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4.2 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

1 People found this comment helpful

I am on my second month of Mounjaro for weight loss and I could not be happier. 11 lbs down. I don’t have a lot of weight to lose so 11 lbs is amazing. One big piece of advice; inject in thigh vs stomach. The side effects are non-existent. Drink plenty of water and do some weight lifting. Since you drop weight rapidly, the weight lifting will prevent muscle loss. Highly recommend!

Most voted negative review

1 People found this comment helpful

I e been in maynjaro 2.5 for two weeks and no appetite suppression. Will a high dose help with t that?

Shared reviews and ratings

Oilrich | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

My blood sugar is controlled like it never has been. I've also lost 19 lbs in 7 weeks. No more sugar cravings, and no more metformin twice a day. Mounjaro has changed my life.

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Shar | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Once I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes my dr put me on this medication. In almost 2 years I've gone from 281 pounds to 133. More energy and stamina now, 1st dose made me feel sickly with stomach upset but after I haven't had anything in side effects.

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Ke | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

My biggest advice for anyone taking it would be to take multivitamin or sea moss. Up your protein with shakes or food so you dont loss.the muscle you have. Also have smoothie as well as green Juices. Your body will thank you.

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Bon | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I started this medication last summer (2023) after victoza failure. The only side effect I had was mild nausea that only appeared the next day. Lemon juice and peppermint combo cleared it right up. My appetite decreased drastically. My A1C dropped from 6.4 to 5.7. My bp became normal and I no longer take the meds for it (not for everyone) or it’ll drop too low. I’ve maintained low numbers. In a matter of 7 or 8 months, I lost a little over 60 pounds and I’m loving it. I went from 194 to 133. I love this stuff. I only needed to go up to a 7.5 dosage. This medication isn’t for everyone. Good Luck Everyone! Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

In about 1 1/2 years I’ve lost about 130 lbs! I have an advertising jingle idea for mounjaro if a company is interested??

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Jez | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

Had 4 weeks on 2.5 mounjaro with no untoward symptoms no weight loss and no reduction in bg i have been on 5mg for aweek and still no symptoms and no change in be honest i may as well be injecting water...i will keeo on with the increases in dosage and see what could be worse i could be paying for this stuff

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Salvador | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I developed issues with my vision right away, also stomach cramps for several weeks Not to mention extreme fatigue for months Had to quit taking it cold turkey

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James B | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Started taking Mounjaro in January 2024. Within the first month, I lost 15 pounds. My weight the day of my first physicians visit was 264. It is now July 3, 2024 and I am weighing in at 210 pounds. My HgbA1c is now at 5.0%, mean daily glucose levels are not 96.54 mg/dL and I am feeling awesome! With the weight loss, I can exercise easily, and my flexibility has increased. The only downside to taking Mounjaro was the initial month. I had bad constipation and an insatiable thirst but that all went away the second month of treatment. I am looking forward to continuing with my treatments using Mounjaro and highly recommend anyone having weight loss issues along with prediabetes give it a try.Read More Read Less

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Colleen in Ohio | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes in December 2022 with an A1C of 6.6% and a weight of 205lbs and I am a 5'5" 54 year old women. Today, I take 10mg of Mounjaro once a week. I weigh 142lbs. I've lost 73lbs and my A1C is now 5.5%. I've lowered my cholesterol from 225 to 162, lowered my thyroid medication from 100mcg to 75mcg. My triglecyerides have dropped to normal limits. Everything has improved. I went from a size 14-16 to a size 8. The only side affects I have is itching at the site for a day after I take the shot. I also have mild constipation from time to time, but the benefits outweigh these side affects. I had nausea when I first started but that went away within the first month. I eat small portions of something every 3 to 4 hours and I don't overeat because that is what makes you feel sick - like you've eaten a Thanksgiving meal. I have a problem with the shortage that is occurring with this medication! It's frustrating and stressful to call around trying to make sure I have this medication to treat my Type II Diabetes. Manufactureres need to start making double what they produce.Read More Read Less

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NAB | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

I just started the medication. 5'6" 240 lbs. My first day I had a severe headache. The next day the headache was better. I have a little constipation, but no diarrhea or vomiting. Heart seem to race some the first day. I haven't been on it long enough to lose weight. I have very little appetite. I seem to have more energy. I don't understand that. Most people feel fatigued.

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Johnny | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

Not gonna lie, Nausea and tiredness were/are the 2 biggest cons when starting but if u can get thru a couple months it dies down quite a bit. Only trouble is refilling your meds. Started on starter dose of Wegovey(unavl. for 2nd dose + lost 27 i) switched to Ozempic(didnt do much) so was given Wegovey starter doses next 2 months from PC then to Monjauro...was 287 but was almost 200 lbs 10 months later...gained 10-15 lbs back due to a severe shoulder and rib injury(and pharmacies ran out of Monjauro ) and was off all for 2 months...started back on the Monjauro after 2 months of being unavl. and nausea is back and it sucks but will see in another month...starting 2nd dose on Monday...PS- I did have HBP/Obesity/Pre Diabetic...A1C was 6.3 now 5.2 and ALL other blood test #s coming back=StellarRead More Read Less

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MAL | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I’m type 2 diabetic, 157cm and starting weight 154lb - my main aim was sugar control and to loose some weight as a bonus. I’ve been using a glucose monitor to keep on and eye on what’s happening. I’ve just taken my 4th dose of 2.5ml today and so far I have been very lucky with side effects, pretty much just headaches on and off and I would say my near vision has been more blurry - but I also wear glasses and have started to get a reading prescription, so could be a coincidence. I’m trying to drink 2-3 pints of water a day alongside usual tea and coffee consumption and haven’t yet had any problems with loose or hard stools. My glucose is amazing! I’m so shocked and delighted in equal measures and I’ve lost 5lb as of this morning (20 days) - which is actually great for me, I’m happy with 1.5-2lb a week loss, feels realistic. Will update again in a few weeks. I’ve decided to stick with 2.5ml for my next 4 doses as my body seems to be doing well. Read More Read Less

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Yaw | 25-34 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

I started mounjaro 2.5mg about 2 weeks ago and started experiencing this terrible stomach pains that took me to the A&E. Equally I think this was helping with the weight loss and glycemic control but I had to stop taking the third shot due to the fair of experiencing this pains again. Now am confused as to what to do . Any help or suggestions on this? Thanks

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AvoidMounjaro | 25-34 | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

Non-stop diarrhea that no drug can help. Fiber intake, Imodium, and even mild RX opiate based GI medicines do not touch the diarrhea that comes from taking Mounjaro. While my diabetic conditions are managed and weight is coming off, the price is incredibly steep as you cannot function a normal day to day life with this kind of diarrhea.

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Shell | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

UK user. 1st month. 2.5mg I am boarderline diabetic, high blood pressure, restless leg syndrome, arthritis, chronic pain disorder amongst other things, 5ft female weighing 17st 8lb. I have tried every diet and exercise going including cognitive therapy and hypnotherapy but have not been able to lose any significant amount of weight which is now hindering me as arthritis now causes me constant pain. I was offered a gastric band on the NHS however, I just felt this was too extreme. I decided to try the Mounjaro. Very early days however, from day one my appetite has gone! I’m now having to remind myself to eat but struggling to eat more that 700 calories a day. I’ve had no side affects and I lost 8lb in the first week and seems to be averaging a loss of 1/2lb a day! Honestly, right now this is a miracle for me and although experience, I have saved money on actual food before I can’t eat much anymore. I will update in another months time. Read More Read Less

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Britt | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

My A1C was under control with diet and exercise, but I was hoping that I'd be able to drop a few pounds with Mounjaro. After taking the medication for 18 months, following a monitored diet and exercise program, I didn't lose a pound. I also didn't experience any of the supposed benefits, like decreased appetite or feeling full sooner. I would have some nausea after eating anything rich. Stopping the medication caused terrible stomach pains and diarrhea.

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Unhappyshareholder | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

Cannot get 5.0 dose. Pharmacy tells me all Cvs stores in Los Angeles have no inventory. As a T2D as well as a Eli Lily shareholder I am very disappointed at how company management seems unable to plan and manage distribution or demand. Diabetics are being left behind by the company in my opinion when their target audience is unable to obtain meds in order to control a potentially life threatening illness. I am one of them.

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AKGeorge | 65-74 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Started last Sunday. I’m doing the 2.5mg. I am happy to report that after 55 years of smoking I have immediately quit, This is absolutely amazing! Too soon to report on weight loss. If all I achieved was quitting smoking then it was well worth it! Thank you Mounjaro??

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Daniel | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

With help from Mounjaro I have reduced my insulin intake by 80%, and over the last two year I have lost 130 pounds.

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Patti | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I was 170 lbs when I started this in February 2024. After 12 weeks, I am now down to 145lbs. I was on 2.5 mg for the first four weeks and have been on 5 mg for the past 8 weeks. I’m at week 13 and just started the 7.5 mg dose.

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