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3.4 Overall Rating


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I take Rexulti and Viibryd only, after 6mo of 7 diff meds. For months and months I googled symptoms of my mental illness (after a severe psychotic break and 8 hospitalizations) and could rarely find any thing good to read. Only the bad. I have been doing AMAZING (with normal ups and downs) for a year now! I am writing a review because I want people to have hope. I almost wasn’t going to because on...

Most voted negative review

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Horrible. My doctor put me on a trial .5 dose. For the first few days I felt energetic and calm -- like my feelings of dread and anxiety were going down. Then I started feeling flu-like symptoms and I just assumed I had caught a cold. The "cold" progressed for but also brought with it severe panic attacks. The Rexulti was the only new drug in my system, so I determined it to be the culprit. After ...

Shared reviews and ratings

Sèance | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I should preface this by saying that I have severe depression, anxiety and BPD. The mood swings have been major my whole life. My family doctor put me on Abilify originally but when I was on them I put on a lot of weight and they weren’t working anyway. I switched to Rexulti 2mg mixed with Trinillex and I immediately dropped weight and felt a lot better. It’s been almost 2 years and I think Rexulti and Trintillex are the right combo to keep my mental health at bay. I still struggle some days but at least I can function now. No major side effects or anything. Read More Read Less

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MJ | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

To sum it all up its destroying my heart and muscles. Never had Charly horses so bad til this med. And have a mild arrhythmia in my heart now, tachycardia and heart palps. I'm gonna try getting off this medication by cardiologist Drs orders. It has for you. I fear death everyday because of the medication. Now I gotta suffer getting off of it AND being on it currently till I can get off it. Hope I'll be okay too after I'm off. I'm pretty much done w psych meds. I swear.... ??

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Anonymous | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Additional Medications to Treat Depression
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

My primary care doctor started me on Abilify to augment my anti-depressants. He did not inform me that it was an antipsychotic, if he had, I would not have taken it. But this was 2012 and you could not just look a drug up. So, I started on Abilify and then went to Rexulti and was on that for 12 years. Don't get me wrong, the medication works, it helps. Antipsychotics used to be known as major tranquilizers, and that is what they do, they sedate and calm the symptoms. But where I had once managed companies and made six figures, I started decompensating into severe paranoia with each job I had. I am unable to work now and I still get paranoid. I have since stopped all antipsychotics but have started with tardive dystonia anyway. While these drugs may seem like they are 'helping' you, they are really just covering up the symptoms, putting them to sleep. Meanwhile, the drugs are wrecking havoc in your brain and neurological system. Everyone gets TD if they keep taking antipsychotics, typical or atypical. It is a sad statement to our healthcare system that medical professionals must consider these toxic drugs as standard treatment. And we are the crazy ones bc we don't want to take their toxic treatment. How about this? Offer us something that is real treatment, something that does not harm our brains and bodies?Read More Read Less

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Eve corinne | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I was misdiagnosed in the or. Anxiety meds were the only thing throat worked I was told being fine I would go off disability the pain of a misdiagnosis and rhe shakes is really bad I thought to keep disability on I had to go through this pain. I was told how hard it is to get insurance and that kind of money by my grandfather I had fear I was told I had to take medication or this medication for my career so I knew it was bad but I thought I had to ruin my body with the misdiagnosis. I didn’t want to pay for a good doctor. I had anxiety of working after being taped and all my checks stolen and going to the police and not knowing how to file reports i had too much fear to file an Enron and go to jail for it said you do in the exam that you’re not supposed to because they could bomb if you see Read More Read Less

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Eve corinne | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I can’t afford the misdiagnosis to keep disability on the diagnosis said not to work and to keep it on I thought I had to Chang emu medication to get I was living in pain I didn’t know not to use or send medical files from the hospital a misdiagnosis is very painful I knew what worked I didn’t know it’s my choice to stay on disability I kept sending them medical files and thought I had to follow a misdiagnosis taking kexaoro i got better and was told I would go off

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Mrsbee | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Additional Medications to Treat Depression
Overall rating 4.0
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Everything was fine as long as my provider had samples! Then she went to telehealth and didn’t get samples thus I went to get script and it was 1800.00 for one month. I immediately started trying to wean off. I went to the gates of hell without a glass of ice water. 4 months I tried I had irrational thoughts panic anxiety nausea vomiting diarrhea tremors pain all over my body . One pill last 19 days in your system. I’m now on abilify pristig Xanax and adderall and I still have episodes of withdrawal from this medication. I’ve never been through nothing like it. I called the company they wouldn’t help me til I filled out a bunch of forms to see if I’d qualify for assistance. I wish I’d never taken this drug.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

This is the worst medication I could ever imagine. After titrating to the next higher dose I began to have excruciating panic attacks and anxiety attacks. I would lose hours of a day. I began to only get 2 hours of sleep and have nightmares. I called my psych to get off of it. I am now still not sleeping while this leaves my body. I have had 10 hours of sleep in 4 days. I am experiencing what they call hypnagogic hallucinations and psychotic itching. I feel like I am in hell.

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Syd | 35-44 | Nonbinary | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

It worked for severe treatment resistant depression but I gained 25lbs in a month on 2mg, no lie. I was binging every night. I went off it because I decided I would rather risk killing myself than be nearly obese! Apparently it shuts down the mechanism in your brain that helps you feel full.

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Lani | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 1.7
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Rexulti caused me to become very withdrawn and incapable of carrying on conversations anymore . I avoided contact with people as much a possible. It also caused me to have parkinsonism which I am currently dealing with. When they tried to wean me off of Rexulti I went through about 5 weeks of pure hell...withdrawals.took me several months to get off of it.

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Paul | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Caregiver
Condition: Psychosis associated with Alzheimer's Disease
Overall rating 4.3
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My 71yo wife is Dx with Lepopenal Aphasia/Alzheimers (early onset). Adding Rexalti has been a plus including: crying has dramatically been reduced (daily/hourly). Her language has gone from mumbling/word salad to clearer and is appropriate in conversations. She is currently taking Effexor, Ativan, Seraquel, Memetine, Buspirone - adding Rexalti has been tremendous. Our next step it to reduce some of these Meds

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Bazz | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

Hi,I'm 44 year old male which has been 14 years outpatient of mental/mood disorder. I was diagnosed Schizoaffective disorder by my doctor in 2010 & she gave me Seroquel & Zoloft which worked well. Because of the price of medication increased exponentially in 7 years from $200 to $1000 a month I switched doctor in 2017. He diagnosed me with Bipolar disorder & gave me Abilify & Kalxetin which worked well with price only $100 a month. And it was 2020,since I moved to another city because of Covid pandemi,then I switched doctor again. He diagnosed me with Mood disorder & gave me Rexulti & Noxetine which I consider the best low cost medication which I ever get in 14 years ($200 monthly). I think Rexulti with antidepressant is great for unspecified mental/mood disorder. But you should do trial & error on: dosage + time taking + times in a day you take it to get chemical balance in your brain. Also don't take more than max dosage which is 2-4 mg a day directly proportional with your weight. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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Rexulti has changed my life for the better

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annie | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

i started rexulti a few months ago and the mental effects were wonderful, i had little anxiety’s and my depression was getting better. but while on this medication in 4 months ive gained over 40 pounds. after it started negatively affecting my circulation in my legs- i was advised to stop the meds. i weened myself off like i was supposed to for about two weeks and now i am experiencing constant nausea no matter what i do, ive lost 10 of the pounds i gained because i literally cannot eat, i have not slept in the past 4 days, strange uncontrollable movements of my mouth, im now experiencing flu like symptoms including a fever and i have no idea how long these symptoms are going to last its been about 3 weeks since ive stopped taking it. DO NOT take this medicine if you can avoid it. Read More Read Less

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Bordenkate | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I was on this medication for several months and it was ok at first but then it made my anxiety way worse then it was before I started taking it … I would have days where I couldn’t even get out of bed …. After a while I stopped taking it and I had body shakes and trouble sleeping and lost my appetite….. I have been off of it for about 2 months now and I’m still trying to shake the side effects away

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Additional Medications to Treat Depression
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I was on Wellbutrin for MDD since 2018. I was doing well just on this medication, but eventually I experienced persistent sadness/low mood, crying spells, anhedonia, lack of motivation, poor concentration, racing thoughts, anxiety, insomnia, and mood swings during my period. I was functional to an extent, but felt like I was barely getting by at work. I had mental blocks, was falling behind on paperwork, and felt stressed. I wanted to quit my job so many times. I needed an adjunct to my anti-depressant. I already tried Lamictal but got the rash, and Abilify but felt like a robot. Then my Dr. put me on Rexulti in January 2022. I was initially strongly resistant to the idea of antipsychotics, but gave it a chance. For the first few months, my mind was like a blank slate. It was strangely calm. Med helped to organize my thoughts, think more clearly, and stabilize my mood. No more depressive episodes or crying spells. No anxiety. Motivation returned. I still struggled to have energy, especially waking up in the AM, but I felt so much better. I became cognitively sharper and able to complete my work more efficiently. I felt very emotionally stable and was able to travel and enjoy my life! My appetite increased and I did gain like 10 lbs during the 1st year, but I was able to maintain the same weight for most of the time. That is until March 2023. Weight gain creeping up. I gained another 10 lbs. July to December 2023 another 20 lbs. Then December 2023 to now? Another 20! More than 50 lbs. It alarmed me. Clothes no longer fit me and it upset me. I had my annual physical in November 2023 which showed high cholesterol and I was this close to becoming pre diabetic. Diabetes runs in my family. My mental health’s never been better but at what cost? My physical health? For this reason, I’m choosing to get off Rexulti. If it wasn’t for the weight gain, I’d stay on Rexulti. Read More Read Less

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Alex | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I take this medication for Bipolar Disorder Unspecified & BPD. Honestly there was a little while where I thought I was better off not taking it, but after a week of not taking it I had a manic episode and was sobbing uncontrollably. Taking this medication in the morning works best for me. I no longer think everyone hates me, I have energy during the day, and I'm able to look on the bright side of things. I have been through probably 20 medications to help me and this definitely suits me the best. I may have gained weight but my body image is significantly better and I feel like I'm a more pleasant person to be around. Would definitely recommend this medication! I only take 0.25mg because I'm sensitive to medications.Read More Read Less

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Georgia Gma | 75 or over | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Additional Medications to Treat Depression
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I have only been on Rexulti for a week, I always read the side effects with new medication but failed to do so with this new medication. As I started to take my medication tonight I decided to read up on the medication. BINGO! Since starting the medication I’ve had breathing problems. With a history of Asthma, naturally I thought that’s what it was. I did not take the medication tonight and I will not be taking it in the future. Several other side effects that bother me because my doctor prescribed this new medication knowing that I have all these other health issues. Side effects can be serious! I haven’t had more than 2 -3 hours of sleep each night since starting the medication. If it helps other patients, that’s a plus. It’s not the medication I need!Read More Read Less

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Lioness | 55-64 | Other | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Additional Medications to Treat Depression
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I didn’t believe the hype. The first week I was tired in the morning. Then boom this with my lexapro is magic. No dred and I have GAD hyper vigilance and it’s much better. It also made me stop smoking. I feel great. Dreams can be an issue at first but I had stopped my Prozacin. This truly saved my sanity

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do not use | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Additional Medications to Treat Depression
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

My husband was on this drug as an addition to his antidepressant. This drug has ruined our lives after he was only on it for 7 months. It is not an anti-depressant, but an anti-psychotic. We have been dealiing with the aftermath of this drug for 2 years now. Stay away!

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Nyx | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Additional Medications to Treat Depression
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

If ypu have a condition that lowers your blood pressure already, Be careful. Im 41 and also deal with Pcos which lowers my blood pressure sometimes. Concerning the meds. It makes me dizzy, gives me a headache and my anxiety doesn't get any help from this med. I don't know why my Dr. wants me to stay on it. I can only imagine it is cause i have been taking abilify. I had a bad reaction due to a combo of my pcos and this med together. One day i woke up at 6 am, i got lightheaded, dizzy and i remember walking towards my bedroom and all of a sudden i couldn't hold myself up I fell to my knees for a few seconds and then went face forward. I busted my nose and couldn't get up for a few seconds and when i did there was a small puddle of blood on my floor. I have pcos, so i think a cyst on top of my overy ruptured causing my blood pressure to lower and these meds also lower your blood pressure. I went to the e.r and they ran tests. Be careful if you have any condition or other med that already lower your blood pressure. Keep visiting and consulting your primary dr along with the mental health dr cause rexulti can cause you to pass out and get injured being it lowers your blood pressure by more than other meds i have taken.Read More Read Less

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