I don't have trouble falling asleep but 2-3 times a week get up at 3am and have difficulty falling back asleep until it's time to get up. I tried Ambien and Lunesta but with both I was still up at 3am. Dr gave me Doral because it supposedly is the best drug for a full night sleep. I LOVE it. No side effect of hang over or drowsiness the next day. I only take it every other day and only on wee...
Anonymous | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Chronic Trouble Sleeping
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use
I don't have trouble falling asleep but 2-3 times a week get up at 3am and have difficulty falling back asleep until it's time to get up. I tried Ambien and Lunesta but with both I was still up at 3am. Dr gave me Doral because it supposedly is the best drug for a full night sleep. I LOVE it. No side effect of hang over or drowsiness the next day. I only take it every other day and only on weekdays. So 30 tablets last me sometimes all the way through 3 months.
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