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3.7 Overall Rating


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I'm only on day 6, week one of treatment and have found my warts to be 95%+ gone! I had two 0.2 cm raised warts on my labia minora and one 0.5 cm flat wart on the inside of my labia minora. It took some manuvering to correctly apply the medication but other than that was simple. Day 1 of application it did not burn but was slightly irritated. Day 2 the warts turned from a more fleshy color to a wh...

Most voted negative review

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They told me to use it for 3 days, stop for 4, and start again. I only used it for 2.5 days because my butt started to burn and itch really badly! Like some of the other reviews, it was literally RAW. My whole butt was red and burning and it hurt to poop and and stuff. I used A LOT of vaseline and other various creams to help ease the burning and itching. My doctor told me this was a side effect b...

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jane doe | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

Thisis my second time using this medication (I believe for different warts). The first time I used it I only had to do one cycle of the 3-days on, 4-days off. The warts were all gone as far as I could tell. They were mostly small and around my vagina, between my anus and vagina, and one larger one that was on my anus. They were all gone after this first round. The medication is very painful the two times I have used it, it burns like hell, especially the 2nd and 3rd day of application as the GW starts to turn white. It is also harder and much more painful to reapply once the warts are on this stage but to me the pain was worth it to get rid of them. I had a reoccurrence of GW again and so I am using the medication again. I am on my 3rd day today and so glad that I dont have to reapply tomorrow. I hope that they will all fall off the way they did the first time I had an outbreak. I am on immunosuppresant drugs (for a different medical reason), and that might have something to do with this second outbreak. Use it knowing that you have to be prepared for pain and discomfort but know that these side effects wont last forever. Best of luck! Read More Read Less

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Argon | 35-44 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

I'm on application #3 and trusting the process. I have about 100 tiny little flat warts around the base and bottom of the penis that all stared to group together, forming like white thick plaques in about a 1sq/inch area. I have a much larger one that's deep under the skin a little further up. Doctor gave me this stuff and I've been skeptical during the first 1 week after the rest. After the second treatment I started noticing that "hey this stuff may be working a bit", the big one is still there but it's not as deep but still visible at the surface, I'd say 60% smaller... The little ones are stubborn but I'm starting to see them separate themselves from each other a bit, and they are not as thick anymore. I'm using this likely to its max recommended dosage of I think 1.5sq inches. Couple things. 1) I want to know who designed the silly stick with holes in it? How in the world was this what you came up with for this medication. I need the ability to pinpoint and target smaller areas and had to modify your stick to do so. 2) It burns the healthy skin, in my case not much I can do about that, they are all super close together. The first application at 6 days was the worse but I gotta be honest it's not all that bad... and I covered myself with it... Ok it did kind of stink, but it heals fast. 3) I waited an extra day to make sure I healed up - some research shows scarring if you are trying to apply this stuff to unhealed areas. 4) I tried the Aldara stuff before this - like 3 months and IT DID 0, did not even shrink and they may have gotten worse! Not sure why a doctor would prescribe this stuff, especially if you already have a bad immune system. 5) Take good before and after photos along the way so you don't lose your mind 6) My Dr. says this stuff usually doesn't work because people give up and told me to be a man... so that's what I'm doing. He said if it doesn't work after I man up, they will get them out with other methods, but he is optimistic. He said I was covered with these warts and it's going to take a while to get them to go away. 7) Don't be silly like me and know about this for 15 years and do nothing about it... Honestly, this would have been way easier to deal with.... These things spread and even if your gf/wife has it, they arent just going away. Read More Read Less

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Justliving | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

This was the first effective treatment for my warts. I feel the solution was easy and self explanatory but it was hard to miss normal skin when you have so many. The solution satisfies me very well you just really have to bare with the side effects of burning. I don’t know if they shrink or fall off lol I just know they disappeared and it worked in 1 session. 2x a day for 3 days then rest 4 days. They were all gone by the 6th day I wanna say. Thank god

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Donnie Brasco | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

45 M had a wart cluster growth pop up on my knee that was not responding to freezing or Imiquimod so she suggested we try this after removing the section. First it burns. Second it takes the skin away. My knee was already pretty tender where they remove the growth but I am to put this around it and man it is like stripping paint. My application is not what it’s primary use is called for but I have no doubt in its effectiveness. So my sympathies for the ones using it for GW as that is already a sensitive area. Read More Read Less

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Catlover | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

This solution will burn and may take more than 1 treatment. I’m diabetic and Aldara did nothing. This stuff definitely works and saves multiple trips to the Dr for removal.

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

You have to follow the directions. 3 days on 4 days off. Overdosing for more days then prescribed will make the area applied super raw and sore. At first youll think its not working but after the first 3 days during the 4 day off period youll see how it penetrates the skin. It breaks the skin cells down to the root of the wart. Careful not to let the solution run to healthy skin.

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WORKSbutHURTS | 35-44 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

Sorry about the typos! for any male wondering what to expect here you go! I have been on the medicine for 5 days( day 2 of resting) and i am in alot of pain but it is working. I am going to do my best to describe my experiance because ive been searching and didnt find much people talking about their experience other then here. I dont usually do reviews but i want to help others in my situation. I am a married 40 year old man that has had anal warts for a decade, been way too embarressed to have them treated or let anyone know about them including my wife of almost 20 years. I asked a friend to have this medicine prescribed to them and he then gave it to me. i have extensive warts from groups to singles all around my anus to the top of my butt just under my boxers. when im naked they cant be seen cuz i have a big butt and they are all in my crack. I also have 4 on my penis ranging from the size of bb to a half a pencil eraser. these ive had for about 6 years, i got them about 15 years ago and treated my penis succesfully with this same stuff. so here goes i hope this helps and if i get time again i will write a follow up review in a month or so So i have had a really hard time applying this stuff by myself since where they are located but ive been bending over looking thru my legs back at a mirror. im treating from the top down and from the bottom up and let me tell you, i sweat breath hard and almost fall over doing this because its really hard and im not in shape at all, i never workout and i smoke like a chimney and have multiple kids i keep up with. so one DAY 1 i wasnt sure which side of the applicator to use mine has a time ring on one side and it has a little paddle with holes on the other side. i decided to treat one alone easy to get to near my scrotum, i tried the tiny ring side it it seemed like i wasnt getting much on there and the bottle says to put enough to cover it, and i wasnt seeing it covered so i decided to use the other side of the applicator. i still never managed to it covered, i dont have the gel i have the topical solution and its hard to enough on the applicator to cover anything. This one i tried on is a larger hard dry one and i didnt feel anything from the acid to then i moved on to my anal area. I decided I was going to try to get rid of all this stuff in that area at once so i just started dunking and applying the same applicator probaly 20 times to try to get some acid on all of them. it seemed like i wasnt getting anything on but finally i started feeling a tiny burn somewhere so i knew that medicine was getting somewhere. i did my first dose around 4pm and i just squatted naked infront of a fan and let it dry for a minute or so then got dressed and didnt feel much. 2nd dose i did before bed around midnight and again didnt feel much but i just tried to touch everywhere and let it dry and went to bed. REMEMBER all these things were OLD so i woke on day 2 and didnt notice anything. i showered like normal and applied both times that day and on DAY 3 I woke up feeling a tiny bit sore but nothing at all really and i applied day 3 both times the same way dipping and redipping the same applicator at least 10 times using the bigger paddle side this thing is hard plastic so it holds very NOW for the 'fun' btw i had been wearing all dark boxers expecting to be bleeding or oozing or something from day 1, that didnt happen till day 4. now my warts are all around my anus and apparntly when i go number 2 it touches all my warts and day 4 OMG it really really BURNS, I was in so much pain i couldnt wipe and btw ive had to use wipes not tp for years now since i bad warts or else i would be bleeding every wipe. so it was impossible pain i felt like crying i got in the shower and just let the water run down my backl which even the water burned. in all honestly i probaly put too much medicine and am treated more then i should at once but i thought i could handle the pain. and i have handled it, ive stiRead More Read Less

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Mike wazowski | 25-34 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

About 4 months ago I was shaving and I noticed I had cut myself at first I didn’t think nothing of it as it’s happened before but then about 2 weeks later I notice what I had cut was actually black and almost sort of like a scab and it had spreaded and grew in number I went to my doctor immediately and he prescribed me podofilox the first bottle I ran through in one 3 day cycle I was never taught how to apply and also the q tips were completely sucking up the liquid do to that I over used it but let me tell you in about the 5th day of treatment almost every single wart fell off at this point had about 3 more left and they fell off with the second round of treatment yes this thing burns like hell and is itchy at times but honestly it’s all worth I thought they wouldn’t go anywhere I was skeptical but so thankful for this lil damn bottle lol and remember just because the warts are no longer visible doesn’t mean you are cured continue to practice safe sex ask your doctor any questions you may have Read More Read Less

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AcuraNSX | 25-34 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

It took me 4 cycles and my warts has cleared. This thing is effective but takes a lot patience and pain. Removed all my warts from my anal area the first week of using it worst experience..The warts between my private and anus took longer but shrunk and scabbed off. Longer you use it the more tolerate you are to the pain but it is a nightmare… it works. I took the vaccine so that might of helped..

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Sam | 55-64 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

Working really well for me. Yes, it burns, but it's bearable and worth it. Tried months of Imiquimod to no avail. Only downside is applying the solution. Hard to be precise and know how much you are applying with just a q-tip. Interested to see how quickly and cleanly this heals now.

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Hurting a bit | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I have used this treatment for one course and on the second day the warts had all almost all gone. The pain was too much for me and i just couldn't put it on the third day and by the end of the third day the warts had disappeared but the are around was swollen,sore and it hurt a lot. On the 3th day the was a foul smell. 5th day now and the pain is now significantly less but the smell is still there

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I've been using this medication off and on for about 6 months however I have never fully done the instructions to a T. And now I've started following the directions like I should have in the first place and I can see that it is working. I'm only on the 2nd day of the 2nd cycle . I have gw in the outside of the body and now they are going away hopefully I will be free and be able to have a safe, healthy and normal sexual life again..

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month |
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

Well, it definitely burns. Bad. The first day the discomfort was minimal. The second day however, was much worse. It wasn’t to the point though, that I didn’t think I’d be able to complete the 3rd day. Finished all three days, my skin was definitely sore, inflamed and it wasn’t ideal but almost all the warts were gone. Some of the bigger ones were still a tiny bit noticeable but this product definitely works well and I recommend if you have a higher pain tolerance. The inflammation and pain do subside pretty quickly after that 3rd day so just bare with it and take it easy. You’ve got this! I also used Thuja and that has prevented any more warts from growing back thus far. You can get it on Amazon. I take the sublingual pellets. I also really recommend boosting your immune system. Once the warts are gone, if your immune system is strong, your body can fight off the virus better. Most people will and do fight this version of HVP off within two years! Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Yes, It will burn but the alternative is you spread it further to yourself or loved one so small price to pay for such a short term and easy to apply treatment. The warts i've been treating are so small I barely knew they were there, follow the instructions do not use for more than three days 2 treatments per day usually one in am one in pm. It will cause irritation, burning and skin to raise but that will pass after a couple days of no treatment during the resting cycle. The wart skin will scab/turn black and fall off leaving a small amount of scaring. I've examined the area very closely to see if I could distinguish a wart in the scar tissue vs normal skin and everything appears to have cleared after a single treatment cycle. I am going to my doctor again this Friday to get a second set of eyes on it but again for convenience sake and effectiveness this stuff is a miracle in a bottle. The only issue I've faced is using the cotton tip applicators absorb a lot of the medication leading to frequent refills if you are treating multiple warts. The manufacturers rectified this by providing small inoculation loop applicators made of plastic for more precise application and less absorption of medication. Hope this review helps I know it sucks but you'll get through this!Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

This stuff burns like hell. I used it as told and I feel like they’re going away. But I wanted to know did it make you have a bad odor and discharge? Mine were on and around my anus

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S. Trejo | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I completed 6 applications. 3 days. I will NOT being doing this again. My vagina is on absolute fire. I have redness on normal skin that turned white. My skin feels like it's cracking and about to bleed. I can't walk straight. The pain is not letting me sleep. There has been a very slight difference in color of the genital warts but not enough to keep treatment going. I actually contemplated going to the ER because of the pain.

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Thissucks | 13-18 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

As others have mentioned, this thing *burns*. I applied for 4 days in a row (too desperate for the GW to die) and I've suffered the consequences; in a nutshell: stick to the instructions no matter how tempted you are. Today is day 6 and while it still hurts a lot and my activities have been reduced to laying down on my side, GW are completely and absolutely gone through major peeling.

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F22 | 19-24 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I’m experiencing skin peeling off is anyone else experiencing this?

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Anonymous | Female | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

This stuff works, and it works WELL. I had several warts that I ignored for too long, hoping they would go away naturally. They didn’t, so my OBGYN prescribed me this. She warned me that it would burn, and while she wasn’t wrong, it was a small price to pay. The pain only lasted a few days and was beyond worth it. I split up treatments between two sets of warts over two weeks to make the pain easier to handle, and everything was taken care of during each 3 day on/4 day off cycle each time. I have plenty left over in case anything reappears, but it has been a few weeks and nothing has. I couldn’t recommend this more to anyone that is struggling with this. Read More Read Less

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ithurtssoobadd | 19-24 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: External Genital Warts
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I used warticon which has the same ingredients, 0.15% concentration though, its slow but effective, im on my 6th day of my first cycle (3 days on 4 days off), i have a cluster of warts in the skin between my vagina and anus and the first 3 days turned the warts extremely white, didnâ??t feel any pain but i did feel more sensitive in the area. Then on the 4th and 5th day my skin started peeling, because itâ??s such a hard spot, it was inevitable that the cream got onto the healthy skin around the warts and it is burning with raw skin and quite sore to touch. I also noticed the warts shrunk considerably on the 5th day, they were extremely small, and i am on the 6th day just now (of the first cycle). Woke up and wiped with a tissue and there was a lot of dark gunge just falling off with the tissue, realised the warts are now peeling off, however my skin is still irritated and really red, not worried about that so much though since I know itâ??ll heal. The warts arent 100% gone yet, thereâ??s still a few left but Iâ??m going to give it another couple weeks of treatment and it should hopefully clear up by then. Read More Read Less

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