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I wasn’t feeling well & wanted to stay hydrated. I bought Regular & Advanced Care Prebiotic Pedialyte and was wondering what made them different. I noticed that the advanced care had this strange sounding ingredients in it. The other difference, in my opinion, is it tasted horrible.The Regular Pedialyte was pretty good actually. So after reading about this strange ingredients, I realized that I do...

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SuzieQ | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I wasn’t feeling well & wanted to stay hydrated. I bought Regular & Advanced Care Prebiotic Pedialyte and was wondering what made them different. I noticed that the advanced care had this strange sounding ingredients in it. The other difference, in my opinion, is it tasted horrible.The Regular Pedialyte was pretty good actually. So after reading about this strange ingredients, I realized that I don’t trust the name & I don’t like the taste... so it’s going in the dumpster. I’ll stick with the regular Pedialyte without this junk in it. Read More Read Less

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