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2.9 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

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This drug has changed my life. It is finally what I needed to cure my endometriosis. Thank you thank you!! I have no side effects, no weight gain, no breakthrough bleeding. My atrocious cramps are gone. I highly highly recommend this drug. In full disclosure I did 2 shots of Depo-provera and then switched to Slynd after I could not handle the side effects of the shot. It has been wonderful for me....

Most voted negative review

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I’m 45 I have 3 little fibroids and 1 little cyst so I bleed everyday even though it’s just spotting until it’s time for my cycle. My doc put me in birth control to stop bleeding so the first set of pills was horrible the first month was no bleeding then by the mid end of the second pack I started bleeding terrible all kind of side effects so then I started on slynd first pack no cycle then on the...

Shared reviews and ratings

Montana | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

My OBGYN placed me on Slynd 5 months ago. I have PCOS and endometriosis. I used to have such bad bleeding and cramping before this. And I have to say this has pretty much solved all the menstrual issues I’ve had! Only down side is I break out a little more than usual but it’s nothing a good face wash twice a day couldn’t fix

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Negina | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I was taking Frey’s for 3 months and started getting skin rashes so my GYN put me on slynd, 3 days later I end up at the Hospital hemorrhaging + huge blood clots. I am now on TXA to control the bleeding and have officially stopped taking Slynd . I DO NOT RECOMMEND FOR WOMEN THAT DONT WANT HEAVY FLOODING PERIODS.

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

If you have mental health issues DO NOT take this medicine! I was on it for one month and had a full blown nervous breakdown. I woke up one day and a switch had flipped. I felt the most hopeless and depressed I’ve ever felt in my life. The only thing I had changed was this birth control. It has taken 2 months off the pill, and many mental health appts with therapy and I am still not back to normal. Please be careful with your mental health when considering this pill. I have lost almost 3 months trying to recover from what it did to my body and mind. Read More Read Less

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Monique | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I have had the worst time on Slynd. When I first started I had a mostly full blown period for 6 weeks straight. Since then I’ve had breakthrough bleeding at least 5 days out of every week. I developed acne, vaginal dryness, and excessive thirst with dry mouth. I’m happy to say I’ve been out my back the combo pill because Slynd was an awful pill for me. Hopefully I can get back to normal soon.

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Day | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I been taking slynd for almost 4 months since the beginning I had light bleeding that last for 2 and half weeks every pack and then the light bleeding will stop for like 7 - 13 days after starting the new pack. My GYN told me we had to switch to a low combination pill that had estrogen and I told him I will continue taking slynd to see if this side effect will improve. I had a pap smear and never have I ever had a abnormal pap I'm thinking this has to do with slynd he said my pap showed I that o have inflammation and that we need to repeat it in 6 months. After being told that I stopped the pill and I'm currently bleeding very heavy with clots this bleeding is very bad that I'm considering going to the emergency room to be evaluated. I currently changing tampons ultra every couple hours because it's not stopping the bleeding and I have to use pads also otherwise mu bleeding will go through my cloths. I have no pain but my heavy bleeding won't stop this is my day 6 of bleeding and is just getting worst. I would not recommend this pill based on my experience.Read More Read Less

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Kyra | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I've been taking Slynd for roughly 2 years due to painful periods causing blackout episodes that were preventing me from doing anything. I have a strong fear of estrogen-based birth control due to my family history and my current medical conditions that increase my likelihood of blood clots. This has been a lifesaver in a sense, I no longer have periods and have not experienced any side effects other than when I started it (spotting and irregular periods), which stopped after about a month. It also helped regulate my hormones enough to help with my anxiety and depression. I did take a break from taking this for about a year due to personal reasons and it took about a month to get my period back, which was consistent and regular (with fewer blackout painful periods, maybe once or twice). This is a good option for those out there who cannot take estrogen-based birth control, but it differs from person to person when it comes to side effects. The biggest downfall I have dealt with and many others is the price of the medication, and many insurances do not cover it. I rely on the coupon card that is given from the company's website which allows me to get a 3-month supply for $84. For many that's not an option, but if you have the resources to try this please do.Read More Read Less

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Notmommy | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I am on week 3, packet 2 of Slynd. I haven’t had a period since starting, but I have had random intermittent cramps that don’t seem to follow any sort of cycle or schedule. Worst part so far has been the exhaustion, physical and emotional fatigue.i cannot stay awake now, no matter what I do I feel i haven’t gotten enough sleep. I fall asleep midday, Im dragging myself through every afternoon and trying to stay awake til bedtime so I can attempt 8 hours. I have also had a few instances where my heart felt like there was a bubble blocking something and I was silently clutching my chest bent over in pain. It was awful and now reading the comments im going to tell my doctor. I’m exhausted from severe moods that I didn’t previously experience. I never experienced anger, and for the last month I have felt so much rage. Wanting to fight with my husband and waking up in the worst, mean moods. I started Slynd because pregnancy anxiety, I desperately don’t want to get pregnant- my husband has mental health condition and if I have 2 people to care for I might lose my mind. But I also started it because my period pain prior was so terrible I had to take the first 2 days off from work every month. Still haven’t had a period halfway through month 2 of Slynd, but the cramps are dull and constant. Feels like when a cyst develops, very specific and stabbing pain. Sex drive definitely has taken a hit. I used to want it every day, now days go by and I realize we haven’t had any. Just trying to actively combat that but it’s hard when emotionally I’m so affected and feel so strongly about nothing and everything. If it continues like this I’m coming off of it month 4. Just trying to give it a fair chance because again almost any side effects are worth not getting pregnant. For me. Read More Read Less

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Lala | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.0
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I started slimmed because I am in my late 30s and estrogen pills are not recommended ....1 week in I had uncontrollable panic attacks and anxiety. I have suffered from anxiety for 20 years, but this pill made it so much worse... I've stopped it for 48 hours now and noticed some improvement, I hope that it goes away and that I haven't made a habit of this feeling.

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Kelly | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
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I was on Mibelas 24 Fe for 8 years, didn’t realize that my severe anxiety and depression was caused from it. I was so scared to try slynd after reading hours worth of reviews even asked my gyno if I can try something else instead but she encouraged me to just try it. I am SO thankful I did too. It changed my life around 360. I rarely experience anxiety anymore and I was having daily panic attacks. My skin is perfect, no breakouts and I had absolutley no bleeding since starting it. I don’t even bleed when I’m due for periods so I just take monthly pregnancy tests. This birth control literally saved my life and I would recommend it to anyone! Truly a miracle drug. Do not let the negative reviews scare you- every body is different. Read More Read Less

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Alex | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.3
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I've been on this medication for almost a year. I've gained five pounds, l'm having big mood swings and severe acid reflux. It seems to be suppressing my endometriosis, so I would recommend it for that.

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Crystal | 25-34 | Female | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.0
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I got on this to prevent pregnancy I been on it 3 months have bad headaches been bleeding for 30 days and severe back pain so I'm taking myself off this the doctor was horrible refused to give me the implant in my arm will be finding a better doctor this medication had been a bad experience

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Beezy | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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Finally something works for me

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Moon | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I’ve been on slynd for 3 months now just started my 4 month. If this month does not get better I will be getting off this pill. Month 1 had no issues at all my period was only a couple days late which I figured would happen. Month 2 I had breakthrough bleeding for 7 days not to bad but was heavy like a period. Month 3 I had breakthrough bleeding again I’m going on day 17. I have been breaking out a lot more, more headaches, bloating that won’t go away, and I’m exhausted. Not sure if it’s from bleeding this long or the pill itself. I would have gotten off now but I am out of town and can’t get to my doctor. I personally was happy with my last birth control pills, my OB only changed me cause my blood pressure was high which I never have a problem with I just get nervous when I go to an appointment. Read More Read Less

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Grace | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I have been on slynd for literally 4 years and never had any problems, or so I thought. Not until reading these reviews did I realize a lot of things that happened were probably because of this pill. It’s been great for me honestly I tried other pills combination pills but the estrogen gave me migraines with aura which I never had before, I will say that u have to stick with it with sound you will bleed for weeks to months when you first start taking it and if you miss a pill you will bleed for weeks or months unless your pregnant but it does have a good forgiveness window if u miss a pill at night pop one in the morning, U WILL BLEED. I took this pill for acne extremely heavy periods and cramps and i skip the sugar pill so I don’t get my period any more. However recently, I have gotten breakthrough bleeding that has lasted a month so far I see my OBGYN this upcoming week, this bleeding is followed by awful cystic acne bad bad cramps and my headaches are starting to come back. My regular physician told me it might be time to switch to a different bc and get a higher dose or try estrogen pills again. My symptoms of menstruation from before the pill are coming back, it started with just bleeding after sex to bleeding heavy on and off thru the day that’s lasted a month. Slynd was amazing while it lasted however I was quite emotional not at first that’s something that came with time, bad panic attacks and anxiety and the anger I would feel and still feel on or off my period was just so hateful and it’s hard to shake it feels like there is no getting over it. It can’t hurt to try it it really does help but you have to stick to it for a while for it to work properly for u and ur body, I guess it’s ran its course for me and had just stopped being effective for my menstrual cycle, very effective for sex VERY VERY effective for unprotected sex.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.0
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I started taking Slynd to reduce bleeding and help with anemia. On month 2 of taking the pill I bled for 30’days straight. I ended up asking for medication to stop or slow the bleeding. After 2 and a half months I’m no longer taking this pill as I know need iron infusions. The only positive was my pain level was down.

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Each individual responds to each pill differently so please take this with a grain of salt! Many women seem to have a positive experience with slynd. I was on Yaz for a decade and switched to movisse (norethindrone) because yaz is contraindicated with aura with migraine which I experience. Movisse did not manage endometriosis pain as effectively and I was also getting a lot of hormonal acne on my skin and back - otherwise I liked it. So I tried Slynd for one week. It's worth noting that it's possible that it would have improved for me if I was on it for longer but when I shared my symptoms with my gyno he immediately suggested trying something else and I was relieved. The first coupe days on slynd were fine and then I began to feel thirsty all of the time. It was the kind of thirst that was really hard to quench even though I was constantly drinking water. I bought electrolytes so that I could feel hydrated even though I was only moderately active (casual walks and light yoga) and the weather was cool. My gyno confirmed this can be a symptom of slynd which I wanted to share - since it's so new there isn't necessarily as much info out there about it. I also experienced mood swings which I did not experience with movisse. Don't let this scare you from taking something that might help you - it just didn't work for me.Read More Read Less

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Shae | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.7
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I have severe endometriosis, to the point that it’s too dangerous to have surgery. I was diagnosed very late due to having silent endometriosis. Even though I never ever suffered from period pain or irregular period my period was very heavy, constantly getting iron infusion. My Gyno gave me the mini pill, that made me depressed and gain weight. Then they gave me vissane, I got really bad headaches and gained more weight after a week. Finally my GP recommend slynd. I did bleed for almost 8 month, I just continued to take them coz it had no side effects and was able to lose weight. Finally after 8 month my period stopped all together. I’m still on it. Couldn’t be more happier.Read More Read Less

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Chloe | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

Slynd made me very depressed and bleed constantly. I went on this mainly due to re-occuring anemia and having to get iron infusions from heavy periods. After being on slynd for 2 months, I can confidently say I am much more anemic than before and depressed too. There was not a single day in the 2+ months of taking it that I didn't bleed consistently all day. I didn't gain weight or get pregnant though, which was the only positive.

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

My Dr. prescribed me slynd due to painful periods every month. I had previously given myself a 2yr break from BC all together, but due to the pain I was willing to try anything. I wish I would have read these reviews!!! I had to stop taking slynd after 3months it was making me bleed for weeks on end and although I had no pain the cycle would just never end it was terrible I bled through my pants at work several times. I was also super emotional and crying almost everyday I did not feel like myself at all. Now looking back at reviews I did experience heart palpitations and my toes and fingertips would go numb a lot, I didn’t think Slynd had anything to do with that but maybe it did now reading other reviews. I felt compelled to add my review because I wish I would have done more research and read other reviews hopefully this helps inform other ladies out there.Read More Read Less

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N/A | 13-18 | Nonbinary | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.0
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I have been on Norethindrone for 3 years along with Zoloft to stop my period and to help my depression and anxiety. There was a significant increase in my weight and I finished taking zoloft 3 months ago. We decided to test out to see if it was the Norethindrone causing the weight gain, high blood pressure, high alt, and high cholesterol. Having a period is very distressing for me and so switching to slynd was not something I wanted to do or even try. However, I tried it and 4 days after I stoped the norethindrone and started the slynd, it started. I have been so stressed out and going back to the norethindrone because this other pill is not working at all or doing its job. I could care less on trying to figure out if it were the pill that were doing this to me. I am an athlete and practice 2.5 hours 6 days a week.Read More Read Less

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