I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and a gleason score of 8. The good news was that it was a small amount. 2 sections out of 12 in biospy. No apparent outside speading with tests. Urologist suggested 45 radiation treatments, followed by three years of the hormone. I have been on it almost one year. My PSA is staying at .1, which is excellent. Hot flashes are not a big problem. A little weight ga...
Used along with radiation to treat Gleason 9 prostate cancer with positive bladder margins at surgery. Recovered from surgery nicely. Even radiation was not bad, with minimal to no rectal or bladder problems. Androgen deprivation is a completely different animal. I have had everything from depression to anorgasmia to 15 pound weight gain and muscle cramps. I threatened to go off of it, but my u...
Anonymous | 65-74 | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Advanced Form of Prostate Cancer
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use
Completed 45 days of radiation along with hormone therapy. Going on year 3 so no more injections. Lab test to monitor PSA & Testosterone levels. The side effect of impotence is a big one, as I can deal with the hot flashes. So far no other side effects.
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grateful | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Advanced Form of Prostate Cancer
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and a gleason score of 8. The good news was that it was a small amount. 2 sections out of 12 in biospy. No apparent outside speading with tests. Urologist suggested 45 radiation treatments, followed by three years of the hormone. I have been on it almost one year. My PSA is staying at .1, which is excellent. Hot flashes are not a big problem. A little weight gain. Lack of Libido is major problem. My wonderful wife and I have had to redo our thinking on our relationships. My urologist says a gleason 8 score is dangeous, thus the hormone use. I deal with it as a price to pay for the cancer to stay away!Read More Read Less
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SHH | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Advanced Form of Prostate Cancer
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use
Used along with radiation to treat Gleason 9 prostate cancer with positive bladder margins at surgery. Recovered from surgery nicely. Even radiation was not bad, with minimal to no rectal or bladder problems. Androgen deprivation is a completely different animal. I have had everything from depression to anorgasmia to 15 pound weight gain and muscle cramps. I threatened to go off of it, but my urologist talked me into another three months.
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