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Most voted positive review

27 People found this comment helpful

The complaints noted by others of this drug are frightening. The night sweats, mood swings, memory loss and others can be dismal, however, the suffering, the pain, uncomfortability and or health hazards of the disorder are just as dismal if not more so. Be informed. This website can help. Be knowledgeable. Be sensible. Be understanding. The Drs/OBs/GYNs/Phys are trying to help (mostly). But,it is ...

Most voted negative review

5 People found this comment helpful

Lupron was given to me over 3 years ago.I lost my job, used my retirement, my cobra expired. I am in debt since I was hospitalized. Self pay is charged more than double. I had so much due to my hard work and this has been taken away from me.Now I have bill collectors calling me and I find that very difficult, my family never had to deal with a collection agency.I have lived with terri...

Shared reviews and ratings

Lori | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I was mid 50’s dealing with menopausal heavy periods. One dr I went to said this stuff was what he gave his wife and it was great. I got no type of warnings. 1st shot I was sick within a week. Went for my 2nd and Bp was high. They said it was white coat syndrome. I got sicker but didn’t think it was the shots. I didn’t own a bp monitor, so didn’t know. I couldn’t hardly get up for dealing like a heart attack coming on. Went for 3rd shot and Bp was Very high. I was told to go to triage but didn’t. That month I was ruined. I couldn’t get up without totally losing my breath. My heart raced, I was scared. Trying to do my (farm) chores I expected to die. I got a bp monitor and my bp was through the roof. It stayed that way a year. I took no more shots. I’ve Always been healthy, outdoorsy, hard worker and NO bp problems. After a couple months of misery I went to a diff dr. They refused to hear it could be the Lupron. I didn’t go back. Ended up in the ER twice. They blamed my bad lifestyle. (I was 105lbs on keto and very active before this). Finally got a heart dr that went thru my records and found my bp went up the month I started the shots. I lost that dr later and never had a good one again. Long to short, 7+ years later and I’ve rarely had good bp. I finally got off the bp meds, but it goes high and low w/o reason, I still have very bad palpating heart and lose my breath to the point I think I’ll collapse. I’ve never been the same since those 3 shots. It is a Very bad Medicine and I wouldn’t curse anyone to be on it. Read More Read Less

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Zen1028 | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Breast Tumor
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

I took this for ovarian suppression as part of endocrine therapy after being diagnose with breast cancer as I am premenopausal. 3.75 mg 3 month slow release. This was the worst decision I ever made in my life. This drug introduce things I never experience before, anxiety so bad that it can trigger HIGH blood pressure, negative thoughts, headache almost daily, lost of appetite. I stop being ME. This was given to me in Dec 2023, and I was suppose to have another shoot in March 2024, I told my oncologist no I will not be taking it. I never cried in front of others, not even at my Dad's funeral but I cried at that meeting with my oncologist. This was how NOT me I was. I am waiting for this drug to stop doing what it is doing to my body right now and its been 6 months since the shoot and it is still suppressing my ovaries. Please do your research, a LOT of research before even thinking about taking this toxic drug.Read More Read Less

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SD | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Advanced Form of Prostate Cancer
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

Within two months of my first Lupron injection for intermediate prostate cancer, my entire world collapsed. I fell into such a deep depression that I barely even leave my bed, let alone my house. I was a muscular, happy 60 year old man with a great sex life and lots of friends. Now I just sit home and cry as everything withers away. My short term memory is gone. I forget the names of coworkers and had to go on disability. I want radiation therapy and my oncologist said taking Lupron for six months is a condition of it, but once radiation is complete I'm going to totally ghost my cancer center, do no follow up, and never get another Lupron shot as long as I live.Read More Read Less

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lexaproTranny | 13-18 | Transgender | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.3
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Transfem here! I’ve been loving Lupron so far ^^ T levels seem to be way down and help me feel much more comfortable in my body!! I know this isn’t usually prescribed as a blocker but if anyone is prescribed this for GD please know it takes a little to start working but does the job!!

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 1.0
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I suffered from Endometriosis from the time I was 14 until I was 29. My cycle was horrible and never regular. I could go 5 or 6 months between periods, but never really be pain free. When I would have one, they would last 2 weeks or more. I was in my early 20s when I was finally diagnosed. I started on the Depo Provera shot for a year. While it is supposed to stop the growth of Endometriosis, it also makes your body think it's pregnant. I immediately started gaining weight. I was 125 lbs, and suddenly weighed over 160 in 3 months. I also had horrible heart burn constantly. Neither of which I had ever had an issue with before. After stopping the Provera, within 2 months it all grew back and I had my 1st laporoscopy. 1 month later, my doctor suggested I go on the Lupron shots. This of course flips a switch in your body and puts it into medical menopause. I knew I would experience the hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and "regular" symptoms. But, my doctor didn't mention the life long health problems that were going to ruin so much of the rest of my life. By this time I was 25. I am now 53. What they don't tell you is that Lupron effects your pituitary gland and completely changes you hormone balance. That will never be normal again. It controls every system in your body, and it’s so messed up, it has no idea what it's job is anymore. It stimulates the male pattern hair growth. I started getting facial hair at 28. Started shaving my face at 29. As I got older, it became more and more dark and heavy, to the point of my having to shave 2 or 3 times a day. I started having problems with food and having horrible pain and nausea every time I ate. I was diagnosed with IBS when I was 29. I began having allergy issues, although all my test came back negative. When I was 30, my daily pelvic pain was so bad that I was taking 12 advil every morning just to function at work, followed by 4 to 6 more every 6 hours. If I was having a period, I had to be on serious pain meds. I ended up having a total hysterectomy at age 30. Never had kids. I have never gotten off of antacid medication. Been on them for 25 years. Although my tests show I have no reason to be on them. Had my gallbladder out at 35. Can't eat or digest fats. I can't lose weight even though I eat right and exercise. I've had 3 back surgeries. My last one required 18 screws, 3 fusions and 3 cages. Most foods I eat currently make me sick, but it has nothing to do with what I eat. I've tried every diet known to man. My drs have no idea what to do with me. I was a healthy person until I took these shots. These side effects are a life long sentence. I only took them for a year.Read More Read Less

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endo-FET | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 3.0
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I am 39 years old and have chronic endometriosis... despite surgery and lifestyle/diet changes, i still have symptoms (pain, inflammation, bloating when I eat the 'wrong' thing and during my period etc) The main issue is I'm trying to get pregnant (naturally) but my womb is too inflamed so implantation fails. So I'm now doing ivf, and my fertility doc prescribed 2 months of lupron depot (2 injections) to take the endo inflammation out of my womb before an FET (frozen embryo transfer). This will be my first ever transfer and I still have 20 days to go until the transfer. The doctor has just started me on estrogen patches so the 2 months of lupron is technically over and I just wanted to come on here and share my experience. I was absolutely dreading lupron side effects. I read all the horror stories online, I was terrified and miserable at the thought of it. But now I'm on the other side of it I am relieved to share that it was not nearly as bad as some other peoples experiences. I would have been grateful to read some more positive experiences, so i'm sharing mine. Overall I would say that for me the side effects were simply not that bad or dramatic as i'd feared, and was totally worth it for 2 months especially if it leads to a pregnancy. The worst thing about it for me were the hot flashes that got more frequent towards the end of the treatment period. in the last week or so my flashes came about twice an hour. Hot flashes in themselves are not the worst thing in the world (im usually always cold so sometimes i was even grateful for them! haha) but the issue for me was that they would wake me up from about 3am and because they kept on coming, i would struggle to get back to sleep properly for the rest of the night. so i am prettyyyy sleep deprived and that began to really get me down. I took evening primrose oil supplement to try to help with it but i dont think it really made much difference. A few times i would take sleeping pills because i was at the end of my rope with the sleep issues. but beyond that, i would say that for the majority of the time, the lupron side effects were imperceptible. Some of the other side effects i noticed that some people apparenlty get: irregular/fluttering heart beat a few times a day that was a bit disconcerting but ultimately nothing bad happened. bone/joint pain - i didnt really notice this. there were a couple of days i got a little bit of an ache in one elbow, and a bit of shooting pain in my forearm, but generally didnt notice bone pain. I did feel generally quite weak for the whole 2 months but that also could be because i wasnt getting enough sleep. I wasnt able to do much exercise because of feeling weak. i was able to weight train maximum twice a week, and i would go on gentle 1 to 2 hour walks daily. usually i go out for dinner a couple of times a week and will enjoy a couple of glasses of wine with my meal, but on many occasions i could barely get through one glass. Just wasn't feeling it. some people reported brain fog but i didn't really notice that. i was able to work and think clearly and in some ways i would even go so far as to say my adhd was a bit better? like my brain was less noisy/disorganized?! One other weird thing I noticed is my hair basically stopped growing, or at least slowed right down. I wear a bob and it usually needs cutting at least once a month but I havent cut it in 2 months and its still not ready to be cut. I did not really notice my sex drive change. I definitely didnt care about sex in a way that i normally would, but whenever i did have sex everything was fine and there was no dryness or pain. weirdly.. i lost weight, even though i think i ate the same as usual/ate as much as i wanted. I lost about 4 pounds. in the days after the second injection i felt quite nauseous and my appetite was diminished. After the first injection I had the surge of testosterone they tell you to expect, and to be honest I really liked it! I felt good, sort of edgy and cafRead More Read Less

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Bill T | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Advanced Form of Prostate Cancer
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

It did it's job. PSA dropped to .5. Testerone dropped to less than 3. Negative Side effects outweigh the positives of the drug for me.

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Middy | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Disclaimer I want it to be known first and foremost that Depro Lupron is a birth control they give to children telling them it is safe, they give to trans kids as puberty blockers, they give to male inmates to chemical castrate them. I was given depro lupron ontop of depro provara for the treatment of Endometriosis. It did not help my pain ,but made it worse. I ended up getting endometriosis back in 5th grade about 1990/2000. Took them years to find out what was wrong with me because they just wanted to play it off like it was all in my head, or that I was to "young" to know what was going on with my body. I was extreme pain for years, living in the bathroom floor throwing my guts up everyday. To the point I was missing school and was even fired from my first job because of my pain. I would get hot flashes that lasted for hours where I would have to sit infront of a ac to cool off, I would pass out at work or out with my friends or even at home because I was in so much pain, I gained weigh, started losing my hair, got health issue after health issue after health issue because of it. My pelvic area felt like it was constantly on fire so I would have to use a ice pack to cool it off. I felt like pins and needles was being stabbed inside of my pelvic area and being twisted and pulled out with babred wire. I had constant migraines, headaches, everything bothered me, I was depressed and angry all the time. my ankles would swell up , I started losing feelins in my hands and feet and fingers and toes. I couldn't eat anything cuz I was always sick and throwing up. My peroids stopped in 2006 ....little did I know it was because I was chemical castrated while on this medication. I have sense had more health issues because it ruioned my body...the main one being ibs-d and gastrological issues, bone issues ect. They had a lawsuit against them back in 2009 when they first put me on lupron. (I was on provara before that) and I just found out about it being used on trans recently because of right wing activists trying to protect children. Like this medicine shouldn't does nothing for ednometriosis...what helped me with mine was a full hytectyomy that I had to threate suicidal for because they wanted to force me to have kids that I didn't want and couldn't have to begin with because I was infertia cuz of the medication. Read More Read Less

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Lupron victim | 75 or over | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Advanced Form of Prostate Cancer
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

I took Lupron injections for three months and it totally ruined my life. I am normally very happy and energetic but with that poison on board I was a total wreck. It made me very very anxious, depressed with brain fog and suicidal thoughts. I am currently working on a report to the FDA (we’ll see how that goes) describing that medication as a “poisoned” which should be removed from the market.

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Smittie | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Advanced Form of Prostate Cancer
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

A 5/5 prostate cancer was detected with psa count 24. I had a prostatectomy in November '22 with a caesarean section, it reocured during March-June '23 and I was scaned for location of cancer, but luckily no spread, I.o.w it was in the same area as removal, I received 31 radiations since August till end September "23, started with Luprone treatment since July "23, after six months and 2 injections I had suffered multiple side effect till now, the Oncologist don't want to make addaptions, alternatives or look at other opinions, I wrote him a letter to inform him about my side effects, neither he not the sister wanted to change anything, so I canceled my 3rd appointment for an injection and waiting for an answer to make a decision or to reconsider or go for a second opinion. My side effects are: *Hot flashes day and night with severe sweat, *Leg, wrist and lower back pain and at areas of old injuries, *Agravating osteoarthritis, *Higher acid levels, *Weakened imune system with sinusitis and ear infection, aswel as running nose with burns and pealing of skin at nostrils, *Signs of infection at prostate area, *Severe depression, *Lack of energy for 5 to 7days, *Distressed in left chest area, *Regular severe headaches, *Problems with urinating, *Gemoedsversteurings, *Shrinkage of testicals, *Impotence, *Vertigo, sickness, *Swelling of feet and calves, *Tinteling in legs, *Visual weakness, *Anxiety and nightmares, *Gain of 3-4kg in 6onths, *Build up of moisture above private parts, *More sensitive, evaded people, *Restlesss and more. I was not prepared for this. Neither was I counciled or informed beforehand. No one knows who's job it is. My psa dropped from 24 to 0.48 after surgery, it started to rise again 0.56 after surgery and before radio therapy an Luprone treatment, it is now 0.03, below 0.1 as the Urologist wanted it, but after 6 months Luprone is busy ruining my life. The only way now is to scan and see whether the cancer still exists. I.o.w. I'm going to reconsider the use of Luprone for the rest of 2 years and look for alternatives. I can feel how I grow old before my time. I just feel that one needs to be informed before the time and to make an informed decision. Take note that Luprone contains 2 types of saltt and 1 type of accid. Best of luck! Read More Read Less

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FromMN | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Low Red Blood Count due to Uterine Fibroids
Overall rating 4.0
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Lupron Depot IM was given to me for 2 months with the goal of shrinking very large fibroids prior to surgery. I had a positive experience with Lupron Depot IM. One injection per month was simple. Was the small injection site sore? It was tender to the touch but only for 1.5 days. While I did have a period the 1st month, my period issues common with large fibroids were noticeably less overall. I was most concerned how my mood may change while on Lupron Depot IM & oddly, I found the usual side effects noted were opposite from what I experienced. I had more energy & my hormonal irritability was surprisingly nonexistent. I did not have a period the 2nd month. Yes, I did end up with classic menopause symptoms including disrupted sleep and only a handful of hot flashes over the course of the 2 months. Read More Read Less

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Elaine | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Low Red Blood Count due to Uterine Fibroids
Overall rating 2.7
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Received Lupron IM injection in May. Now I have generalized arthralgia in hips, arms, back, neck, hands, legs, feet. I feel horrible. Everything hurts. And I still got my period. I just hope I can get cleared for my upcoming surgery date because Lupron isn’t working and is making me feel worse

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Janet Hill | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Lupron Depo should me taken off the market. I wish I had never taken it. I had and enlarges fibroid which needed to be shrank before a hysterectomy. My life changed for the worse after taking it. High blood pressure 35 lb plus weight Gain, zero sex drive, vaginal dryness, fatigue, anxiety, depression, mood swings night sweats I could go on and on. So disappointed in my doctor. I trusted her one woman to another.

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Melissa | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
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I was given a shot of Lupron in December 2022 in preparation for a partial hysterectomy due to massive fibroids. The only side effect my doctor warned me about was hot flashes. She also pushed me to take the drug by scaring me. She said if I didn’t take it, my fibroids would be too large to remove laparoscopically, and I’d be forced to do an abdominal cut hysterectomy. I trusted her. I shouldn’t have. The hot flashes were the least of my issues with this drug. I fell into a depression so deep, that I maxed out on my dose of antidepressants and still felt suicidal. I gained 30lbs in the course of two months, and was suddenly diagnosed with high blood pressure. But worst of all, I began to have agonizing lower back pain almost immediately after taking the shot. It is now almost six months later, and I’ve had my hysterectomy surgery, but almost nothing has changed. I’m still having unbearable pain in my lower back to the point that I can no longer walk for more than 15 minutes without having to sit down. I keep gaining more weight and now I can’t exercise effectively to lose it because I’m in constant agony unless I’m sitting or laying down. I’ve had to start taking medication for my high blood pressure, and I’m still having hot flashes even though I still have both of my ovaries. This medicine permanently ruined my hormone balance, and the joke of it all is that I never needed to take it in the first place. It turns out that it did absolutely nothing to shrink my fibroids before surgery, and my surgery was still able to be performed laparoscopically. I’m so unbelievably angry at my doctor for not being more knowledgeable about the potential permanent damage this drug can cause before pressuring me into taking it! Read More Read Less

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AimeeT | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 5.0
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From 16-19 my endometriosis pain was out of control. I would end up laying on the floor of random stores because of the pain. The endometriosis moved to other organs. At 19, I was recommended lupron. It saved my life. I still had 8 laparoscopy over the years to help with endometrial growth. In my 30s, I had 2 kids. My daughter is 19 and she is passing out from pain from cramps and her endometriosis. She started her first lupron injection after trying everything else to control the pain. For some people it works for others it might not. We have been the successes. Read More Read Less

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bc_old_soul | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 1.0
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In 1994, at age 15, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. The 3 options given to me by my gyn were: a laproscopy, get pregnant, or do nothing and deal with the pain and hopefully have children before a hysterectomy. I elected for the surgery. Afterwards i was still experiencing quite a bit of pain 30 days later so the 3 options i was given at that time were: induce menopause by getting lupron injections 1x a month for 6 months, get pregnant, or deal with the pain and again, hope to have children before a hysterectomy became necessary. 6 months later I was still experiencing pain and although the doctors were convinced the pain was in my head they put me back on birth control pills and for 1.5 years I continued straight without taking the break for my periods. It was great being in high school and no periods for 2 years. However, at almost 44 years old, I'm now convinced Lupron broke me somehow and I've been fighting mental health issues and physical ailments ever since. I dealt with menopause for 6 months while in high school. I 12/10 do not recommend it. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Advanced Form of Prostate Cancer
Overall rating 1.0
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The deep hip pain has been excruciating. Interrupts sleep. Swelling and numbness in legs.

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Gigi | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 1.0
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I am 66 yrs old, I took Lupron 1x monthly injections for about 6 months in my late 30’s as suggested by my gynecologist to help with severe monthly periods and clotting. I had 3 d&c, 2 laposcopic surgeries prior to my taking the drug. I immediately went into menopause after the 1st infection and started to have hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia and mood swings. After suffering for the 6 months, I stopped the injections. Unfortunately for me, the side effects of the drug never stopped. I had a hysterectomy at 45, I keep my ovaries, and the side effects continued and still have them today at 66. I strongly believe that because lupron put me in early menopause so young the side effects of the drug did something negative to my natural hormone system. I was never informed of any side effects of this drug by my doctor.Read More Read Less

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Ber | 25-34 | Nonbinary | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 1.0
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Teeth broke in my early 20's after first round. Osteoporosis in 20's due to this. Have been on it 3 times. They keep pushing it even after hysterectomy. DO NOT TAKE TzhIS MEDICATION. Severe depression and hot flashes so bad I had to change clothes multiple times a day. Migraines and vomiting. Hard to keep work with these rounds this should not be legal at all. Was put on it for endometriosis and fibrosis, cysts, PCOS

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 4.0
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In my 20s, I began having heavy, painful periods. My Gyno told me they would be that way until I had a child, but that birth control might help. I stopped BC after two years due to horrible mood swings, mystery kidney stones, hypertension, and hot flashes. In my 30s, I stopped using tampons altogether and went to pads-only because the flow was so heavy and there were too many accidents. I’m my early 40s, I was told I had mid-sized fibroids and it was suggested I either learn to live with the period pain until menopause or have them removed with the chance they could come back. In my late 40s, my blood pressure skyrocketed and I suffered a blood clot in my calf. My periods were painful (lots of Advil) and brown, and I had spotting throughout the month. After months of exams, I’m told I have four largish fibroids and endometriosis, with endometriomas on my ovaries with one no longer working. Lupron was suggested to help reduce the size of the fibroids and the endometriomas in prep for laparoscopic hysterectomy. Yes, I get hot flashes: roughly every half hour and when I eat or drink. Yes, I get night sweats that wake me up. Yes, I’ve had a couple of muscle spasms that last a day or so. My periods stopped after the first month/injection. Luckily, I have not suffered brain fog, severe mood swings, or depression like others report. I am using the mini pill for add-back, and I fortunately don’t have to get injections long-term. With my goal in mind of having a more successful surgery (after 3 monthly injections) and reducing the chance of further anemia and blood clots, this drug is working very well for me. I can deal with the side effects for this limited time as I work with my doctors to bring an end to my years of (what has probably always been endometriosis) suffering. I share this to help other women make more informed choices and set expectations. It’s not a perfect drug, but it might help you get to a better place. Read More Read Less

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