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Hey just been getting over some terrible constipation and increased water intake probiotic and fiber supplemnets have gotten my system moving- along with that some bult up gas that sometimes even caused intense pains. I took gasx ultra and soon as i woke up it was fart city- and im not ashamed. The constipation was pretty bad, so theres a lot more to go, but im confident that i get get through thi...

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bubbalady | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Gas
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Hey just been getting over some terrible constipation and increased water intake probiotic and fiber supplemnets have gotten my system moving- along with that some bult up gas that sometimes even caused intense pains. I took gasx ultra and soon as i woke up it was fart city- and im not ashamed. The constipation was pretty bad, so theres a lot more to go, but im confident that i get get through this with my gasx. When im done with my last pill i go RIGHT BACK OUT to get more. Trappped gas has been painful and i almost have a fear of it coming back. Cant do without it! Being 100 percent honest.not one bad side effect. can be taken with your probitocs and fiber supplements as wellRead More Read Less

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