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Most voted positive review

11 People found this comment helpful

I give Mom (has Alzheimer's) honeysuckle,clematis, white chestnut in water. She no longer needs Xanax and Seroquel, and no longer runs away. No side effects or interactions!

Most voted negative review

2 People found this comment helpful

I have used Bach rescue night spray for 7days . Last night I woke up 4 times & I was choking . The final time I was choking so much that I was bringing up the water I had drank in the 4 hours . I wonder if the spray would be the cause of this

Shared reviews and ratings

Dizzil | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Used to try help me sleep. I used it the one time. Had 3 drops, 1 less then it says to take, and was up all night with tremor, nausea, diarrhea and sweating. Felt ill all the next day with my stomach and also dizziness. Now, 4 days later, I am still suffering with diarrhea and not feeling quite right. I would not recommend this for anyone, I felt like I had been poisoned.

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Nah | Age: 25-34 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

The stomach pain that I got from the spray was unbearable. I didn't overuse it but I was in so much pain

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Nikita | Age: 19-24 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

A family friend gave me this for my anxiety and depression .I never paid any heed to it at first but now that I really needed to stop worrying and my anxiety got the best of me I tried it now and its not even 20 minutes as yet and it already started working it gives you a small time headache but I feel so calm and I haven't thought about my worries in this time and I'm also feeling very relaxed and sleep is slowly coming .I would highly recommend this to someone if they have bad anxiety or depression Read More Read Less

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bunch | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

theses remedies saved my life and the life of my daughter! anxiety, sleepless nights, fear, shaky, and especially when I had to meet new people. ALL GONE! 5 stars from me and 5 stars from my daughter! Now even my husband takes theses remedies with excellent results!

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anonymous | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Had a severe allergic reaction to the vegetable glycerin version of this product (Bach Originals brand). I'm not taking any medications, no medical issues, and I have no existing allergies to any of the flower ingredients nor any form of vegetable glycerin listed for this product. The one and only known allergy I have is mushrooms, which isn't listed as an ingredient. Never had any issues with homeopathic or herbal remedies before this. That said, I'm not sure what this product was contaminated with or if there are undeclared ingredients to boost the effects, but be very, very careful with this product if you're prone to having severe reactions. I ended up with hives everywhere, red skin, swollen throat and tongue, puffy face, bloodshot eyes, blood pressure and pulse rate skyrocketed, difficulty breathing. When that all finally subsided, I was still left with intense stomach pain, severe diarrhea, and fatigue for several days afterwards.Read More Read Less

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SarahofHumboldt | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

"Not liking or trusting other people" is not listed as a choice of reasons/options why this remedy, "Holly" is used. I have been using it for three weeks, and have experienced the development of empathy and care for other people.

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Happy Consumer?? | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 10 years or more |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I have been taking Bach Flowers for many years and love all of them! I have dealt with depression and extreme anxiety/panic at times in my life due to different trauma’s experienced. Rescue Remedy, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Sweet & /or White Chestnut, ect… are some of my go-to’s in times of crisis. There gentle, no side effect nature with no interactions of any Rx’s ever taken at the same time make them priceless to me! I have given Rescue Remedy to my animals many times. Perhaps before going to the vet or before I am going out of town and either they are staying home with someone else taking care of them or when traveling with me, they are much calmer when I give them the Rescue Remedy!Read More Read Less

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Bach Sleep Remedy | Age: 75 or over | On supplement for 5 to less than 10 years |
Condition: General Health And Wellness
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use
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Shirley | Age: 65-74 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I have used Bach rescue night spray for 7days . Last night I woke up 4 times & I was choking . The final time I was choking so much that I was bringing up the water I had drank in the 4 hours . I wonder if the spray would be the cause of this

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skepticalbeliever | Age: 19-24 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I was recommended Bach after having a very hard time with my perscribed medications for depression and anxiety. It was starting to impact my relationship, I was unnaturally jealous, anxious about work and life, and in general unhappy. I have absolutely no need to be, and was very upset furthermore, that I didn't understand why I felt this way. I decided to try Bach Holly. After a good two weeks of daily Holly, I found so much of my anger and hostility deminished. I felt more approachable and rational to my lover, and I was reassured by this feeling. I still felt anxious about work... so I decided to get Bach Mustard as well. Yesterday was my first day having it. Yesterday, was the first day I felt like the OLD ME, for the first time in 10 months or more. Maybe it's a placebo effect, I don't know - I have always been skeptical of any products but I knew my prescribed medication was not working for me, and made me feel worse!!! So what if it's in my head - I don't care. That feeling is worth the try, the investment and worth my time. Thank you Bach, I will continue on my path of regular Holly and Mustard essence. Read More Read Less

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Pam | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I give Mom (has Alzheimer's) honeysuckle,clematis, white chestnut in water. She no longer needs Xanax and Seroquel, and no longer runs away. No side effects or interactions!

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Age: 65-74 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I bought Rescue Remedy (Bach) because I was feeling extremely anxious, knot in my stomach all the time, shaky. After taking the drops for approximately three weeks, I felt calm and in control and have stayed that way since.

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mary | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I take thos for anxiety. Under my toungue. It works better tham any perscription drug.

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italiana | Age: 65-74 | On supplement for 5 to less than 10 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

BACH is NOT pronounced's pronounced BOCK ...just like the composer J.S. Bach. I take this Rescue Remedy for anxiety and find it works better than any prescription med. I take four drops under the tongue and it calms me withing5 minutes and stays for hours. I also use the Pet Rescue Remedy for my 21 year old cat who has dementia. What a great help this remedy is for keeping her calm. The Pet version is in alcohol and is alright for humans also. The ingredients are exactly the same......just the carrier is different. Alcohol versus the glycerin. HIGHLY recommend this produce for people and animals.Read More Read Less

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Lin | Age: 65-74 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Star of Bethlehem is excellent for grief.

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chatie12 | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Took to sleep. I slept so good my husband said I talked in my sleep. Thus really works!!!!

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no drugs | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I just had my wisdom teeth extracted a week ago but the last 3 nights I was up with joint/muscle pain in my face, while on xscripts that relieved the pain in my teeth/gums. I used bach flower before going to bed along with xscripts that only cured some pain. I place drops directly under tongue and it works effectively and immediately. It lasts me about the same as my dosing schedule with X scripts every 6-8 hours. I will see if I am able to completely stop using X script today

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