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I was diagnosed with Guillian barre in 2010. I have been getting it administered at home by a healthcare nurse for just over a year,because I had a relapse between 2012-2013.Which went undetected by my physican at the time. Doing well with it now.I don't know how long I will be on this. I wish I could talk to someone else who has experienced this syndrome.As I really don't know much about it,ot...

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Rukia Begum | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I was diagnosed with Guillian barre in 2010. I have been getting it administered at home by a healthcare nurse for just over a year,because I had a relapse between 2012-2013.Which went undetected by my physican at the time. Doing well with it now.I don't know how long I will be on this. I wish I could talk to someone else who has experienced this syndrome.As I really don't know much about it,other than what I have read online.

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