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2.9 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

2 People found this comment helpful

I broke out into an allergic reaction from taking this medication. Hospitalized for days and out sick for OVER 2 weeks. I DO NOT recommend this medication to ANYONE!!!

Most voted negative review

4 People found this comment helpful

I had an allergic reaction to this drug with hives and itching all over my body. I do not raccomend it

Shared reviews and ratings

Robert | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Acute Infection of the Nose, Throat or Sinus
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

Prescribed for throat-sinus infection. Not sure why the Doctor gave it to me since I am allergic to Penicillin. I unfortunately did not do any research about the complications and read up about it. My back started itching really bad and swelled up with hives. He gave me an antidote (can't remember) and the hives went away. Told me to stop taking it. Ceclor is a cephalosporin type drug. I now tell all my Doctors about my allergic reaction to Ceclor and Penicillin to be safe.

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cathy | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

This is the 3rd time using this medication and I cannot say enough good things about it. Ive used it to treat pneumonia, pelvic infection and now a severe tooth infection.

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Jcliinton | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Bacterial Pneumonia caused by Haemophilus Influenzae
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I was pregnant & baby was due in April. I got the flu which turned to bronchitis the had used other antibiotics but nothing worked and the baby was due in a few weeks. I asked the doctor if I could take ceclor because it covered a broader spectrum of bacteria . After reading his book he said yes. I had been sick since January & I knew I wouldn't make it through labor the condition I was in. The doctor said yes & I was well by the time I finished the medication & delivered a healthy baby with no ill effects!Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 55-64 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Pneumonia
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

This has been the only drug to clear my pnuemonia

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Bacterial Pneumonia caused by Haemophilus Influenzae
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I took Ceclor and ended up vomiting, so dehydrated I had to go to the emergency room, and with transient hepatitis. This nasty drug does a real number on your liver - my advise is to STAY AWAY!

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Anonymous | Male | Patient
Condition: Acute Infection of the Nose, Throat or Sinus
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I had an allergic reaction to this drug with hives and itching all over my body. I do not raccomend it

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Acute Infection of the Nose, Throat or Sinus
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

Works Great, if you can find it.

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sa_s_i_c_it | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Acute Infection of the Nose, Throat or Sinus
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I was prescribed this medication over fifteen years ago. I took one tablet in the evening and one the next morning. By early afternoon all my joints became stiff and painfull to move. I discontinued the medicine and called my doctor who told me that it was not caused by Ceclor. I was on Neproxin for over two months for the stiffness and pain to go away. I changed my doc as well.

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cathy | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Middle Ear Infection
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I love ceclor it is easy on my system and one of the few that i DONT react to. Interesting to see that so many do. I love it. Works beautifully for me.

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nicole810 | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Urinary Tract Infection
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

It's my understanding that this drug is suppose to be very good for bacterial infections, and perhaps it is. My experience was not good as it closed off my airway and I ended up in the emergency room. If you are given this drug and have never used it before, I recommend you are with someone when you take it and be prepared for a possible allergic reaction. This is not to say all will have a reaction, but after what happened to me and reading about the others that are having problems with it, I would yield on the side of caution when taking for the first time.Read More Read Less

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Heather | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Urinary Tract Infection
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

This medicine gave me horrible headaches!! I wouldn't recomend it to anyone!

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louisvillegirl08 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Acute Infection of the Nose, Throat or Sinus
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

I broke out into an allergic reaction from taking this medication. Hospitalized for days and out sick for OVER 2 weeks. I DO NOT recommend this medication to ANYONE!!!

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Caregiver
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

The WORST!!!! My son was hospitalized because of this medication (poison). Very bad alergic reaction. Red bumps hives all over his body. This medication shoild be taken off the market.

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Marcie | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Caregiver
Condition: Middle Ear Infection
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

My son has a MAJOR reaction, red bumps like hives, and GI tract problems, to the point where his diapers were not enough to hold it. HORRIBLE DRUG!

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | Patient
Condition: Acute Infection of the Nose, Throat or Sinus
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

My son and I both had a allergic reaction to this drug.

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Acute Infection of the Nose, Throat or Sinus
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

My son had a severe allergic reaction to ceclor (hives). I have since discovered that many people are allergic to this drug.

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