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I'm using Genacol collogen to help with a torn maniscus in my knee, full body arthritis and 14 buldgeing discs in my spine. I have arthritis, fibro, lupus, nerve damage, heart issues and a host of other ailments. It's helping my knee to heal and the spine is not as much pain but still have a lot of body aches and muscle spasms. Only been on it a month but can see a lot of difference in skin to...

Most voted negative review

9 People found this comment helpful

I took Collagen Powder Type 1 & 3 (don't know why generic collagen powder isn't a selection here) to help heal some gut inflammation in hopes of stopping severe Restless Legs Syndrome. I took the powder for about 6 weeks and took the recommended amount. At first it seemed as though it MIGHT be helping a little bit. Plus my skin looked good, and my joints felt a little better. However, all that s...

Shared reviews and ratings

Missy | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Back pain
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I just tried Piping Rock Chicken sternum 3000 mg collagen type 2, helps to repair collapsed cartledge. I've used Taurine from GNC previously it works for multiple ailments I suggest you research it. It has no drug interactions. It helps everything in the body, bones, muscles, joints, hyper/hypo tension and thyroid and a host of other things. Take until the pains/symptoms disappear then stop! If the symptoms reappear you may only need to take once or twice. I have a collapsed cartledge, so now I trying this collagen 2 to help rebuild that! Will update on that in about 14 days.Read More Read Less

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BA Stokes | Age: 75 or over | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Back pain
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use
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So tired | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Joint pain
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I have found I have the side effect of not sleeping. I cannot continue taking this product. I found no ease of pain in my joints after 3 weeks either.

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Carnation4000 | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I took Collagen Powder Type 1 & 3 (don't know why generic collagen powder isn't a selection here) to help heal some gut inflammation in hopes of stopping severe Restless Legs Syndrome. I took the powder for about 6 weeks and took the recommended amount. At first it seemed as though it MIGHT be helping a little bit. Plus my skin looked good, and my joints felt a little better. However, all that soon stopped, and I began to suffer horrible insomnia. Plus the restless legs were even worse than before. I stopped the powder and began looking for any reason for such a reaction. I had done lots of research before taking Collagen, and all I saw over and over were folks saying how wonderful and safe it is. Well, once I started looking for collagen and insomnia I found that it raises levels of the neurotransmitter Glutamate. Glutamte is necessary for our bodies but can easily become dangerous when levels get too high. Excitotoxicity ensues and can do great damage to our bodies and our brains. It has been 4 months since stopping Collagen, and I am still hypersensitive to any sources of MSG or Glutamate. I don't dare eat Chinese food. I recently ate some restaurant food that unexpectedly contained high levels of MSG. I had horrible insomnia, sweating, headache, joint pain, and diarrhea. Please approach all Collagen products carefully! I hope I can help at least one person avoid what I have gone through. Read More Read Less

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Maria3667 | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

Hoped to find a cure for my osteoarthritis & frozen shoulder. I'm 51 years old, in menopause since 1 year. I tried collagen type 1, don't know why I can't choose this here. At day 2 on this treatment the pain of OA & FS diminished significantly and range of mobility increased. But at a price: SEVERE dry eyes & mouth (I have Sjogren's Syndrome), profuse sweating and slight depression. Capsule contains 300 mg collagen type I, made from egg membrane (Ovomet), brand OvoMove by CellCare.

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Suzyann13 | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have arthritis in my knees and fingers. I had been in so much pain that I could not walk without a walker or cane, knee braces, and topical pain meds on my knees, besides taking daily oral pain meds. It was getting so bad I decided to buy a wheel chair. A friend gave me a bottle of Fisico Arthrozene to try (very kind of him, as it is expensive). After 8 days, my pain was nearly gone. Because of weakness in my knees from using the knee braces for so long, I still kept them on, but after another week, I started taking them off for a few hours. After another 3 weeks, I am no longer on any pain med, I am not using the braces or the walking aids, and I am using only pain patches on my knees, no oral pain meds. I still have to be very careful walking because I can easily hurt my knees. I don't think they are 100% better, maybe 70 to 80%, but I can now do my chores and other tasks that I feared I could no longer do. My fingers have no pain where the arthritis was, either. I am not sure it is a permanent cure, but so far, so good. It does bother me that the company sends daily Emails to try and sell other stuff. Read More Read Less

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kitty | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I had arthritis in my neck on both sides. The doctor told me the only way to manage the pain was with medication. I did some research, found Jarrow UCII and started taking 1000mg a day. After 60 days I had 95% pain relief and now I have none.

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sue | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I took this for my knee and hip pain and it worked almost instantly A few days in and my knee pain was gone

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Tatiana | Age: 65-74 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

I tool collagen peptides for leaky gut. Immediately after I started taking it I experienced severe A-Fib episodes which lasted 5-7 hours. A month into taking this supplement and 5 episodes later I made the connection between the two and stopped taking the collagen supplement. I did not have any more A-Fib episodes since.

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SLMIDK | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 1 to less than 2 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I take the NOW UC II supplement, it takes away the dull aching pain in my left knee caused by Arthritis. I take it along with NOW double strength Hyaluronic Axid. I take HA in the AM and UC II in the PM.

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Age: 55-64 |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use


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pain | Age: 65-74 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I have used 1 bottle of Collagen 2 and have not had any re leaf from arthritis pain. How long does it take for product to work. pain

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smooth walk | Age: 65-74 | On supplement for 6 months to less than 1 year |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

Collagin(animal)has goodpowerin cartilage build up.It is tough material.Frombonewastes, collagin is usedas chicken feed.Ifeelpsychologicallythejoints(kNEE)is tough but kneepainstillexists

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Move Free | Age: 65-74 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have a joint pain when use a stair case. sice I use collagen type II. The pain is gone.

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PPCDMH | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 6 months to less than 1 year |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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rodreb | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Severe, and I do mean severe, neck pains going up into base of skull from very first pill I took. Took them for 6 days, unbearable pain. Thought I was having an arthritis attack-finally decided not to take one and the pain stopped by the next day! I do not know why this happened, no one else seems to have had it. But I am afraid to try again.

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Nana Monster | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I'm using Genacol collogen to help with a torn maniscus in my knee, full body arthritis and 14 buldgeing discs in my spine. I have arthritis, fibro, lupus, nerve damage, heart issues and a host of other ailments. It's helping my knee to heal and the spine is not as much pain but still have a lot of body aches and muscle spasms. Only been on it a month but can see a lot of difference in skin tone and thickness and the wrinkles too.

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zepbrandt | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 2 to less than 5 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I was diagnosed with Critical Spinal Stenosis and was advised to have surgery. I decided to look into it and found Collagen 2 maybe be a consideration instead of surgery . I started taking a couple of types the secound one I have been using for the last couple of years . I was at a point that 9 holes of golf was my limitations today I play 36 holes with no pain and no surgery. I also take Krill Oil for arthritis pain I'm 61 I work out have a body of a 20 year old and feeling better then I have in years .Read More Read Less

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sniper983 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use


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Henry Bredenberg | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: General Health And Wellness
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

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