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4.2 Overall Rating


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I first discovered SAMe ( I think from a radio program in NYC) about 12 years ago when insurance ran out and I could no longer afford antidepressants. The AD's were also no longer performing very well. Coincidentally (I thought) I was suffering from the symptoms of Fibromialgia....very badly. Thousands of dollars and 2.5 years of varying fibro treatments ...guess what finally knocked it out. A...

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Doc Watson | Age: 65-74 | On supplement for 5 to less than 10 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

Helps with pain in an injured knee

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MTHFR&Me | Age: 65-74 | On supplement for 10 years or more |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Depression, fibromyalgia and arthritis, oh my! I can joke now, because I have been 90% free from these conditions since I started taking SAMe 15 YEARS AGO. EVERY DAY. I was able to get off of 3 psych meds, (I'm a medical professional, don't do this without medical supervision!), 3 arthritis/fibro meds, and 2 pain meds. 8 prescriptions! SO... I am a believer, and long term user, at a high doseage. 400mg, 4 a day for most of that time, but in the last 4-5 I have been able to reduce my doseage to 3 a day in winter, and sometimes 2 a day in summer. (Seasonal affective disorder too!) SAMe saved me from a life of pain and misery. That is the bottom line! NOW, my question is, who do I talk to about the long term effects of taking this high dose for so long? 15 years is a long time. I take Doctors Best brand because it has fewer chemicals in it. It costs me a tremendous amount of money to take this, at $42 a box of 60, and I take 3 a day. I have 2 MTHFR genes, so depression, arthritis and fibro was ruining my life. SAMe changed everything for me. I am 70 years old. And SAMe even BUTY QUESTION IS Read More Read Less

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C3poooo | Age: 25-34 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I started using this supplement 9 days ago. I started feeling abdominal bloating, stomach and low abdominal cramping, back pain in the area of my kidneys, and diarrhea. Only took one a day for 7 days, missed one (had no symptoms that day) and resumed on the 9th. The pain, diarrhea, and bloating are not worth the minimal benefits.

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ADA Sign Lady | Age: 75 or over |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I started experiencing chronic depression with menopause, when before, I was a super active "SuperMom." I joked I was bipolar with only a one-time mood-swing! I was proscribed an anti-depressant and it worked, but I started developing a sort of "dead" feeling and finally decided to try something different. I heard about SAMe and how it was used in Europe, so I started it. This was maybe 25 or 30 years ago, and I have been using it ever since with no discerable side effects. My sister, who was hospitalized at least twice for clinical depression uses a SAMe precursor herself. Now, I take one tablet morning and another at night. I've done a lot of research, including research based on its use in Europe. I'm surprised that many doctors here don't even know about it. I do have arthritis and have bouts where I've been in a wheelchair, but I've never thought about seeing if more SAMe would help with that. Normally I purchase my SAMe at Costco, especially when they have it on sale, but I also buy a brand at Amazon to have on hand. Read More Read Less

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Brittany | Age: 25-34 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I started this because I saw it helps with moods, and hormone balancing. I do not have any health issues aside from maybe having a sensitive stomach throughout the years, but I also dont eat very good alot of the times and not the best at drinking enough liquids. Im in great health, not overweight, do smoke occasionally, and have h-roids from catching playing ball for years. I finally put together that when I started this pill, (400mg Naturemade, once on the am before food).. I was getting really gassy and and my stomach had this weird knot in the left side, right where the small intestine is. So Im like ok I ate real bad this one weekend its probably that, well I cleaned up my eating and it was like it was getting worse. My stools was changing back an forth. I was SO BLOATED it was insane, like I was starting to think i am freakin pregnant? Well then I saw what looked like a and eggshell type thing float up in the toilet after I went one day, scared me to death, so I researched and was called a "ghost pill", the lining of the pill or whole pill idfk, was not being digested properly, this happened 2-3 times. I knew something was up. Here I am thinking maybe my hemorrhoids have taken a turn for the worst in my insides, do I have a cyst on my ovaries, Ovarian cancer, is my butthole trying to fall out of my body, IDK!?! I still haven't have not gone to the Dr. to see yet, but I found THIS WEBSITE OF REVIEWS today finally for Sam-E and SO MANY GASTROINTESTINAL PROBLEMS listed!!! Now I will say, my mood has 100% increased in my opinion, could be in my head who knows. I also neverrrr get headaches and I have more with this pill and also feel fuzzy drunkish sometimes. Quitting the pill today, 2/8/23 and will report back in a month to see if anyhting has changed. People need to know about these symptoms since millions are seeing this kinda shit on TikTok. I think maybe if you have a strong stomach, this pill maybe for you. We shall see!! Read More Read Less

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MrsCrankypants | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 5 to less than 10 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

Spring Valley Pros: Cheapest. Works, sorta - Con: inconsistent relief. Feels like one pill is placebo, one pill contains actual product. Nature Trove: Pros: None Cons: Terrible Headache, no resultant good effect. Doctor's Best: Pros: None Cons: Felt like taking nothing, no good effect. Nature Made Complete: Pros: Works the best but costs the most. More Pros: Good effect/pain relief within 6-10 days. Cons: Higher prolonged doses such as 400-1600 a day can cause some audible hallucinations during sleep and "fear" or manifestations of possible bipolar brain activity. Nature Made Advanced: This brand contains B-Vitamins and Choline. The results for me are almost immediate - 1-3 days of pain lessening and depression lifting. It is only sold in 400mg and I plan to try to take it one week on and one week off. Nothing else helps my severe arthritis with less side effects or harm to my liver and kidneys. I am not submitting this for Nature Made's benefit. I have taken it now for five years and I have learned that different brand SAM-e varies in effectiveness. If you tried one and it didn't work or help, try another. Start low and slow. 200mg. Build up, when you get the weird side effects stop for awhile and start again when you feel more stable. Had to change to Spring Valley when I retired but the relief is just nothing like it was on Nature Made. Hope one day a doctor does an actual study to prove it helps so insurance companies will start covering it.Read More Read Less

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Kathy C | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

For years I've taken regular NatureMade SAM-e for depression with wonderful results (two 400mg each morning). I was excited about NatureMade SAM-e ADVANCED with the additional vitamins when I bought it. About 10-14 days after making the switch to the ADVANCED version, I became depressed and in panic attack zone. Then, I noticed white clumps in my bowel movements. (Sorry to be so direct and descriptive.) After the third time, I got a bamboo kebab skewer and investigated. Low and behold, it was the same size as the SAM-e Advanced pill, and when poked, a bit of powdery material came out. I concluded that the SAM-e ADVANCED pill was going right through my system without dissolving and being absorbed, this explained why I was having depressive thoughts again after years of relief and having panic attacks. Either the enteric coating is too thick with this version, or the addition of the B vitamins and Choline change its ability to breakdown. This product needs to be removed from shelves and re-worked. I was lucky to figure out was causing my depression to return and make a correction. I worry greatly about those individuals who rely on SAM-e for their mental health like me making the switch to this ADVANCED version, then falling depressed without know what the issue is! Please, be careful with this product. When I went back to taking regular SAM-e, I got relief from my depression within a few days. I've let the company know my story.Read More Read Less

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camille | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I started this supplement 10 days ago. For 3 months prior i met criteria for Major Depression. I was particularly bothered by daily crying, sadness, rumination, withdrawal, memory issues, and difficulty concentrating, and some anxiety. This was brought on by a pending divorce, and possibly long Covid. I knew i needed an intervention and did online research and learnt about this supplement. I felt better after the first dose. It was amazing. I have felt ~ 90% better since. I'm PMSing now and i do notice some sadness and momentary rumination. But i'm able to step back and observe and not get sucked in. Side effects: I had stomach cramps on Day 7 and have noticed an increase in gas and bloating throughout. To be honest though, I prefer to live with this for now compared to the horrible depressed mood of the last few months. I am hoping to find the routine that provides relief for the side effects.Read More Read Less

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#Ouch | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.7
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When I read the reviews citing stomach upset or pain, I had no idea the intestinal pain would be SEVERE! If you have a sensitive digestive tract, sam-e is probably not for you. Got me on only day two and had to discontinue use as that level of pain is a non-starter.

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Age: 25-34 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I always take SAMe with food along with my multivitamin. Both my mood and energy has increased significantly. WARNING: you must take SAMe with a good B complex. SAMe depletes water soluble B vitamins because it needs them to do what it does in your body. The positive effects will definately wear off if you do not supliment with a quality B complex. I also take SAMe with food because it is absorbed further along in your digestive tract and needs to make it past your stomache acid to be digested along with food to get the full absorption.Read More Read Less

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Joel | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for 6 months to less than 1 year |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I take SAMe for dysthymia, SAD, ADHD, social anxiety and for a shoulder injury with arthrosis. I take 800 mg AM 30 min before breakfast with fish oil (2400 mg omega-3), B6/B12/folic acid (methylation factors) and MSM (1000 mg). During the day I take Life Extension multivitamin mix tablets and in the evening I take L-tryptophan 3-4 g 30 min before bed. I feel so much better even in the winter (I live in Canada). It gives me more energy, better concentration, It stabilises my mood, I have more motivation and I'm way more productive at work because I can manage stress more easily. I tried so many antidepressants, and nothing worked as much as SAMe. I go to the gym 4-5 times per week because I am more confident and have more motivation. The only side effects, are 20 pounds weight loss, mild euphoria in the summer, so for me I see it like benefits instead of side effects. I never had stomach problems. My hepatic enzymes are back to normal (I was a drugs and alcohol addict). I dont have any drug cravings anymore. It saved my life nothing less. Below 800 mg It doesn't work well in the winter, but in the summer, I can reduce to 400 mg. Read More Read Less

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Swansons&Piping | Age: 65-74 | On supplement for 2 to less than 5 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

I am 90% sure SAMe has helped a lot with an arthritic ankle. It's not cured but the symptoms have improved markedly. Some trouble with stomach ache so I avoid taking it last thing at night or first thing in the morning. I take 400mg twice a day.

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Amy | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I wanted to try this mainly for depression. I have anxiety as well that I've been managing pretty well. This helped so much with hip pain and depression but I'm now feeling so much anxiety, even waking up at night with panic attacks. I'm going to have to stop taking it and see if I sleep better.

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SamBraven | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

I have moderate depression, mostly seasonal (Seasonal Affective Disorder) but also bouts outside of Winter. I also have moderate GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). I'm a research'o'holic and tried many supplements for various conditions. I started enteric coated SAMe 400mg total at 200mg twice a day (once in morning, once at lunch) for a week. Didn't notice much. I started low to ensure no stomach issues. I read research that the 800mg-1,600mg was most common in studies so upped dose to 400mg twice a day = 800mg. That made the difference. More energe, elevated mood, more motivation, but after about a week on 800mg a day, started to notice I was feeling TOO "up" and started to have moderate anxious feeling, borderline full blown anxiety, all day. Also had consistent negative (aka "bad") dreams. So thanks but no thanks SAMe. Going to switch to Acetyl L-Carnitine (the concerns about TMAO and heart disease have since been debunked in other studies) and see how that goes. Read More Read Less

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Age: 65-74 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I was motivated to try SAMe due to hip-leg-knee pain. The results were very good. I am able to exercise, walk, and do yoga without the joint pain! Recently, after a month on the product I am experiencing stomach cramping and intestinal pain. I am prone to the digestive issues. I will back off on using the SAMe, try every other day and see how it works. I believe in the product.

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BearMan | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Cirrhosis
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I've had cirrhosis for many years.Doctors say there is nothing I can take to help.Well,Sam-e has reduced my enzymes, Billy rubin,and I feel great.On a week,then skip a week.Then back on.400 mg

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Angel | Age: 19-24 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

At first, everything was wonderful. I felt relief from my depression once the sam-e had time to kick in/process and it was like a weight off my shoulders. My depression didn't vanish completely, but it was far easier to manage and i felt a marked increase in emotional stability that i hadn't felt for a long time. However, after a few months of taking sam-e I began to notice side effects. My anxiety became so severe that I could scarcely breathe and was left constantly short of breath and struggling to draw breath, and I was having heart palpitations regularly. I also occasionally suffered from stomach pains. All of this went away after I stopped taking the sam-e, I haven't taken it since or had the same issues since I stopped taking it. I was taking 400 mg per day of Nature's Trove sam-e in the mornings before eating.Read More Read Less

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Carla | Age: 25-34 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Works AMAZING for my ADD. I couldn't tolerate the meds, not even 5 mg. I can focus again. I take between 400-800 mg. It did stop working for my depression though (it worked amazing for it the first weeks :() and I started to get a belly ache (i take it on empty stomach). But I will continue taking it for my ADD, highly recommend it if you're sensitive to drugs.

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shelbyms | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Fibromyalgia
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I have fibro and myofascial chronic pain. I take 400 mg first thing in the morning, on empty stomach. Within 4 days I noticed significant reduction to almost no pain. Mornings were easier to get out of bed and my mood significantly less anxious or frustrated (typically from always being in pain). Only downside is I'v had some nights hard to sleep, but not from pain (which I'll take). I'm on first month so I'm continuing to monitor if any side effects. Otherwise so far highly recommend.

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Age: 45-54 |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

Have taken this several times and the effects always the same. Feel ok for an hour or so followed by awful anxiety for the rest of the day..

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