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I have Graves Disease which effects my eyes, swelling, light sensitivity, muscles of eyes. Since taking Selenium MY EYES ARE NOTICEABLY BETTER in regards to muscle eye coordination and swelling. I take 100 mcg twice a day. I also take 500mg of Bilberry for the light sensitivity. Wow! Great improvement. (Not cured, just a tremendous improvement). I hope someone will be able to use this informatio...

Most voted negative review

4 People found this comment helpful

I was poisoned taking this in a liquid vitamin, receiving 40,000mcg in a 1 ounce daily dose as compared to 70 mcg that is needed daily. Loss of hair, fingernails, malaise, diaherra, upset stomach, aches, sleepiness and the worst "blahs" imaginable are the result of this poisoning. It is not easily recognized or diagnosed by MD's. The symptoms are loss of hair and fingernails with red semi-circles...

Shared reviews and ratings

LHF | Age: 35-44 | On supplement for 6 months to less than 1 year |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

I feel much better taking selenium. it is hard to find one that is tolerable though. they all smell bad and some made me nauseated. fortunately, I found one I like. I don't think they are all the same.

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Web MD | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 1 to less than 2 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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in surching for pain releif of my joints and undrestanding that my blood had a lot to do with my type of autheritius. This type can effect the heart if not treated correctly. Thank God for this herb from the earth. When I stay on this plan I have no pain. But I still have to watch my diet along with it.

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Joe Walsh | Age: 75 or over | On supplement for 2 to less than 5 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I was poisoned taking this in a liquid vitamin, receiving 40,000mcg in a 1 ounce daily dose as compared to 70 mcg that is needed daily. Loss of hair, fingernails, malaise, diaherra, upset stomach, aches, sleepiness and the worst "blahs" imaginable are the result of this poisoning. It is not easily recognized or diagnosed by MD's. The symptoms are loss of hair and fingernails with red semi-circles forming under the nails. I was advised of it through the Pa. Dept. of Health. This has affected several hundred people throughout the U.S. There is no cure for this and no one can inform you of after effects or for how long it will occur.Read More Read Less

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DogsAreUs | Age: 55-64 | On supplement for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.0
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within a month I felt that the overall inflammation was improved

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Age: 25-34 | On supplement for 6 months to less than 1 year |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use


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