my bones ach all over not at same time,somtimes its my legs somtimes my wrists nhands so on,i have a pleeing rash spreding slowly its sore all over back shoulders chest n face i get palpatatoins and my skin feels strange it can burn or u feel like ur in a draft but u not help ,my brain feels like its suffrecating at time i can feel really stoned i no its the Prizista 800mg daily they sat skin...
aly | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: HIV
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use
my bones ach all over not at same time,somtimes its my legs somtimes my wrists nhands so on,i have a pleeing rash spreding slowly its sore all over back shoulders chest n face i get palpatatoins and my skin feels strange it can burn or u feel like ur in a draft but u not help ,my brain feels like its suffrecating at time i can feel really stoned i no its the Prizista 800mg daily they sat skin infecction with prizist can b life threatning help help help
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