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My mother essentially was poisoned by drinking this tea. She was nauseated, dizzy, and was vomiting. Research on the plant indicates that it is toxic and there is no known evidence in peer reviewed research that it actually treats any of the conditions it claims. There is only evidence that it has a compound similar to nicotine and can help for smoking cessation. It's likely my mother was experien...

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Mikey | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
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I bought on ebay sopora japonica capsules because they were quercetin and wanted to improve vascular health. I think they helped slightly with my general health and also when used in moisturizing lotion, cleared up my psoriasis between my legs and around my privates and bottom. What I am very concerned about is that since using these capsules about 4 months ago, I seem to have lost my sex drive. I have also noticed I no longer get nocturnal erections. I have now stopped using, but so far my sex drive and nocturnal erections have not returned!Read More Read Less

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Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
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My mother essentially was poisoned by drinking this tea. She was nauseated, dizzy, and was vomiting. Research on the plant indicates that it is toxic and there is no known evidence in peer reviewed research that it actually treats any of the conditions it claims. There is only evidence that it has a compound similar to nicotine and can help for smoking cessation. It's likely my mother was experiencing nicotine poisoning. I think WebMD needs to do better about herbal medicines because it's actually a poisonous plant and here it's written as a medicine. As of right now there is no known evidence of clinical trials of saphora Japonica as a medicine therefore there isn't any information on safe doses either. Do better WebMD. The information you have here could kill someone. Read More Read Less

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