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4.6 Overall Rating


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111 People found this comment helpful

I make my own at home, and for friends that have the flu and other illnesses doctors can't seem to cure and you would normally keep for weeks, silver and other immune building natural products knocks out in 2-3 days max. Just have to know what to take! I love the medical industry saying it doesn't work and has no proven facts, LOL .. people that take it ARE the PROOF it works! We are WELL and not ...

Most voted negative review

19 People found this comment helpful

I have Hashimoto's disease and take levothyroxine. Colloidal silver through my thyroid levels into a roller coaster ride. Evidently it can affect the absorption. Dance the elevator

Shared reviews and ratings

Ang | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 10 years or more |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Every now and again, I forget what gem colloidal hydrosol can be. Currently suffering with a tooth infection that started hurting on a Friday night ( of course ); thought I was looking at a miserable weekend ahead, but after swishing with the silver and having a tsp every 8 hrs, I'm feeling great while waiting to contact my dentist on Monday. Fantastic stuff, and I've been using it since the late 90's.

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Tammy | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 10 years or more |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I have to say, all my best experience is only with 2 forms of CS: Silver Wings and Sovereign Silver. Recently I listened to a dr’s advice about benefits of Argentyn 23 but found it useless. Which makes sense because it’s only 23 ppm… I’ve been using CS for colds and flu symptoms since 2009 when I got the Swine Flu. I was extremely sick and worried for my life. I was nearly choking for the first few days. I didn’t have the insurance so didn’t go to the ER. But I instructed my kids to not get scared and just call 911 if they see me collapse. That’s when a friend recommended CS. A relative brought it right away and I started improving within 24 hours, no more choking, and was healthy in a week. Ever since I had all my relatives and friends on Silver. We never take it for longer than 3-5 days max at a time. Usually it takes care of the infection quickly. It’s been 15 years and i haven’t been sick with anything more than a sniffle thanks to CS. Lately I tried that new 23 ppm form which I regret because I ended up having 2 full blown flus in a span of 2 months. During the l second one i realized that it has to be the wrong CS. I switched back to 500 ppm which broke the fever almost immediately and got me better within days. I don’t want to think what my life would be like without CSRead More Read Less

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FinelyInVero | Age: 65-74 | On supplement for 1 to less than 2 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I have suffered with UTIs for most of my adult life. I am now 68. I have had so many urological workups which showed absolutely nothing. I begged my urologist to let me have a long-term daily antibiotic because being on an antibiotic was my only hope for living a normal life without horrible pain. I took the antibiotics for 2.5 years, once a day. If I tried to wean off them, within 4 days the pain would be back. So, I tried using 5 ml of 10 ppm colloidal silver twice a day and I was able to completely get off the antibiotics I was taking for years. I never have even the slightest twinge of pain now. I have been making my own colloidal silver for almost a year. I have no adverse effects and my recent yearly bloodwork was the best it's ever been. Read More Read Less

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Luna | On supplement for 2 to less than 5 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I take a small capful of colloidal silver daily and ever since doing so, my symptoms which were varied and awful, have reduced. I feel stronger, healthier, have more energy, have less flares ups and my flare ups are also reduced in severity. One big difference is that I used to get mouth and throat ulcers constantly, and I no longer get any now.

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Ang. | Age: 25-34 | On supplement for 10 years or more |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
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For those who actually use this stuff, I was wondering if you have seen a documentary about Amy Carlson, a so-called religious weirdo, called herself Mother God,who made,promoted and used CS. Long story short, she died due to organ failure. And it was a long miserably slow death.she had turned a horrific shade of blue/grey. The build up of the silver deposits inside her practically mummified her long before she even died. And she still kept using it daily. She was mentally unstable, way off the reservation. But her continued use of the CS, wow,batsh!t crazy.Read More Read Less

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On supplement for 10 years or more |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I'm allergic to many many antibiotics and colloidal silver is my go to for over 30 years...topically and orally...I'm not Grey from using it as I use it in moderation..only when needed...started making it awhile ago...make sure if you buy it or make it only put in glass container and cup as plastic breaks it down and micro plastic will attach to the ionized silver water molecules and be absorbed into your body..topically enhances the healing process 10 fold..and works wonders for all sorts of infections....I just use as needed to prevent build up is my saving grace..and honestly believe I wouldn't be here today if wasn't for it die to my allergies... always flush my system every once in awhile just the history ..dates back to Mesopotamian times when their water was kept in silver containers.. if I recollect Read More Read Less

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Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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i love articles that say things like, "There is also no good evidence to support.... " or "likely unsafe", Without showing any studies. Thats because they didn't do any research. Research is very expensive and someone has to be willing to do pay for it.

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Mike | Age: 65-74 |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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In 2014, American Biotech Labs released what was believed to be the first-ever human ingestion safety study on a colloidal silver supplement. The published abstract for the study states that ingestion of the patented ABL nanosilver product showed no negative effects on any tested system in the body. One of the charges commonly laid against colloidal silver supplements by critics and natural health sceptics is that there have been no "double-blind, placebo-controlled human ingestion studies" conducted on the substance. American Biotech Labs released the preliminary data from a double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over phase study conducted by researchers at the University of Utah, at Salt Lake City. Study Details In the study, titled An In Vivo Human Time-Exposure Investigation of a Commercial Silver Nano-Particle Solution, healthy volunteer subjects ingested American Biotech Labs 10 ppm colloidal silver solution for periods of three days, seven days and 14 days. There were 36 subjects in all, 12 per each of the three time exposures studied. The study subjects took one tablespoon of the American Biotech Labs colloidal silver product per day (15 mL/day) for their assigned period. Afterwards, at the end of each phase, they underwent extensive tests for: Metabolic rate Blood and platelet count Urinalysis Sputum hyper-responsiveness and inflammation evaluation Physical examinations Vital sign measurements Plus, the researchers conducted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations of the chest and abdomen at baseline, and at the end of each phase. According to the study authors: "No clinically important changes in any metabolic, hematologic, or urinalysis measure identified were determined. No morphological (or structural) changes were detected in the lungs, heart (cardiac function) or abdominal organs. No changes were noted in sputum reactive oxygen species or in pro-inflammatory cytokines." WebMD please do your own research and update the colloidal silver page. As of writing, your information is out-of-date and could be construed as grossly misleading. Read More Read Less

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Mel | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for 2 to less than 5 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.3
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I use colloidal silver for most topical treatments. From cold sores to scrapes, cuts and burns to acne, even infections in mucosal areas. I used it for my mom in law on her eye when she had an allergic reaction to (what we thought was) pollen coming from our garden, she said her eye never felt better, turns out it treated another underlying infection that she would have otherwise been prescribed antibiotics. It's replaced some other topical medications that just aren't as effective. I am dubious about taking it orally, (I haven't tried it yet) but 110% goes to colloidal silver as a topical treatment.Read More Read Less

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Mandla | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 10 years or more |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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Make it is placebo I don't know but CS works for me whenever I have flu, sore throat, tonsillitis, wound and burns. CS is a medicine cabinet on its own.

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Louise | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Sinusitis
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Im sorry I have to disagree with webmd. This is amazing stuff for sinus . Just start slow and see how you react and you may need a binder for any die off you get. I had sinus surgery about 10 years ago due to a horrible virus. I have suffered every since with fatigue and brain fog. I started using colloidal silver a month ago and got lots of mucus drainage. I am continuing to use it and I hope eventually it will heal my ongoing symptoms. I also cut of gluten and dairy as this feeds viruses. I have more energy and mental clarity Read More Read Less

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Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.3
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It seems to be good for shingles and dyshidrosis. It is grayed out when many other things were not working. Maybe I'll look into its gel form. Its action is said to vary depending on the particular size, whether it is ionic or colloidal (your diet, stress levels...).

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greenthumz | Age: 65-74 | On supplement for 1 to less than 2 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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My neighbor, Terry, had Lyme's disease for 15 years. Lyme's disease is an "incurable" bacterial infection that is spread by ticks. Terry bought a colloidal silver machine and started making his own colloidal silver at home. In less than 2 years of everyday use, Terry's Lyme's disease that he had suffered with for 15 years was GONE. His doctors were shocked when they couldn't find a single spirochete (spiral-shaped bacteria unique to Lyme's) in 3 different samples of his blood.

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Elaine Baker | Age: 75 or over | On supplement for 10 years or more |
Condition: Sinusitis
Overall rating 5.0
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I have used colloidal silver for approx. 30 years. It is marvelous, cures nausea, infections, etc. quickly and I have had no ill effects. I'll be 80 next year - and going strong!! I have used different brands, presently Silver Wings Colloidal Silver liquid 500 ppm which I dilute depending on my illness. I've used it for all sorts of illnesses. Right now I'm using it for sinusitis

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Jane | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Wound healing
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

This is for the ladies so guys just keep scrolling. I wanted to share this in hopes to help save at little embarrassment for others. Not that you should be at all! Anyway here goes. I’m pre menopausal & let’s just say the lady area gets dry. Fact of life. I used all kinds of lubes but still this happened. Again maybe TMI but might help somebody else. What started as a small rip at the front turned large & then both ends ripped. This was super painful. I used everything at home I could but I had to go to the dr. After lots of pauses & uhmmm I spilled the truth. My dr just smiled & I finally laughed through my hands covering my face. She told me this was common nothing to be freaked out about. Young, old it just happens sometimes & for all kinds of reasons. She gave me the silver cream & I cringed thinking it would burn or be just awful. But it was not. Best thing ever! I had other instructions to follow but after a few days I felt a 1000 % better. I got better quickly. But my main message. Don’t wait. I had for weeks, in pain. Go don’t worry they’ve heard it all. Read More Read Less

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Phonesplace | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for 5 to less than 10 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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My family and I live by silverwater as well as what we call silverwater goop. It has never failed us. Even helped break my daughters high fever and migrains. I wldnt go a day without having silverwater and silver goop on hand and stocked up at home.

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On supplement for 10 years or more |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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Never failed for any bacterial infection or skin issues. Super effective, I don’t understand why it is talked down by media.

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Dave | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
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I've been using colloidal silver in very small quantities, as needed, for a couple of decades with NO issues or side effects. the allegations of safety have been found only where people have taken absurdly large quantities; namely: drinking it vs twice a day dropper dose. This has been helpful as a nasal spray to address sinusitis, throat spray, and eyedropper for sublingual use, and even a few drops in a CPAP machine water reservoir. ALL have helped and been part of a general supportive / recovery protocol from minor issues/ infections. There have been no detrimental effects for a couple of decades' use.Read More Read Less

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Susanne | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Sinusitis
Overall rating 5.0
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I used a Preventology nebulizer to inhale 10 PPM colloidal silver through my nose and got quick relief from sinus pain.

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DC | Age: 65-74 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Sinusitis
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Use nebulizer solution of 10ppm colloidal silver at onset of sore throat. Very effective relief within 24 hrs. We need more research on the positive effects listed here.

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