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Don’t take a hero dose. Craziest experience ever. I watched my world go 2D where I fell down a shaft to a red room where this entity told me that the mission was over and I’m back in the real world now. The entity explained to me salvia was a portal to speak with the real world. I ended up living a couple months in that one trip. It felt so real and I had never felt emotion like that. Some cool th...

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Evan | Age: 19-24 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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Don’t take a hero dose. Craziest experience ever. I watched my world go 2D where I fell down a shaft to a red room where this entity told me that the mission was over and I’m back in the real world now. The entity explained to me salvia was a portal to speak with the real world. I ended up living a couple months in that one trip. It felt so real and I had never felt emotion like that. Some cool things happened tho. I think my mind made up taste buds because I have the idea of tastes I had never had before some of the different dimensions I went through. Whole experience felt like 3 months but was actually 5 minutes. The recovery period was 10 minutes where I couldn’t understand what just happened because I was living a new life in a new dimension. Read More Read Less

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Bob | Age: 13-18 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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