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When I lived in Vermont I grew two 75ft. rows of comfrey to give my animals in winter as tea. I had a goat who would get arthritis every winter & was in great pain (and his color would fade & fur came out). I dried the comfrey & gave him a bucket of tea every day. He never had arthritis again & his fur never came out or spots fade again. ALSO I used it as a poultice when my husband stepped on a ...

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Raised rash on skin following massage with comfrey oil in massage oil

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WBKitty | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Bruises
Overall rating 5.0
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On a cold day over Thanksgiving, I squashed the tip and first joint of my left ring finger between two cement blocks. I had a lot of pain, but, because my finger was cold, I didn't know that my finger was bleeding internally and causing a bruise until it had swelled a great deal and the skin felt and looked taut. When I purchased some arnica, the health store clerk also recommended a comfrey poultice. It sounded easy to do, so I decided to try it. I bought a small bag of the dried herb from the health food store. At home, I soaked a tablespoon of the dried leaves in a small quantity of boiling water in dish. After about 5 minutes, the leaves were soft and there was a small amount of comfrey tea, the liquid. I doubled a small piece of flannel rag and put about a teaspoon of the leaves into the middle and spread them out to a size that would go around the tip of my finger. I also added some of the liquid to soak the rag. Then I wrapped the poultice around my finger, put my hand on top of a towel, and forgot about it while I watched TV for about an hour. After one treatment, I thought it looked better but it didn't seem possible. I rubbed some arnica cream on it for good measure. After continuing the treatment once a day--comfrey & arnica--for less than a week, the bruise was mostly gone! Immediately after each comfrey treatment, my finger looked better. I didn't know that comfrey could also help the bone bruise. If I had, I would have continued the treatment after the visible bruise was gone. The pain of the bone bruise lasted for several weeks. I have never healed so quickly from a bruise, especially a bruise this severe. It was amazing! I have used arnica for small bruises before with good results, but never on a bruise this severe. I highly recommend trying a comfrey poultice (with arnica, if you like) for a severe bruise.Read More Read Less

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