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3.4 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

13 People found this comment helpful

I have been on Depo for over ten years. I just had a BMD test and I am borderline Osteopenia. Hopefully we can stop osteoporosis before it develops. Please read your leaflets and stay on top of your medical care.

Most voted negative review

6 People found this comment helpful

If I knew about all these side effects I would have NEVER taken it to begin with! I gain 75lbs on this! I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS!

Shared reviews and ratings

Sab | 25-34 | Female | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I’ve been on drop provers for 9 months now and I love it. It’s the first birth control that has actually reduced my period to basically nothing. I personally have not gained any weight while taking depo, the only negative side effect I had was an apathetic mood for the first month.

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Finn | 13-18 | Transgender | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

if you're having trouble with your hormones being balanced, and suffer from dysmenorrhea that doesn't seem to be helped by any pill, patch or implant, then depo may be for you. I've historically had extremely heavy and painful menstrual cycles, with large palm-sized clotting and flu like symptoms. As soon as I started Depo-Provera, all of that became a thing of the past. My mood is stabilized, even my hormonal acne has lessened. I know everyone is different, and the Internet will often scare you into thinking this option is the worst one possible, but you are your own person! this treatment has all but cured the crippling pain I've experienced for years, and has allowed me to finally be able to function for a full month at a time like a normal person. Depo has been life changing for me and I hope to continue it for as long as possible!Read More Read Less

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:) |
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

Overall, I like getting the deep shot. As a busy person, the pill was an major inconvenience I would always forget the pill at home, forget to take it, lose the whole pack of pills, I wouldn’t take it at the same time everyday, or it would make me sick because I would take the pill without eating. With that being said, the shot is more effective and it has stopped my period completely which is very nice! I did notice I have gained weight (probably like 2 pounds) but I am active and I have been underweight my whole life so I would give that a positive but that is just personal preference. I want to note that the depo shot is not for everybody and everyone’s body is different! Best advice I would give is try it and if you don’t like it try something different. Read More Read Less

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L | 25-34 | Transgender | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Probably the single worst birth control I've ever been on. First shot? Great! Second shot? I've been spotting/light bleeding every single day for over two months and Ive spent far more money on pads/tampons than I would've if I hadn't gone on it and I'm constantly dried out because of the constant use. Plus the constant presence of blood leads to a lot of skin irritation. Qnd I am constantly, absolutely starving. To the point where if I don't eat 4-5 times a day I feel sick, agitated, and unable to focus. The part where they say side effects include weight gain isn't because your body turns more of what you eat into fat, it's that it makes you hungry. All. The. Time. Would literally rather go back to suffering through my awful dysmenorrhea for a week out of a month than deal with this for as long as I have. Read More Read Less

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Anon | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years |
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.0
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I remember been given the depo provera injection in my bottom cheek area 24 years ago after sadly becoming pregnant and having an abortion (I am 43 now) this drug is evil, it caused OCD terrible intrusive thoughts, major depression and made me tearful, I bled everyday on it and spotted all the time it was horrific. I think its a dangerous drug and should actually be banned, I have never forgotten the way it made me feel and I hope other women read this and stay away from it . xx

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Yaya Yagami | 25-34 | Nonbinary | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

For those that want the Depo shot, please, for the love of God, do it at your own risk! I recently got back on Depo after 5 years of not taking it. And the experience I’ve been going through as of currency has been absolutely HELL. December 14th was when I got the injection. First two weeks, everything seemed perfectly normal. Then I had light to medium spotting for about three weeks, with some cramping here and there. Then the real side effects began. January, I starting noticing that my mood swings started getting from moderate to worse. I wake up almost everyday with migraines and crying spells because of how extremely stressed I am about my hormones. I also experience dizziness, nausea, but not throwing up, bad acne, severe fatigue, weight gain, and loss of appetite when I try to enjoy my safe foods. Another thing I want to mention is about my anxiety. I already struggle with anxiety as it is, but I didn’t think that my anxiety would get THIS bad. And the depression? Worst feeling ever. I barely have the confidence anymore to do my makeup or do self care unless I have to force myself to do it. I have to force myself to go out and walk around and look at nature because my husband works nights and I work days; so he’s hardly home to be with me. And when he’s not around, my anxiety gets so bad to the point where I am completely paranoid. The fatigue is god awful. Every other day, parts of my body or my whole body is in extreme pain. Sometimes, it’s unbearable to get out of bed as equivalent as it is uncomfortable to go to sleep at night. I try to do aromatherapy, meditation, self care, mindfulness - anything to take my mind off of edge from going crazy, but nothing seems to work. I’m lenient on getting back on anxiety meds because of how awful this shot has taken a mental toll on my health - physically and mentally. I know I’m supposed to go back for my second injection in March, but I will not be getting it. I can’t wait for this to leave my system. I know it’s supposed to stay in your system for three months, but dealing with this hormonal imbalance can really mess with you in all forms, especially if the doctors don’t take heed to the side effects when they’re actually supposed to tell you. Long story short, I will not be taking this again. I wouldn’t recommend any woman getting this shot, especially if it’s not good for people (especially those who suffer with anxiety such as myself.) This shouldn’t even be on the market. Please get the right birth control that will work best for you. Because what I’m dealing with, is not it!Read More Read Less

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jaz | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I've been taking Depo-Provera for a little over a year and its been great. yes, I lost weight but its only because I was beginning to be more active since school started again shortly after. Those of you who have issues with tiredness may want to consider your diet. I was really tired at first but once I started eating healthier and getting away from high sugar foods it got so much better. Anything fresh is good. I eat fresh fruit, fresh veggies and I drink a lot of 100% juice and Im better at staying hydrated. Overall the shot hasn't caused me any concerns and Ive been happier and healthier because of it. Read More Read Less

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Hawthorn | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Disease of Ovaries with Cysts
Overall rating 1.7
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I did not start showing signs of pcos until AFTER taking depo.

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I had a baby back in June, and got put on the depo shot in august, it’s October and I haven’t stopped bleeding, as well as I have half of the serious side effects.

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diamond | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

okay so my mom put me on depo in august and now it’s October! I haven’t had a period since august since before I got on it. But I have been crying more and been more moody and mean. And also I noticed I’ve been having white discharge that’s kinda smelly.. when I looked it up it said depo can cause cervical mucus to help prevent pregnancy. But yeah it’s been okay to me lately and my appetite has expanded but I have yet seen any weight gain.

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gab | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I was put on depo prevera for endometriosis just about 3 years ago. A shot in my butt every 3 months. I have not had a single period which was the goal. It stopped a lot of my endo symptoms aside of painful sex in which I learned dilating myself before sex got rid of painful sex upon insertion. When i got on it i was probably weighing in at 155-160. I’m now 175. I’m 5’8 athletic build, consistent in the gym. I can’t lose weight on this medicine. I even went and had a meal plan made. I’m making the decision to get off and take a break. If there was 1 thing i wish i checked before i got on this drug was my hormones. doctors never suggest that. ALSO was OK’d by my neurologist to be on this drug because I get migraines. When getting migraines we are high risk stroke/blood clots & we can’t have estrogen. This drug doesn’t have estrogen. I was never on birth control. I got a period at 11 & started birth control at age 24. I am now 27. This drug did everything I was told it would. It really did help significantly with the issues from endo I was having. It also stopped my migraines which all started again right before i got on the drug meaning my hormones were out of whack. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous |
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

This is an INCREDIBLE MEDICINE for my needs!! Here's Why: *NO PERIODS*?????? YAAAAAAAYYYYYAAAAAASSSSS*?????????????????????? *NO PAIN*?????????????? *My Anemia is not nearly as bad as it was before starting Depo!!!*???? *Don't have to worry about wasting money on feminine products!!!!?????????? *Pregnancy prevention, but I don't use it for that.?? ???? *Feeling so Free*????????????????????

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Depo | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I took my first depo shot in June. At first the spotting was very minimal and a relief compared to what I have been experiencing since taking birth control pills (since high school). I started spotting more often in July and have been bleeding ( at times light and at times extremely heavy with clotting) since July 31st. Today is September 11 and it has not stopped! I am scheduled to see the doctor for my 2nd shot and to figure out what is going on. Have anyone else experience this? My mental state has been unstable since July. I haven't been out much because of the uncertain of my flow. I have researched every possible reason why and a solution. Hopefully today I will find answers! Read More Read Less

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Oliver | 13-18 | Transgender | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I started taking depo shots with the intention to stop my period. I was constantly bleeding for almost 3 months with only a few dry days at first. Then it finally stopped and my periods became VERY irregular. I have been taking depo for a whole year and it is still irregular, and really not doing what I wanted. I also lost 20lbs and had non-stop cankersores in the first few months of taking this medication. I've heard that it works for so many other people, but it's definately not for me.

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I just got the shot about a week ago and I'm already suffering the side effects. I am experiencing insomnia, mood swings, depression. I hate this thing and I will never get it again. Stay away from this type of birth control.

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alexis | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I’ve been on Depo since I was 16. It was recommended to me by my doctor after I was diagnosed with Dysmenorrhea. It completely stopped my periods, all ovulation and cramps. I did develop migraines but I’m not sure if it has to do with the depo. My sex drive has become relatively low. I got light acne every month when I was supposed to have a period. Otherwise, I did like my experience with it. NO pregnancy scares even without condoms. It wasn’t until now, that I’m 22, a doctor told me I should consider getting off of it as I could develop osteoporosis. I was never made aware that this is NOT a long term birth control. It’s been 15 weeks since my last shot. I started a slight cramping, 3 day period on the 14th week. I am now experiencing mood swings that play on my bipolar II, acne, a lower sex drive than I had, and fatigue. Please consider that you should not be on this for more than 2-3 years. I am slowly starting to feel better; but it almost felt like my body wasnt “mine,” in the 13th-15th week of coming off of it. I truly have no idea what my body is like without this chemical, and I never got to experience coming into womanhood naturally from a teenager. Use with consideration! Read More Read Less

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toddmom4@gmail. | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Caregiver
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Please I'm begging any women or teens wanting to take the depo shot. Please do not take it. In 2013 my 16 yr old daughter started on this shot. A couple of days after I had to rush her to the er. I asked them if the shot could have caused the severe pain in her abdomen. They said no and she looked fine. Next shot she was doubles over in a day or 2. Er visit again. Same thing, except this time they did a colonoscopy and went down her throat. Nothing found. This went on for almost a year off and on. Probably around 5 to 8 times in one yr. Everytime I told them she's not getting the shot the hospital staff threatened me with family services. They said it's better to take the shot with shot affects then having a baby. They threaded to take my child away. The hospital at the end of the year said they finally felt like it may be the shot that was hurting her. 4 yrs went by after stopping the shot and she still had pain but at times it did subside but not completely. Then she had her 1st baby at the age of 20. Everything was ok. At 24 she gave birth to her 2 baby and a month after she ended up in the hospital for 3 months and was so close to death. We all Prayed and Prayed and Prayed for her. The hospital initially that it was her gall bladder so they removed it. And then on a CT scan and MRI they noticed it was actually her pancreas. She has 3 surgeries to removed 2 softball size cyst's removed. She also has a tube down her throat and was fed by a tube going down into her stomach. A wire leading to her heart. And now she has something in the tail of her pancreas. They may remove it. The middle of her pancreas is dead. Oh yeah I forgot that part They also had children at 3-month period remove a part of her pancreas because it was dead and now another part's dead. Imagine finally being let out of the hospital just to go home and throw up and the piece of pancreas they left in your stomach comes out your mouth smelling like death itself. All because of a stupid shot. That should be legal. On Thursday we will go to the hospital and find out if they're going to continue with wanting to do the surgery to remove the tail of her pancreas and try to reconnect the main duct to another part of her body to help it survive and in return herself. I hate myself for not listening to my intuition. I wish I could go back and to never let my baby girl take that shot. I would have rather have spent 10 years in jail and my child taken away at least she would have been healthy. Listen to your intuition and please listen to my story because this could be your story with this medicine It's not worth it, it's not worth you. God BlessRead More Read Less

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Taylor | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I was only on depo for the first 3 months. The reason for not getting my next shot is that I had been bleeding for a month. And the last week of my vaginal bleeding something came out from inside me. It was this big grey glob looking thing. turns out it was a decidual cast.. Aside from that it made me feel really weak… like my bones could just easily snap. It completely took away my sexual desire. I was tired all of the time took naps during the day and passed out on the couch at night when it was still early. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I decided to try this because people that I knew were on it and they didn’t get their periods at all. I got my fist shot in the end of June and started bleeding a few days after. The bleeding never stopped and I decided to get a second one in hopes that it would be better. The bleeding got worse (filled a super plus tampon and a pad) in an hour and I became anemic and had several trips to the hospital to figure out why and they couldn’t figure anything out. The cramps were the worst I’d ever experienced and that made my nausea worse. I got medication for the nausea and more for the heavy bleeding and hemorrhaging, which helped the bleeding but it still never stopped. I only got 2 shots in six months and have been bleeding for 8 months straight. Would not recommend this form of birth control. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

I’ve been getting this shot 9 months. I’ve been bleeding since December 16th non stop. The pains too are so unbearable. I’ve also started loosing my hair. I wouldn’t recommend to anyone

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