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Most voted positive review

46 People found this comment helpful

I used a product that contained ephedra and a combination a vitamins and minerals. This was the only product that ever worked for me. I really didn't have any side effects. My doctor told me i was in fantastic shape. BP was great all labs were great and i had minimal body fat. Now i weigh more than i ever had before my blood is high in bad cholesterol my BP fluctuates and Im Diabetic! I understand...

Most voted negative review

25 People found this comment helpful

Stay away from ephedra!!!!! I started taking ephedrine because I wanted to lose weight. It wasn't long before I became addicted!!!! I then suffered a TIA which was likely caused because my veins constricted due to its use. In the hospital I was put on powerful blood thinners. I never mentioned my ephedra use because I thought it to be a food supplement. These in combination with ephedra caused me ...

Shared reviews and ratings

Fran | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 10 years or more |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I have asthma. The drug, Singulair, prescribed by the doctor would cost me almost a weeks pay every month. The asthma does not bother me in most of my daily activities, only when I am doing some very strenuous activity. For this, I pre-medicate with 25mg. of ephedra. For me, there are no side effects. I just feel good/normal and don't run out of breath. It takes a bit longer to kick in but works as well and doesn't have the side effects that I get from the albuterol inhaler that I need to use before exercise since stoping the Singulair, at a cost of less than $5 a month. You can get it behind the pharmacy counter with no Rx, just like pseudo-ephedrine.Read More Read Less

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hbrady27 | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 10 years or more |
Condition: Weight loss
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

My husband has been using ephedra for at least 13 years. He became extremely addicted to the pills and could not wean himself off. He found that he had to increase the dosage to feel any effects. I decided to take one pill because I was working 12 hour graveyard shifts. It made me feel awful like taking speed. I will never take it again, but, it helped me understand why my husband was always talking fast, shaking and his blood pressure became a huge problem. His usage went from the normal to him taking up to 6 pills at a time and did this at least 3-4 times a day. He is addicted to ephedra and we are no longer together because of the effects of these pills. All of our friends and family can not be around him because he is always speeding. So he is now in a treatment center tiring to kick this addiction. In my opinion ephedra should be illegal, which I thought it was, but health stores that promote protien drinks etc. has ephedra hidden behind their counters. People please beware of this and do your homework before using anything with Ephedra in it.Read More Read Less

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Cheryl517 | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Weight loss
Overall rating 2.3
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Bought my supplement at a local health food store and took exactly by the directions. After 1 week of taking it, I was sitting at work when, with no warning, my sight when completely gray. I could not see at all -- I'm not talking blurry or fuzzy -- I mean totally gray. I was in the office by myself (thank God I was not driving, etc.). Anyway, I was able to fumble around and call someone to come over -- thankfully it lasted about 30 and my sight did return. I called my eye doctor and explained my symptoms and was told they thought it was circulatory. I made an immediate appointment (had someone drive me in case I had another episode -- as there was no warning the first time -- it was like a veil had dropped over my eyes) and my PCP asked more questions. When he called the health food store and talked with the clerk, he pulled out a Physician's Desk Reference and actually looked up all the ingredients and found that the main ingredient was a derivative of ephedra -- which causes constriction of the blood vessels. And, in my case, the blood vessels in my eyes were so small that the constriction of my blood vessels caused no blood to be flowing to my eyes -- which in turn caused temporary blindness. My PCP advised me to immediately cease and desist taking that medication and I now advise any doctor I see of my "allergy" to anything with any type of ephedra in it. It was the scariest thing I have ever had happen to me with an OTC med. Check with your doctor -- and keep them informed of your progress. My PCP would have not known of my propensity for this reaction, but contra-indicators (drug interactions and side effects) are a very important part of any OTC med you consider taking.Read More Read Less

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Age: 25-34 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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Taking ephedrine for whatever reason is your business. I take it for energy I work long hours at a physically demanding job. I notice nothing bad about the effects I get from it. But the FDA has made a monster out of this drug for no reason. Only thing that comes to mind is the IRRESPONSIBILITY people have when it comes to take supplements. People dont keep track of how many they take and of course you take more than what your supposed to your gonna have an effect. Take 11 aspirin and youll find yourself with problems. Its the irresponsible people in this country that ruins everything for everyone else. Ppl are dumb I mean they have a heart problem and take stuff there not supposed to and blame the product. This is the problem with this product is that Americans are too stupid to be responsible. Theres a reason that it is legal in canada and not legal in the US. They come up with every excuse in the book. Well what about alcohol hundreds of thousands die of liver problems not to mention drunk driving but youll never see the FDA ban booze or Cigarettes. Its all POLITICAL. And this country will always remain in the shithole its in because people put politics before the welfare of the nation.Read More Read Less

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bighandspet | Age: 25-34 | On supplement for 6 months to less than 1 year |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

i am an ex meth user clean for almost 3 years. i gained a lot of weight as aresult of quitting drugs and the crappy prison food i was forced to eat for 2 years. i needed something effective yet safe and legal to help me lose the 40+ pounds i gained (disgusting yes i know) while incarcerated. i started taking bronkaid 25 mg ephedrine tablets (which also contain guifenisen) 2 tablets before breakfast 2 before lunch and sometimes 1 later in the day. i take the tablets for 5 days then take 2 days off so as not to burn out my adrenal glands. i have a cup or 2 of coffee in the morning with my pills as well as a baby aspirin to form a homemade ECA stack since the FDA has banned the premade supplements. so far i have lost 32 pounds. i have a lot of energy and less hunger. i reccomend ephedrine to HEALTHY people who want to lose weight. i should mention i have fairly low blood pressure even with ephedrine. my last reading was 110/58 with a pulse rate of 66. i do not take any other medications Read More Read Less

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Age: 25-34 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Weight loss
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

ephedrine really reduces my appetite and cravings helping me stick to and enhancing my low carb diet. i have used ephedrine in the past without a specific diet and found it effective. very energizing though perhaps i take more than reccomended

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