately 9.375 mg and that is when the EXTREME issues began. After two days at this dose, I woke up in the middle of the night with the most extreme stomach pain that I have ever felt in my entire life. I cried in pain for an hour before violently throwing up and then another hour of extreme pain before it subsided enough that I could go back to sleep. I was left with nausea for the next two weeks and one more night of waking up with stomach pain (the second time was less severe). On a different night I experienced severe chills and then once that subsided terrible sweats (I did not have a fever). I was irritable, irrational and had sobbing sessions throughout this entire time. One of the days I felt extreme rage because my food was cold and then proceeded to spend the entire afternoon sobbing off and on. I hated everybody and that is not who I normally am. My boyfriend and I both were so confused and didn't understand what was happening to me. We finally realized that it was likely the reduction in Effexor and after two weeks I went back on 18.75 mg. It took about two days and I was back to my normal happy and calm disposition. I have a hard time rating this medication because while it did not help with GAD, it did help with other issues. Had I been aware that if I missed a dose by a couple of hours, I would experience brain zaps, fogginess, nausea and just a general feeling of being off kilter, or that trying to get off of it would be pure torture then I probably would have never taken it and would have tried other things first. It is heartbreaking because I want to eventually get pregnant and feel that this little pill is going to be a huge barrier for that. And God forbid there was ever an issue and I could not get to my medication. That thought terrifies me. If you are in my position as well, you are not alone and I am so sorry that you are dealing with this hell and if you are thinking about starting this medication PROCEED WITH CAUTION!Read More Read Less

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Cat | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

If I forget even a few hours of this medication I get sick. Nauseous, sweats, dizziness, muscle weakness. My heart rate is up very high and I think this medication is very bad for me! I am waiting to see a doctor so I can wean myself off of this without getting really ill! Don’t use this medication!

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