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3.8 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

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The only issue I have with this drug is getting it filled. The pharmacies are having difficulty getting the drug from there supplier's.

Most voted negative review

2 People found this comment helpful

I started Wegovy 4 weeks ago and lost nothing. Then Pen is irritating because you have to push hard to inject. Wish it worked for me.

Shared reviews and ratings

Tee baby | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I start on 0.5 I loss 19 pounds in 4 weeks I’m on 1.7 it made me feel uneasy a little but it curves your appetite tremendously and I love my wine I haven’t drank nothing and dnt have the desire to do it’s a BIG yes for me side effects only happen if you already have health problems or eat the unhealthy foods

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Edilma Grisales | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I used las year 2023 en marzo the first dosis but after I don’t found in the market, no begin if you no sure if you found

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Anonymous | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Taking Wegovy for 4 months. 28 lbs. down. I have had no side effects. I check in with a doctor every 30 days for a check up online. I follow exactly what she says: eat more protein drink water and eat. When I am not hungry in the morning I go for a no sugar yogurt or an Atkins Plus protein shake. I eat my heaviest meal at lunch now and very light dinner. I drink lots of water. If find Wegovy curbs my hunger and stops me from mindless eating. I focus less on food. I am finding it easier to stay on track and work on making better habits. I also use the Wegovy website and have a free coach that chats with me every 2 weeks on my habits. I think I am losing weight this time because I decided to get help from my doctor and the drug is helping me to pay attention to what I am putting in my mouth. I will continue to take it till I reach my goals and maybe a little beyond that to wean myself off. I have about 60 more lbs. to lose and feel I will reach my goal for the first time in 30 years (time I have been holding on to the extra weight).Read More Read Less

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Catherine Phipps | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I am o you 5ft tall so just a stone overweight makes me look 4 stone over. I started on Saxenda back in June 2023 I found it was working great then I couldn’t get it so went about 2 months without anything. Then I started the weygovey I found it much better as only one injection a week. I started at almost 11st now 6 months on I’m 8st7 iv had no side effects apart from a little nausea’s in my first week. But other than that iv been fine. I feel healthier with more energy it’s helped me with much less aches n pains from a bad back . I’m eating healthily and keeping active everyday. It’s a combination of everything to get the best results . I highly recommend it Read More Read Less

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Greg a | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I am in month 4 and have gone from 300lb to 272lb. Very easy, minimal side affects, easiest dieting I have ever done. substantial lose of appetite. Let me know when I over do my eating with a good dose of indigestion.

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Darcie | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for Overweight Person with BMI 27 to 29 and Weight-Related Comorbidity
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I used this in April..2 injections and may woke up with the absolute WORST pain and have been deathly suffering since!!! I have had every test and there is NO answer for the pain….this seriously is going to kill me. It should be against the law!!! It’s absolutely so sad drs “think” this is a good thing to prescribe It ruined my life

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MEL 26 | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

Wasted over £600 on three months of this medication and only lost 3lb the side effects were awful, nausea and fatigue, I didn’t realise how bad they were until I stopped

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KremerL | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

At first this medication was great! After just a few short months of taking it, was hard to get. It left me with horrible gastric issues and to top everything off not one but "TWO"!! of my pens malfunctioned. When contacting Novo Nordisc they were not willing to help what so ever, by how much money they are making I think it would be okay to give me two free pens since yours malfunctioned?!! I can not wait until Zepbound and Mounjaro are approved for weight loss, these are both Tirzepitide and I found that they were a lot more affective I lost more weight and they are actually available. I do not recommend Wegovy at all, and you honestly probably won't even get it for another 10 years at this point since no pharmacy ever has it in stock! Read More Read Less

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Brandi_MT | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

I have been receiving semiglutide injections weekly from a provider that works with a local compounding pharmacy. These injections definitely have pros and cons. I have to take anti-nausea medication at least once a day to be able to tolerate any of the doses, and take it more frequently the couple days following my injection. I would not be able to get the injections without that. I never feel great or normal, but it is usually tolerable. I have definitely had a decreased appetite (which is the obvious goal) but can also be difficult, since most of the time nothing is appealing to eat and you can start to feel more sick from not eating enough. I have personally had a difficult time drinking water as it has become more unappealing as well. So I have to really push it. My acid reflux is a little worse and my stomach often feels tender. I go back and forth between constipation and diarrhea. I had a couple days of frequent sulfur burps. I haven't lost a lot of weight as far as the scale is concerned but have definitely gone down inches and my clothes fit more loosely. I am learning that a lot of other people have been having that same experience. That part of it can be confusing and discouraging at times, but you have to remind yourself you are actually losing weight. I think that side effect is actually somewhat common, but I don't think there are really any answers yet as to why, and that it isn't really a well known aspect outside of those of us experiencing that. Part of it may be due to constipation/fewer bowel movements, slower digestion and bloating. While it has come with a lot of challenges for sure, I still feel it is tolerable enough for me to continue for now.Read More Read Less

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Izabella | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

Only got to 0.5mg dose and whilst I did lose 4 kg in 7 weeks the side effects were horrendous. Nausea, heartburn and constipation I could almost deal with but had serious exacerbation of severity, intensity and frequency of migraines and had to discontinue. Also increase in stress and anxiety which was observed by my partner. As a health care practitioner I do have some concerns re the online availability of this medication.

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willwar18 | 25-34 | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I first started on a medication called Saxenda in August of 2022, that worked /ok/ but in December of 2022 I switched to Wegovy, was way more effective in my opinion. In August of 2022 I started at 435 lbs and now im at 289 lbs with minimal side effects. I will mention it cut my ability to eat food to literally a 1/4 of what I used to be able to eat.

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David Alvarez | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for Overweight Person with BMI 27 to 29 and Weight-Related Comorbidity
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

horrible stomach, gastric issues, seeing doctors to help me, this is horrible and should be outlawed

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Santeria | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for Overweight Person with BMI 27 to 29 and Weight-Related Comorbidity
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I just finished my second tier dose of wegovy. So .5mg. So in those two months I’ve lost 20 pounds total! 8 this first month, and 12 the second. I’m going up to the next dose (1mg) this week so I’m excited to see the scale continue to go down. I do stick to the diet they recommended for the most part and I exercise 4-6 times a week doing cardio for at least 30 minutes. The only side effect that I have predominately experience is nausea. But because of this I’ve quit smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol which is a huge plus. I can’t even think about either without wanting to gag lol. I did have a really painful and intense menstrual cycle last month which can be a result of rapid weight loss. But I’m willing to deal with it! So far I’ve had an amazing experience and looking forward to what happened next! Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for Overweight Person with BMI 27 to 29 and Weight-Related Comorbidity
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I am 53 years young and post-menopausal due to surgery (7 years ago) with high blood pressure and cholesterol. My weight has exponentially increased over time. I started Wegovy in March 2023 at 200lbs. Followed the recommended titration, slowly. I started .25 and then stayed on .5 for two months. I lost 16 pounds in 3 months and was feeling amazing!! Yes, some acid reflux and then slight nausea on dose day but not worse than after a night out of drinking and eating greasy foods! Then, the "supply issue happened". It was extremely difficult to locate the 1mg dose and my PCP refused to prescribe the 1.7mg. Most pharmacies I contacted didnt even want to discuss supply and I became frustrated. I tried intermittently to locate 1mg to no avail. I then gained back 8 pounds (but not the 16!). I FINALLY found the 1mg dose 2 weeks ago. My pcp recommended I return to .25mg due to possible GI issues but I went for it and took the 1mg as I had minimal to no side effects from the other two doses. Unfortunately, I ate a pretty big meal that evening and then took the 1mg injection. I was sooooo sick all night long, pressure on my stomach and nausea all night. And you cant 'undo' the injection once it's administered. I decided to stop fighting the nausea and vomited the next morning, which made me feel so much better. I was very nauseas for a few days and am happy to say that I am back on track with weight loss with no side effects after my injections (3 so far). Ive lost 6lbs in the past three weeks. Due to the lack of appetite, I am making sure my body is getting enough vitamins and minerals by taking supplements and forcing myself to eat things like oatmeal, vegetables etc. I have a company in my town that will do my labs for a reasonable price which for me is important for holistic wellness (insurance is finicky). I am feeling great and enjoying the idea that my blood pressure and cholesterol issues may reduce as I continue my weight loss journey. Read More Read Less

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Fat old Granny | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I started taking it in May of 2023 - six months ago. I am still nauseated, with heartburn and very bad constipation. I have only lost 20 pounds so far. I exercise and eat very little, and slowly. No fatty or spicy foods. I've followed all the recommendations for nausea, etc. to no avail. Now it is making me feel faint and dizzy, so I have to stop. I was hoping that with Hashimoto's I would have more success than this. I am fortunate - Express Scripts insurance pays all but $45 of this. At least it didn't make my hair fall out!! :)Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for Overweight Person with BMI 27 to 29 and Weight-Related Comorbidity
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I am 40 years old, and am in surgical menopause. After years of struggling to lose weight, I started wegovy. I have been on it since the start of April 2023 and have successfully lost roughly 1 lb. per week. I combined this with 3 days/week of exercise and calorie control (the medicine does the portion control for you!). The first few weeks I had side effects, but now I only notice not being hungry the day I take the shot. If I eat something fried (chicken wings, mozz sticks) or greasy, my body reminds me that I shouldn't be eating it and i feel sick (or wake up mltiple times in the night for the restroom)...but honestly, that is not a bad reminder to stay away from those fat/calorie dense foods. I have lost 30 lbs and am staying on the 2.4mg dose for maintenance. It truly helps!! Read More Read Less

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Gene | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

So I just started 1.7mg. Down 20lbs from my start weight. I definitely can't eat like I used to or portion size! Although I do have nausea and heartburn it's not a deal breaker. The oddest and most surprising side effect is I've lost all taste for alcohol. I love my wine and some would say I drank to often.. but I love that I don't miss it! If everyone experiences this it may have yet another off label use!

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Tina | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for Overweight Person with BMI 27 to 29 and Weight-Related Comorbidity
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

been on Wyegovy since March 2023 - have lost 43 pounds to date. Started at the .25 dosage/weekly and got to the 2.4 dosage... couldn't handle that dosage, severe cramping, severe constipation and nausea.. Back down to the 1.7 dosage every other week. Nausea and constipation are the worst side effects for 2-3 days after injection, but it's tolerable. The shots do change your taste buds and minimize cravings. Overall, happy with the other week injections of 1.7 dosage. Hoping to lose an additional 15 pounds to get to goal weight.Read More Read Less

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Kenna | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I just completed my first month on wegovy .25mg dosage. The last two injections were when I really started to notice symptoms like nausea and heartburn. These symptoms are mild and don’t bother me. Without exercise and mild dieting I lost 12 pounds the first month. I’ve just started the .5 dosage today and am now adding gym 5 times a week and committing to a stricter diet so I’m hoping by end of month two I’m down 30 pounds total. With the pace I’ve been going it’s definitely possible! I do expect the side effects to get worse with this next dosage but my doctor prescribed me anti heartburn and anti nausea medication to help. Clothes are already fitting different and my mood is improved greatly. I’m happy with my experience so far. Read More Read Less

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TEG | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

The pen is difficult to inject. My first two injections the medicine leaked out. I know have to inject into my thigh and apply a lot of pressure to the pen. I do count to 20 after the plunger stops.

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