For those that want the Depo shot, please, for the love of God, do it at your own risk!
I recently got back on Depo after 5 years of not taking it. And the experience I’ve been going through as of currency has been absolutely HELL.
December 14th was when I got the injection.
First two weeks, everything seemed perfectly normal. Then I had light to medium spotting for about three weeks, with some cramping here and there.
Then the real side effects began.
January, I starting noticing that my mood swings started getting from moderate to worse. I wake up almost everyday with migraines and crying spells because of how extremely stressed I am about my hormones. I also experience dizziness, nausea, but not throwing up, bad acne, severe fatigue, weight gain, and loss of appetite when I try to enjoy my safe foods.
Another thing I want to mention is about my anxiety. I already struggle with anxiety as it is, but I didn’t think that my anxiety would get THIS bad. And the depression? Worst feeling ever. I barely have the confidence anymore to do my makeup or do self care unless I have to force myself to do it. I have to force myself to go out and walk around and look at nature because my husband works nights and I work days; so he’s hardly home to be with me. And when he’s not around, my anxiety gets so bad to the point where I am completely paranoid.
The fatigue is god awful. Every other day, parts of my body or my whole body is in extreme pain. Sometimes, it’s unbearable to get out of bed as equivalent as it is uncomfortable to go to sleep at night.
I try to do aromatherapy, meditation, self care, mindfulness - anything to take my mind off of edge from going crazy, but nothing seems to work.
I’m lenient on getting back on anxiety meds because of how awful this shot has taken a mental toll on my health - physically and mentally.
I know I’m supposed to go back for my second injection in March, but I will not be getting it.
I can’t wait for this to leave my system. I know it’s supposed to stay in your system for three months, but dealing with this hormonal imbalance can really mess with you in all forms, especially if the doctors don’t take heed to the side effects when they’re actually supposed to tell you.
Long story short, I will not be taking this again. I wouldn’t recommend any woman getting this shot, especially if it’s not good for people (especially those who suffer with anxiety such as myself.)
This shouldn’t even be on the market. Please get the right birth control that will work best for you. Because what I’m dealing with, is not it!Read More Read Less