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Most voted positive review

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My dr finally prescribed Brexafemme after several requests because my ongoing yeast infection of 6 months was not going away from any other treatment . I’m really blessed and so very happy with the results of this medication. It’s very expensive, but Luckily for me my insurance covered the majority of the price . After two days I saw and feel results . I’m still monitoring my body for the next mon...

Most voted negative review

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For starters this medication was $175 with insurance which is very expensive for me. I’ve been dealing with a recurring yeast infections for a little over a year. I get a YI every single month and became resistant to fluconazole/diflucan. I tried brexafemme and my symptoms got much worse for about 3 days after taking it. It’s been about a week and the itching and swelling have subsided but aren’t ...

Shared reviews and ratings

Anonymous | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Recurrent Yeast Infection of Vagina and Surrounding Area
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

This is the only medication that has helped me with recurrent yeast infections dragging on for years. I didn't have any problems with side effects. I hope it becomes available again soon after the recall.

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Madz369 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Recurrent Yeast Infection of Vagina and Surrounding Area
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

All the reviews say it didn’t work, but I had recurring yeast infections for almost TWO YEARS. Nothing worked permanently, only temporarily. I was miserable and embarrassed because I had literally tried everything out there.. my doctor prescribed this to me, she didn’t want to before because it was so new. Before I took it I looked at reviews but they were scarce at the time and there were almost no positive reviews. But When I took it, it made my symptoms worse in a way for a few days, but then it went away. Completely. I have been free of yeast infections for over a year now and I wanted to share my experience in hopes that someone else will see this and it will work for them too. If you can, give it a shot, I recommend it!! It took about 2 weeks after taking the medication that my symptoms were gone. I hope this helps!Read More Read Less

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YeastSux | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Recurrent Yeast Infection of Vagina and Surrounding Area
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I was nervous to take this after seeing all the bad side effects. I decided to go for it anyway because I really trust my doctor who prescribed it. Glad I did because I didn’t have one side effect. It worked for me and cured my infection. I will try to go back on a candida diet for awhile to keep a new one at bay. Yeast sucks good luck to everyone out there struggling with this.

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Kale U | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Recurrent Yeast Infection of Vagina and Surrounding Area
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I have been dealing with recurrent UTIs/yeast infections. When I would finish treatment for one, it would come back 2 days later. Fluconazole no longer worked for me as I took so much of it. I was dealing with burning and the most uncomfortable pain you can imagine from upset nerves. Even when I didn’t have an infection, I was in pain. My doctor prescribed me this medication after dealing with chronic yeast infections for over a year. I just took my second dose this morning and so far I have had severe stomach pain/cramping and slight dizziness. In my opinion the side effects are worth it if I can put a rest to the constant yeast infections. I will update if my yeast infection returns. Read More Read Less

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ChIE | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Recurrent Yeast Infection of Vagina and Surrounding Area
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I suffered with recurrent yeast infection for 3 years. All doctors prescribed fluconazole and vaginal creams. Fluconazole worked at beginning, had to use it weekly and later lost efficacy. Finally a doctor prescribed Brexafemme. It worked for me. Did not have yeast infeccion for 1 year after that. Regarding Side effects: about 5 days after brexafemme I developed restless legs. Was horrible. Never experienced that before. I could not seat still and was worse at night, difficult falling asleep as I had an urge to move my legs. I was very worried, got worse in week 2 then gradually went away and by week 4th was resolved. I could not find specific information about how long have to wait to get pregnant after brexafemme. When I was 36 I tried brexafemme the 2nd day of period after negative pregnancy test results. 2 weeks later I conceived and had a positive pregnancy test 5 weeks after brexafemme. I had a miscarriage at week 9 of pregnancy. I suspect this medication may have contributed to miscarriage, even though it was taken 2 weeks before conceiving. I wish company is clear indicating how long to wait to become pregnant. They only say do not take during pregnancy Read More Read Less

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May | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Yeast Infection of Vagina and Vulva
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

After a bout with covid in January where I was sick with fevers for days, I developed a yeast infection that wouldn't respond to OTC cream or fluconazole. My doctor did a culture and it turns out I had C. glabrata. (A culture from a year ago had grown only albicans.) I was told to do boric acid for 2-3 weeks. I was miserable and my symptoms were NOT improving whatsoever. I was raw, sore, itchy, and experienced intense burning for weeks. My vulva was starting to develop fissures that bled. I wasn't able to sleep or eat well and was losing weight and my sanity. Truly the most miserable I've been in my life. I cried every night. I was almost to the point of needing to take FMLA when my doctor said I should try Brexafemme. I got a prior authorization from my insurance and used a manufacturer coupon. The medication was still crazy expensive ($330 for 8 pills) but I was desperate. My doctor applied gentian violet which provided almost immediate relief. But after a few days my symptoms were the same. I did a second GV application one week later and took Brexafemme that same day. The next several days I felt significant improvement, but then my symptoms worsened again. My doctor said I should take the second round of Brexafemme. Again my symptoms improved and ...continued to trend that way! I was so sore from weeks of infection that my healing was very slow. But each day was a little better than the day before. Around day 5 after the second round I started having *copious* amounts of white, clumpy discharge (before that my discharge had been watery). The discharge eased up after a few days. My period came. After that my discharge was completely normal! It's been 3 weeks since my first dose and I would say my symptoms are 90% better. Only mild burning and rare itching. My vulva no longer looks red and swollen. Fissures have healed. My OBgyn said it would take a while for my tissues and nerves to completely heal, and for my normal flora to reestablish. I'm following with infectious disease and they are taking another culture today. I'm so hopeful that the glabrata is gone. I do believe Brexafemme was the turning point. I will write an update if the culture grows glabrata still. (I've also been taking Rephresh brand probiotics every day for the last two months.) Read More Read Less

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Lunap8 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Recurrent Yeast Infection of Vagina and Surrounding Area
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I had a recurrent yeast infection for 6 months. I tried EVERYTHING, i tried monistat, fluconazole once a week for 3 months, probiotics, cranberry pills, cotton underwear, eating less sugar and carbs, terconazole cream (which caused bad spotting while using), apple cider vinegar baths, plain greek yogurt and let it sit for 20 minutes up there. You name it, i tried it. I was so upset and so uncomfortable, nothing would work for me. My OBGYN prescribed me Brexafemme, and i was hesitant because i've never heard of it before, but at this point i was willing to try anything. Let me tell you, thank god for this medication. It made me sick (bad stomach ache and nausea), but it passed in a day and my yeast infection never came back, its been 2 months now since taking the Brexafemme and i am clear of my yeast infections. If you have a yeast infection you can't get rid of, take this pill!! It is so worth it. Took about a week to clear it up from my dose, and then its gone!! Read More Read Less

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Andrea | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Yeast Infection of Vagina and Vulva
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

The infection didn’t go away, I waited the 10 days then the 25. It eased the symptom for the first couple of days, but didn’t go away. Or kill the infection as it claims. Sucks because that medication is expensive.

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Lkfree | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month |
Condition: Yeast Infection of Vagina and Vulva
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I struggled for 2yrs with repeated yeast infections. I tried Diflucan 1x per week for 20wks and the candida diet neither took care of the recurring yeast. I used Brexafemme 1x and I've been yeast free for 1yr. It's life changing.

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nyyx | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Yeast Infection of Vagina and Vulva
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

For starters this medication was $175 with insurance which is very expensive for me. I’ve been dealing with a recurring yeast infections for a little over a year. I get a YI every single month and became resistant to fluconazole/diflucan. I tried brexafemme and my symptoms got much worse for about 3 days after taking it. It’s been about a week and the itching and swelling have subsided but aren’t gone completely. I still get itchy from time to time. I went from having the usual clumpy white discharge to a thick, creamy discharge. It just made my symptoms go from severe to mild, but the infection hasn’t cleared up. Very disappointing considering how expensive this medication is. And my gyn wants me to do a dosage once a month for 3 months. I can’t even afford that. It’s very upsetting Read More Read Less

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Happy | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Yeast Infection of Vagina and Vulva
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

My dr finally prescribed Brexafemme after several requests because my ongoing yeast infection of 6 months was not going away from any other treatment . I’m really blessed and so very happy with the results of this medication. It’s very expensive, but Luckily for me my insurance covered the majority of the price . After two days I saw and feel results . I’m still monitoring my body for the next month to make sure the infection doesn’t return . Great relief for now .I feel like myself again . Pesky yeast infections are super annoying . I’ve never had one like this one in my entire life . I’m aware yeast infections can be caught just because, but my partner at the time kept reinfecting me and this caused me to become resistant to other yeast infection treatments . Read More Read Less

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L. Bamford | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Yeast Infection of Vagina and Vulva
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

About 2 yrs ago, I was diagnosed with Candida Albicans and in the last year have been diagnosed with Candida Parapsilosis. All of these infections are part of the Candidasis family. Like most of you, I have been on Fluconazole in varying amounts and times. I have been dealing with both my gynecologist and dermatologist. Since I have sensitive skin, I also have what my dermatologist has diagnosed as Eczematous patches. My gynecologist has suggested I give Brexafemme a try but here's the issue. I'm on Medicare and my insurance will not pay for this medication. So, if I want to try the medication my cost will be $500 for four tablets. I guess I'd like to hear more reviews from the people who have used this medication. Thank you in advance. Read More Read Less

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J.C. | 25-34 | Transgender | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

Today is my 3rd day after taking Brexafemme. I have had vaginal yeast infections for years now, have tried numerous counts of OTC antifungal medications, prescribed antifungal Diflucan, Terconazole suppositories, and would find relief for a few weeks only to find myself with an infection again. My doctor prescribed me this medication in hopes that it will finally clear the infection. I had nausea, and diarrhea after the second dose, and severe abdominal cramps yesterday. I'm feeling a bit better today so I'm just praying that this medication works. Will post an update later (:Read More Read Less

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Ann R | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Yeast Infection of Vagina and Vulva
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

As a long-time sufferer of YI, Brexafemme has given me complete relief. Was skeptical at first given the mixed reviews, but my YI was completely gone after a week, no more itch, burning or discharge. I had really minor side effects (I think nauseousness?). I recommend anyone who hasn't been able to get relief from other treatments to try brexafemme. I will definitely post an update if my YI symptoms does comeback.

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Candi R | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Yeast Infection of Vagina and Vulva
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I was dx with candida glabrata. This is my 1st candida infection. My symptoms are very mild. I cannot speak to the effectiveness of the medication yet as I took the 2nd dose this morning. I was worried after reading the reviews here, but I have had only mild effects. I took my dose at night and did feel extremely tired an hour later and slightly dizzy. No nausea, vomiting or stomach pain. Ive had an upset stomach for a week prior, so would not attribute it to this medication. Hoping it clears the infection up otherwise my doctor will recommend IV therapy as I can’t use vaginal creams, suppositories etc. Most people review when they have a negative experience, so I felt I needed to share for those who are worried about side effects. So far so goodRead More Read Less

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S. T | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Yeast Infection of Vagina and Vulva
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

After I became resistant to diflucan and all the other otc creams I got Brexafemme paid 50 dollars copay and took it as prescribed and this medicine does not work for recurring yeast infection does not does not work very upset

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Lady | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Yeast Infection of Vagina and Vulva
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

34 yr old female, recurrent vaginal yeast infection > 6 months. Multiple gyn kept prescribing diflucan, and other azole creams/suppository, which would give 3-7 days of relief. New gyn fortunately tested for azole resistance which was positive! Tried brexafemme- got worse before better, that was 15 days ago, so far so good. Price was $500, I had to request my insurance authorize the “specialty” medication and they approved, it was then $230, I applied the brexafemme savings card from their website for the final total of $30 (whew!) Best of luck! Read More Read Less

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Ms Relieved | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Yeast Infection of Vagina and Vulva
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

Very convenient to use, done in a day. 2 pills in the morning and 2 pills at night. No immediate relief but after the fifth day, itching began subsiding and was gone after a week. I've had no more itching at the 4th week mark. Vaginal discharge is also improved and minimal at the 4th week mark. But most importantly itch and burning sensation is gone. Only downsides for me were the price and v slight diarrhea experienced. But the price is definitely worth it for the relief. Also side effects were bearable, lasted only 1.5 days. Hope this works as well for everyone else! Read More Read Less

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Years of Yeast | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Yeast Infection of Vagina and Vulva
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

Long history (3+ years) of either recurring or resistant yeast infections. Finally heard about this medication from a vulvar/vaginal specialist. Tried the medication, after dose 1, I felt pretty severe stomach cramping within 2 hours. This subsided in about 7 hours total. I went ahead and took the other dose at 10pm as scheduled. By midnight, I had SEVERE stomach cramps, diarrhea and vomiting. I was literally on the toilet and throwing up in a bucket at the same time. I became very chilled and it was impossible to get warm. That lasted about 5 hours. It was terrible. By 6am, I broke out in a sweat that lasted for more hours. I was finally able to sleep and felt back to normal 24 hours later. All of that being said, I was symptom free from yeast for a month. During this time, I also followed the rest of the protocol as instructed by my doctor; bidet, no shaving, moisturize daily, etc… I began to feel confident in the results and decided to shave my pubic area. Bad idea. A yeast infection followed the shaving irritation. I don’t know that I’m brave enough to try this medication again. It was a severe reaction, but also the only thing that has given me any relief in years. Read More Read Less

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KatrinaP | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Yeast Infection of Vagina and Vulva
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

38- female. Took 2 pills in the morning. I developed a slight headache and felt crappy most of the day. After I took the second dose I started scratching everywhere and got very tired. Tried to nap but the itch was too intense. I haven’t had a reaction to medicine in such a long time it took me a while to realize I was having an allergic reaction. I had hives everywhere. My throat and tongue did not swell so I took 2 Benadryl and tried to rest. In the morning I felt ok. It says the allergic reactions are very rare. Since it’s a new medication I don’t believe that. I don’t know if it’s completely gotten rid of my yeast infection yet but I’m hopeful.Read More Read Less

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