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I'm over 55 yo and have had moderate to severe pain and swelling of both of my feet and both ankles. This is new to me.

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About 24 hours after taking the second dose of BioNTech, I found both of my feet started to swell from below the toes to the area surrounding the ankles. They felt a little pain when being pressed and a little tight when I moved the ankles around. I have consulted private and public hospital doctors (in Hong Kong) who didn't attribute my case to the vaccine. I used to be very healthy and am...

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Christy | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 1.0
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I had tremors really bad, teeth started to clench, couldn't open my mouth to talk, severe weight gain, went back into cardiomyopathy to a 34% ef rate, developed a mengionoma brain tumor and a blood clot on my lung. Very lucky to be alive after the jab.

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Stacy | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 1.0
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I had my second Pfizer vaccination in 2021. It destroyed my life. Apparently I got a bad one. I'm fighting to stay alive. My body is filled with all types of parisites. And my oragans are failing. Also suvering from blood clots and internal bleeding. Getting treatment. But my body is ruined. Emotionally I'm broken.

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Anonymous | Female | Patient
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 1.0
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Worst thing I ever did was get this vaccine. I got the vaccine a little over two years ago and since then I have had nothing but neuropathic symptoms and pain on and off. Some of what I have experienced include muscle twitching, loss of ability to move my fingers correctly, muscle pain and cramping, body aches, fatigue, and neuropathy. I was experiencing this daily initially affecting my ability to work. The neurologist said he had seen many cases of this happening and it should resolve in a year or so. Now, after over 2 years it remains. Although the symptoms are not daily now, thank God, the still come and go. Please do your own research and use your own judgement getting this vaccine. As a RN I was pressured into getting it and it was one of the worst mistakes of my life. I was a perfectly healthy 26 year old before all this. Read More Read Less

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Erin C. | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Caregiver
Condition: COVID-19 vaccination (emergency use authorization)
Overall rating 4.0
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I had COVID-19 in March 2020 and was hospitalized five times within six months. I was sick for 1.5 years afterward and received chemotherapy to "restart" my immune system. I received COVID-19 vaccination in April/May 2021 and the first booster in November 2021. Despite a complicated recovery, I have not been ill, hospitalized, or experienced serious complications/debility since March 2020 thanks to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Timeline of Events, Including: Visits and Test Results May 04, 2021 • Received the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine May 07, 2021 • Noticed a broken dental filling May 10, 2021 • Noticed severe hair loss June 3, 2021 • Started experiencing severe diarrhea and abdominal bloating June 18, 2021 • Diagnosed with Hydrogen-Dominant Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth June 21, 2021 • Noticed another broken dental filling July 08, 2021 • Started experiencing severe nausea and lack of appetite July 23, 2021 • Saw an endocrinologist regarding “hair loss, weight gain, irregular periods, hormone deficiency, and impaired glucose metabolism” • Later saw my primary care physician regarding “patellar tendonitis of both knees, left hamstring injury, and upper back pain on the right side” July 24, 2021 • Noticed another broken dental filling July 27, 2021 • Diagnosed with folate excess, severe estradiol deficiency August 02, 2021 • Saw a physician who specializes in environmental medicine to see if toxins were contributing to my health issues; no clear answers were obtained August 06, 2021 • EBV VCA IgG > 600 (positive 21.9) • EBV Nuclear Antigen Antibodies 238 (positive > 21.9) August 12, 2021 • Diagnosed with Reactivated Epstein Barr Virus August 18, 2021 • Admitted to the Emergency Department for “flank / abdominal pain” • Received fluid bolus for low blood pressure and Tylenol for a headache • “Diffusely diminished attenuation of the liver suggests fatty infiltration” on CT scan • Low globulin, low potassium, low anion gap, low urine specificity, high albumin globulin ratio, blood / squamous epithelial cells in urine August 25, 2021 • High albumin • Saw my primary care provider regarding “right flank pain” August 27, 2021 • Started experiencing severe fatigue and low-grade fevers August 31, 2021 • Saw a dermatologist regarding “androgenic alopecia” • She recommended Minoxidil, possibly Spironolactone in the future September 01, 2021 • Started physical therapy for “back pain, right knee pain, pain in left knee, muscle tightness, bilateral thigh pain” September 02, 2021 • Active lupus confirmedRead More Read Less

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Jenny | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 2.0
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I left a review a minute ago, i also forgot to add the lymp nodes in my arm hurt so bad i couldn’t move my arm and it was very lumpy and hard. It took 3-4 weeks to heal

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Jenny | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 2.0
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I got really sick after my second injection and got a really bad ear infection. I have never had an ear infection before until now. It was awful, it got to the point I couldn’t breathe my nose was running snot constantly, no taste, and my ears hurt so bad I could barely move.

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Vaxxed-and-Safe | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 5.0
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1st dose in March, second in April. Have been exposed multiple times to COVID-19 and haven't developed an infection thanks to this. I will be getting the booster. For those writing immediately afterward with aches/pains: it was similar to when you get a Flu shot and passes shortly. I have not experienced any lingering effects and the short term sluggishness is well worth it for the protection I get and dramatically reduce any severe reaction if I were to have a breakthrough infection. I imagine there's a political motive behind many of these negative reviews.Read More Read Less

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QueenBee | 35-44 | Female | Patient
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 1.7
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The day after my 2nd shot, I developed a mild and intermittent tremor in my hands, brain fog, and fatigue. At first, I thought symptoms were stress and anxiety due to other circumstances and believed the vaccine to be safe and effective. Over the next months, symptoms worsened to include severe palpitations, tachycardia runs of vtach and huge swings in heart and blood pressure with no pre-existing history of such issues. I began to have episodes of cardiac and neurological symptoms, including tremors all over my body, heart racing, facial twitching, tinnitus and dizziness. Still I was told it could not be be caused by this vaccine and was instructed to get a third booster. I believed my doctors and less was known at the time, so I got a 3rd shot. After that, symptoms went through another major flare and I was experiencing severe symptoms for several months after. Over time, have gradually improved after refraining from further boosters. I am in a clinical study at Yale that aims to understand cases like mine along with long Covid, as the two issues are similar. I understand my reaction may be rare, but it is real and has all but destroyed my life. I do believe that vaccines have been effective in reducing severe disease and death from Covid, but I feel concerned at the degree to which side effects have been hidden. Read More Read Less

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annonymous | 55-64 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Caregiver
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 2.7
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I've always been a bit overweight but usually find my weight peaks in winder then falls 6kg as it heads towards summer before rising again for the winter. Since having the jabs, my weight rose 3kg and refuses to budge summer or winter. I have increased exercise, was essential working during the lockdown so wasn't at home more and have tried changing diet habits. Nothing seems to give long term reduction.

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | Patient
Condition: COVID-19 vaccination (emergency use authorization)
Overall rating 2.0
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Felt really dizzy after the first shot. Since having the second in the series, I've gained 30lbs with no negative changes to eating or exercise habits. If anything I'm exercising more and eating less, trying to lose the weight! Was talked into getting the booster and was extremely drowsy for two weeks afterward. My heart condition has also deteriorated to the point of needing a med increase. Have not had covid at all so perhaps it did its job, but the side effects were awful.

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 1.7
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After receiving the Pfizer vaccine within two weeks I developed extreme to severe rheumatoid arthritis severe pain constantly nobody get this shot

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: COVID-19 vaccination (emergency use authorization)
Overall rating 5.0
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Had both Pfizer vaccines and two boosters . Sore arm and headaches with one or two and that’s all . Never have contracted Covid . Also wore masks in large groups during the pandemic I see lots of reviews , claiming the vaccine made them gain 30 to 50 pounds ?? Lol . It’s the vaccine , it’s what you eat . Lots of people gained weight during Covid because they weren’t active or were depressed etc Have friends who never were vaccinated and gained a bunch of weight

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Anonymous | 55-64 | Female | Patient
Condition: COVID-19 vaccination (emergency use authorization)
Overall rating 1.0
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Dat after I couldn't step down as I experienced what felt like a needle in the bottom of my foot, my toe was blue and feet were swollen. In the next two weeks my blood pressure began dropping to 66/44, and my fingertips and face went numb. Ive been diagnosed with immunodeficiency, orthostatic hypotension and small fiber neuropathy.

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Recovering | 55-64 | Female | Patient
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 4.3
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I had covid19 early March 2020 (before masks were mandated) and again Dec 2020. Diagnosed with long covid that still affects me now May 2023. After 1st Pfizer vaccine May 2021 and 2nd June 2021, I had mild side effects for a few days, mostly fatigue and a "floating" feeling. Long covid began improving a little. By August 2021 I was walking 2 miles per day and thankful for the stamina, although this was the extent of my daily energy. Because of compromised immunity, I received the booster Sept 2021. I developed myocarditis/pericarditis, began spot bleeding (9 years post menopausal), developed horrible digestive issues exacerbating my gastroparesis, began having headaches, POTS became worse (developed POTS during covid19 illness), and fibromyalgia flared up intensely - lasting still May 2023. I had to give up walking after the booster. Also gained 20+ lbs since first Pfizer vaccine 2021. I needed to gain a little as I lost weight during covid19 illness, but the last 10 - 15 lb weight gain came quickly after the booster in 2021. Eating well. Shouldn't have gained this much based on my nutritional intake. I was in favor of continuing boosters (until my horrible response to the first booster) and my cardiologist and primary doctors both advised against further boosters for me because of my immediate and long term effects from the vaccine booster. Disappointed because my health and my family's health have higher risk factors. With no updated boosters, still masking and taking precautions around others. Many have had no issues with the vaccines. That was me for the first 2 doses. Definitely NOT my experience with the 3rd dose (booster). I have often wondered how I would be feeling these past 1 3/4 years had I not taken the booster... Read More Read Less

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Ray | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 1.7
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Had two Astra Zeneca shots Jan 2021, after the required time received a phizer booster shot, felt normal at the time. That night when in bed, got wakened up with both my bicep muscles aching, had to try sleeping without lying on them, by the time morning came and I went to get out of bed i could tell things weren't right, i struggled to get up and found that i could barely stand or walk due to extreme pain over 50 percent of my body especially from my lower back down including joints and muscles and tendons including thighs and calves, took ibuprofen with little effect, went to the doctors, suggested i continue with ibuprofen and see how it goes, it has progressively gotten worse and now affecting my groin and hips, even steroidal anti inflammatories have very limited benefits but better than nothing, had occasional pain in knees prior to booster shot, now the pains are 24/7 and get noticeably worse when doing even moderate activity, even with the painkillers, to the point where it's too painful to continue, still waiting for an appointment to see a specialist, gps here not very knowledgeable on the matter or so it seems, now over a year since the phizer booster and been in pain since with associated restricted mobility, biggest regret ever getting that shot, won't be having any more, it has definitely eroded my quality of life immeasurably.Read More Read Less

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Greia Storm | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 1.7
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2 days after getting the first shot I gained 30 30 pounds in 30 days. Then no weight gain. Few days after getting these second shot I again gained 30 lb in 30 days. I have always been fit with a high metabolism. I went from 105 and with no change in diet or activity level gained a total of 60 lb. This is caused extreme depression, I have no appetite whatsoever and the psychological impact.. I would have preferred to have died from covid than to be alive as I am now. Complete inability to move around without getting winded, exhausted and at times dizzy. This could be the depression, however even in times of depression in the past never resulted in these physical symptoms. I could going to detail about how there's no other cause or change in my life that could be an alternative explanation for the weight gain, I will simply say that I've looked at all other possibilities for it and the only one that is glaring is getting the shots. It has ruined my life because it is ruined the How of Who I am.Read More Read Less

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sandy | 55-64 | Female | Patient
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 1.7
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had booster shot near end of January 2021 - February 2021 put on 18 pounds in less than a month. ZERO change in lifestyle or eating habits and weight had been exactly the same for over 10 years prior. No matter what I do, cannot lose this weight. No doubt rapid, unloseable weight gain was caused by vaccine.

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Ranu | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 1.3
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That vaccine is really make my life miserable. I have lots of pain last 1yr.Plus I got pppd problem. I guess this vaccine has lots of long term side effects.

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Shana | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: vaccination to prevent COVID-19
Overall rating 2.3
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I got the first 2 Pfizer doses in March 2021 & April 2021, and 1 booster in Nov 2021. Since getting the shots, I’ve had rapid weight gain, which I’ve never experienced before. I’m an active 5’6” female & I went from being 135lbs on Aug 2021 to 150lbs a year later. I have never experienced this kind of weight gain in my life, I’m seeing numbers on the scale that I’ve never seen before! I’m convinced the vaccine did something to decrease my metabolism, or increase fat retention, or something like that. I’ve started going to Orange Theory 1 hour classes (mix of strength training and cardio) 4x/week since Sept 2022 & I still can’t drop the weight. I took blood/hormone tests in Oct 2022 & the dr says all of my levels are normal, nothing with my thyroid, but this weight gain makes no sense. I’m more active than I’ve ever been in my life, I don’t have an unhealthy diet, and yet I can’t drop the weight. Something isn’t right. I will say though that I got covid for my first (and so far only) time in Sept 2022 & it was very mild, so the vaccines did help there. I just had a high fever for a day or so, and light cold symptoms for a few days, but nothing that I even needed to take cold meds for.Read More Read Less

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Krys | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.7
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My muscles all felt very sore when doing anything after getting the first shot. I was told it would stop but hasn’t. Any time I do anything I feel like I’ve been working out for hours. My muscles all over my body burn when I do anything leading to me gaining weight because everything hurts.

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