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i developed bloating as a result of indigestion. i searched for treatment because the stomarch extension and disconfort made me lose my self esteem as every body commented on my "swolen' stomach . later i came about Vogel's centantaurium . i purchased online and it was delivered in 2 day time. i live in Africa .This herb has worked my extended tummy disappeared . i got frequent bowels i am comfor...

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Journeyer | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I have had reflux for many years. I do not like taking Omeprazole daily but when I stopped, I got symptoms straight away. I was recommended to try Centaurium. I have been without Omeprazole for about 3 weeks. I am aware 3 times a day when I need to take the drops and feel very full in the back of my throat. Keeping going anyway.

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centaurium | Age: 45-54 |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

i developed bloating as a result of indigestion. i searched for treatment because the stomarch extension and disconfort made me lose my self esteem as every body commented on my "swolen' stomach . later i came about Vogel's centantaurium . i purchased online and it was delivered in 2 day time. i live in Africa .This herb has worked my extended tummy disappeared . i got frequent bowels i am comfortable. Great is the centaurium. i am very well

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