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4.6 Overall Rating


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111 People found this comment helpful

I make my own at home, and for friends that have the flu and other illnesses doctors can't seem to cure and you would normally keep for weeks, silver and other immune building natural products knocks out in 2-3 days max. Just have to know what to take! I love the medical industry saying it doesn't work and has no proven facts, LOL .. people that take it ARE the PROOF it works! We are WELL and not ...

Most voted negative review

19 People found this comment helpful

I have Hashimoto's disease and take levothyroxine. Colloidal silver through my thyroid levels into a roller coaster ride. Evidently it can affect the absorption. Dance the elevator

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me | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
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upset stomach

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pitbill | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 6 months to less than 1 year |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I suffer from cold sores and nothing has helped. I tried CS and it was remarkable. A few sprays on the sore 3-4 times a day and the last sore was gone in a day and a half.

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Mschmidt | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.7
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My whole family was sick with a sore throat and cold. I had just started taking colloidal silver to build my immune system and I stayed well. Why are Drs. Not using it instead of antibiotics which kill all your good bacteria and then you have to start all over building it up with diet and lots of probiotics. What is wrong with this country?we are going backwards and everyone is getting sick from Drs giving them terrible drugs that make them have long term chronic conditions. Finally there are few Drs. That are recognizing this! Read More Read Less

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Age: 35-44 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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???? | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 5 to less than 10 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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Works for mrsa. Dose dependent. Refer to Dr.Robert O Beckers work. Used it with my mother. And as a disinfectant. Works for herpes. I haven't had an outbreak for 2 years. Stopped taking valtrex. I've used it in a nebulizer to break up mucous. Works, but I wouldn't recommend as I've seen pros and cons listed on the internet. Works for sores and things of that nature quickly. I had a chemical reaction to hair dye once. Had no effect on that. Had to get a steroid shot. I make my own colloidal silver. 10 ppm. No set dosage. Some days I may drink a half cup, other days a cup, or a pint. Other days none at all. Will always try this before conventional drugs. And the beauty is, if I'm needing to take standard drugs, I can keep taking the silver.Read More Read Less

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Age: 25-34 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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My four year old daughter got mrsa after a surgery. They tried two different IV antibiotics and one orally. Nothing worked. We tried colloidal silver and in two days it was 80% better. In four days it was gone. Now we use it for everything. No one in our family has had to take antibiotics since.

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Age: 35-44 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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My daughter has had cellulitis three times in the past year. The last occurrence, she was put on Clyndomycin(sp). A week and half after that 10 days regimen, another red hot patch showed up on her stomach. I had vented to my massage therapist and he told me about colloidal silver. He has been using it for about 10 years with success. I realized I had heard of it before from my grandma years ago. I had already ordered it and thankfully it had arrived before her stomach patch appeared. To be honest, I was pretty skeptical. I first saw the patch in the evening around 8pm. I saturated her skin with the colloidal silver and gave her a TBLSP orally. I checked it again at midnight, thinking nothing would have changed, and the patch was about half the size as it had been earlier. I proceeded to do the same thing every 3-4 hours and by noon the next day, it was gone. Totally shocked, amazed and ecstatic. If I can prevent her from being on heavy antibiotics 3x a year, then that will save her gut and immune system. Read More Read Less

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SoulSeeker | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 6 months to less than 1 year |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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It cleared my pneumonia up in a week (usually 3-4 weeks when I use strong antibiotics) and my energy was back too. I use it in my nebulizer when my bronchitis acts up, and it clears me up by nightfall. My friend has double-over from pain urinary tract infections frequently. I gave her a bottle of homemade CS and told her how to use it. She took the bottle out of my hands and took a big swig. While at home she took a few more doses. She said by that night the pain was gone and by the next day the fever was gone too. She couldn't stop thanking me for the colloidal silver. She said that it would have taken her almost 2 weeks to get the results she had in 3 days with the colloidal silver. Needless to say, she is a true believer and user of CS now as am I.Read More Read Less

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Age: 65-74 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I could not be more pleased than I am with this fantastic result. I was not even sick with influenza but the husband was seriously ill. And he recovered in record time thanks to Colloidal silver.

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RC | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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After a severe car accident my son was hospitalized for over a month with multiple fractures and numerous surgeries. He was diagnosed with MRSA while in the hospital, I immediately made my Colloidal Silver (10 ppm) and brought it to the hospital the next day. I put it by his bed and told him to sip it every few hours. This treatment continued throughout his stay at the Hospital. He was finally released after 6 weeks. On his next DR visit he had blood work done by the infectious disease DR and they could not find any trace of MRSA. The DR ordered another blood test, again it confirmed he did not have MRSA in his blood. I've been making CS since the early 90's we very rarely have colds or flu and we try to remember to take it just before going to crowded places like restaurants or concerts,etc. We wouldn't be without it.Read More Read Less

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tohot | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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My husband took colloidal silver for Hep C and after taking it for several months his Dr tested him for Hep C again and it cam back Neg. No Hep C YEA

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Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 10 years or more |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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Colloidal Silver is my heal all remedy. I've used it successfully for eyes, ears, nose, throat, fever, flu, cough, cold, disinfectant with lavander oil on sprayer for my hands. CS is very effective compared to pharma antibiotics. I was give by my MD an antibiotic with fluouride in it and it made me feel so ghastly, the room was seemed to be spinning, i was nauseaus, stomach pain, all this did not exist until i took that medicine. I stopped it and turned to colloidal silver, in 24 hours time i was up and about. For cystitis with DMSO, it cleared me of pain and discomfort in 4 hours time! I also wash and soak my vegetables and fruits with them. I use home made EIS/colloidal silver from 5 to 15ppm. However, if we are sick, we go for the colloidal silver of Utopia Silver for more strength and effectiveness. MellyRead More Read Less

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HealingMindN | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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My mother uses a colloidal silver gel that dissipates her rosacea almost immediately. (She only recently started getting rosacea about 2 months ago.) We use CS gel for any type of skin problems and wounds including our pets. We swish vigorously with colloidal silver 10ppm when hit by a toothache and the pain dissipates immediately. We trust CS far more than any of the bizarre chemicals like fluoride and chloramine in the water supply to protect our health.

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Tpratt | Age: 45-54 |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I started using Colloidal Silver a couple years ago. I had a brown reclue spider bite and the only thing I put on it was my CS, it cleared it up within a week, I also burnt my fingers on my curling iron, I tried everything, but the only thing that helped with the burn was Colloidal Silver, it took the pain away immeditally and it never even blistered. I drink 2oz a day plus I use it as a nose spray for my sinus. It is an amazing product that I will not ever be without again.

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who8dmous | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I was diagnosed with MRSA, after 3 rounds of major antibiotics I started using silver. It worked! I take it on a regular basis. After a lot of research, my brother swears by it as well for other things. I gave some of a co-worker who had to go, every 6 months to check for skin cancer. She put it directly on the cancers, by the time she had to go to get them taken off, they were gone. She uses it on every spot now and her doctor is only checking her once a year now.

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jacktom | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 2 to less than 5 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I have used colloidal silver for about 1 year now and am very happy with the results. i combined it with prescription Bactrim 800mg 6 tablespoons per day 20 ppm for a week and it wiped out abscesses from a Mersa infection. I continue to take 2 tablespoons per day and have not had another infection in over 4 months! It has also cured sore throat, sinus infections and pink eye. I even use it on my dog for his intestinal infections and it cured him quickly! i use a generator i bought online. Highly recommended and effective and a great alternative to dangerous prescription drugs! Read More Read Less

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verebia | Age: 25-34 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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What an amazing product,, after years of trying everything and spending tons of money on dr and meds I finally found something that actually works... I've been using colloidal silver 50 ppm for only 2 days and have noticed instant relief from excessive nasal drip and bad breathe,, I can breathe and it feels great! I plan on using this forever and trying for any future issues.. highly recommend...

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Alvinahw | Age: 25-34 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.3
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I have purchased colloidal silver for someone very close to me suffering with HIV she had results right away how ever I have not been updated with her condition as I have moved to another state. However you must be very careful when buying Colloidal silver I bought from the company that claims the have atom size colloidal silver and no chemicals up to 18000 ppm, but it was a hoax. the stuff tast like citric acid and was not effective at all.

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mandi73 | Age: 35-44 |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I am shocked that the article speaks in fact that colloidal silver is ineffective. You can't be serious. About 10 years ago, my son was 6 years old and began having swollen lymph nodes all over his neck. I spent 6K on doctors visits and antibiotics and would be told my son was "fine" although the lymph nodes continued to swell. After 10 months one lymph node on his neck was so swollen my son could not even hold his head up straight. I had found a new doctor to get answers and had an appt scheduled when my father suggested a local doc who used alternative treatments. I was terrified my son had cancer. I took him in to my father's doc and he had a look at him and then told him to drink the "magic water"...colloidal silver of course. By that evening the lymph node that had only continued to swell for 10 months felt mushy to the touch. The doc had given me a second bottle which I gave my son on day two. Within 3 days he was back to normal. I did take my son to the new doctor on day 4 just in case...a blood smear found my son had mono but I was questioned as to what he had been taking as much of the virus was dead. Ha! This is only ONE story of many I could tell you...but colloidal silver IS effective. Ignore the hypeRead More Read Less

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Age: 35-44 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I cannot take prescriptions, every single year, I get Bronchitis, every single year, the prescribed medication causes vomiting for the extent of medication, a week, two weeks, however long. This year, a friend suggested Colloidal Silver, 1st time I took it, I felt like my chest was on fire, next day I felt better, and my ears that were also infected, also decongested. Now this is my 3rd day, cough is minimal, I'm spitting out the stuff in my lungs, my ears don't hurt and I can HEAR! I find it interesting the FDA will APPROVE medication that can have SEVERE side effects, heart attacks, liver damage, anurisms, addiction, just to name a few..but WON'T approve natural medicine. Read More Read Less

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