This has been my miracle drug. After twenty years of dealing with panic attacks and depression; this drug has finally helped me to overcome some of my biggest fears in life. About once every two years, the doctor ups my strength, but this drug has been a GODSEND!!!
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I took this medication for Eight(8) years as a child(ages 5-12), and it was absolutely horrible! All of my current medical conditions: Adult ADHD/Endometriosis/Anxiety-PTSD/Allergies/Stomach Sensitivities-(Nausea,Diarrhea)/Sun Allergies/Mood Disorders/Depression/etc..., were due to/and caused by this medication, SOLELY! DO NOT GIVE THIS MEDICATION TO CHILDREN OF ANY AGE; BE FOREWARNED! IT CAUSES ...
George | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Problems with Bladder Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use
I had a bout of bedwetting when I was about 10 or 11 years old. I was prescribed Tofranil, and it not only stopped the bedwetting issue, but I remember that during the time I was on it (a few weeks, I think) it became a brief slice of absolute mental and psychological paradise! Not only was I able to stop bedwetting, but I began to have much better clarity of thinking (not that I had a problem concentrating when I wanted to--I read books all the time, at an advanced level for my age--but what I experienced on Tofranil was an invigorated DESIRE to concentrate on things , above and beyond whatever entertained or interested me in the moment), AND I also discovered that I had an enhanced level of what I would call "ambition for the routine"--I started cleaning up my room, doing my "chores" (I grew up in the '70s), and doing my homework--and actually ENJOYING those things; I actually felt a keen sense of fulfillment at doing my chores and homework, and doing them well! I had never been particularly enthusiastic about ANY of that stuff, but when I was taking Tofranil, I had a sort of self-discipline renaissance, which was accompanied by an overall enhanced satisfaction with life and with myself. But, when my original problem was solved and I no longer wet the bed, my mom would not let me have a refill because she was afraid I might get addicted to it. But, after I ceased using it, my newfound "ambition" and zest for self-discipline deteriorated, and my whole mental attitude slouched back to what it had been (most often, laziness and lack of ambition), although that customary sluggishness was interrupted every so often throughout my life by brief periods of energy bursts in which I would do a whirlwind bedroom-cleaning session, do my chores and homework with gusto for a day or two or three, or pursue a certain project with alacrity(very much like when I was on Tofranil, only not as intense or long-lasting). But these brief outbursts of mental and emotional energy would quickly subside, and I would return to the same old long-term languid indolence again. I have never--either before or since taking Tofranil--experienced anything close to that sustained period of a few weeks of mental bliss and energetic enthusiasm for life. I remember it fondly to this day...Read More Read Less
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Bill B | 65-74 | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Panic Disorder
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use
Tofranil saved my LIFE! I had Anxiety,Depression and Extreme Panic since I was 20 and I finally got to the right Dr. when I was 41. She tried me on all the new drugs and none worked for me. Then she gave me Tofranil and after a few weeks I was able to sit still and talk to people. I would not eat many foods and did not why but once I got the Right medicine I changed my whole life, I wanted to eat everything that I would not eat when I was sick! Pizza, Hamburgers, Hot dogs! When I was sick all I would eat was baked chicken and veg's . If anyone has any of the problems I listed Please ask your Dr. to give Tofranil a try!!! Read More Read Less
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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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I am 49. I was put on this medication for my bladder interstitial systas, which helped very well. And to my amazement I have aniexty disorder an depression an it was like wonder drug for me..My mood an energyvwas I've felt in years!!
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SantaFeJack | 65-74 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Anxious
Overall rating 5.0
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The first time I tried Tofrani the grogginess the following day caused me to stop. However, a year later my anxiety was out of control and I was desperate. I'm so glad I tried again. Within days, rather than weeks, I felt relaxed for the first time years! I strongly suspect I will take this for the rest of my life, and I have no problem with that. For anyone who deals with chronic anxiety, but does not want to or cannot take the -azepam meds like Valium, Ativan or even Xanax, this tried and true anti-anxiety, antidepressant is worth a try. I've suffered with chronic anxiety my whole life, I wish I had discovered Tofranil years ag. But it really is a case of "better late than never".Read More Read Less
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smith0915 | 7-12 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Caregiver
Condition: Bedwetting
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use
I started my nine year old son on this medication for wetting the bed. big mistake. he started clawing at his skin. continuously crying. smacking himself in the face. having sadness and violent outbursts. I immediately called his doctor and had him taken off this medication. not sure how well it works for adults with depression but my child with bed wetting was not a success
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Anonymous | 7-12 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Bedwetting
Overall rating 5.0
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My 8 year old grandson wet the bed every night. The second night there was no wetting of the bed. His dad was 5 years old when I gave it to him. It worked on the third night.
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RC | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 4.0
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Like some others have posted, I've been on most anti-depression drugs for last 20 plus years. This works best for me and I've been on it for a bit over 5 years. I was on a very high dose for a couple of years, 250 mg/night. I've been down to 125 mg/night for about 4 months. There is perhaps a mild history of heart issues in my family although my father lived to 89 and my mother is still going strong at 88. Every year I get an EKG and check to make sure everything is okay in conjunction with taking this medicine. I wouldn't get an EKG otherwise. My two issues are: I'm a runner and I'm quite active. I think this medication taxes my endurance and I'm concerned about long term heart & health ramifications-I have small children otherwise, I wouldn't care so much. Sometimes, walking up the stairs causes me to get out of breath despite running three or four miles a day and very hilly miles at that. Does anyone else who exercises notice this type of problem? I am thinking about discussing with my Dr and and considering dropping my dosage. From reading the reviews, it sounds like this really helps many folks which is really great. However, for those who have been on many different anti-depressants at significant doses and gone around and around with numerous doctors, you may understand my frustration-trusting in your Dr. I'm not saying he/she isn't good but sadly, after years of medication issues & depression, I've had to become my own expert and now I feel like I have to make all of the moves or recommendations or initiate things. I don't know....Read More Read Less
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gram4 | 65-74 | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Panic Disorder
Overall rating 5.0
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I have taken this medication since 1988 for night terrors since childhood. Doctor and I have tried several times to wean me off, but night terrors returned each time. He has told me that since it is working for me I will stay on it, No side effects at all and no night terrors are blessings. I have peace at night.
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tofrnail | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.3
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helps me sleep better
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Chronic Migraine Sufferer | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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My Neurologist prescribed this medicine about 6 years ago as a “preventive” method for my Chronic Migraines. Other medicines seemed to lose their effect after about 6 months of taking them and then I would have to change to something new or deal with being in bed for several days a week/month dealing with the migraines. Because of this medicine I am able to live a productive life. The only side effect I have experienced is dry mouth at night.
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Green eyed girl | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 4.3
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Had tried Zoloft and Lexapro for extreme panic disorder, depression and extreme anxiety, could not take these two at all. Started on Tofranil, 10mg and every two days 10mg more up to 150mg all at night. At first suffered with dry mouth, blurred vision, but after 3-4 weeks felt so much better, depression completely lifted, hardly any panic, normal anxiety. This drug saved my life.
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pollyana | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more |
Condition: Problems with Bladder Control
Overall rating 5.0
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Used for long term Incontenence, Very Effective. In Brisbane Qld the product is unavailable for an unknown term. What shall I take to replace it ???? Since taking Tofranil I,ve been able to live without the fear of "many accidents" I,ve lived with since my mid 40,s No more ACCIDENTS, with coughing, laughing, sport and everyday activities.And no more bedwetting,which was very embarrasing.I haven,t ever, experienced any side effects from this medication.
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Lostsoul80 | 25-34 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 3.7
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I have Bipolar disorder, ADD, anxiety and OCD. After taking Effexor for 10 years, my doctor prescribed Tofranil because Effexor was losing its effectiveness. I am feeling somewhat better as far as the depression but I have dry mouth and eyes, jaw-twitches and I noticed that I am a little more irritable. I am on 50mg and have only been taking it for 2 months. I am just not sure if it really works for me. I kind of have lost some feelings like being sad or happy. I feel a little numb like a zombie-state kinda is hard to explain but the thing that I hate the most is that I have more irritability and less patient...hmmm we'll see about this one.Read More Read Less
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Careful user | Female | On medication for less than 1 month |
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 2.0
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About 40 years ago, I was perscribed Tofamil by a doctor. I was clueless to the side effects. As I took the medication, my depression became more severe and in the second week, lead to a suicide attempt. One month later, the prescribing doctor successfully committed suicide. Even though I suspected this drug, my inquiries were met with rebuffs. Since installing the Internet, I was able to confirm the truth of my suspicions all these years. I have learned to never take a prescribed drug without reading the side effects. If I do not like what I am reading,and consider it dangerous, I will not take the drug regardless of the benefits. My age at that time was 40.Read More Read Less
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maimai1 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Caregiver
Condition: Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity
Overall rating 4.7
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My 5 yr grandson started 25mg daily for enuresis and ADHD. Enuresis stopped and ADHD was controlled . After 6 mo. dose needed to be increased and everything is ok again. Does a child become immuned to the beneficial effects of this med?
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Anonymous | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Bedwetting
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use
I was put on this drug at a very young age and had no idea until recently that it was an anti-depressant. When I started taking it I was a straight A student and had just topped my entire school exams. After I started taking the drug I changed. I became rebellious and difficult to teach. I was abandoned by my teachers and ended up leaving school with no qualifications and drifting in and out of blue collar jobs before ending up in prison. To make matters worse the drug didn't work so the dose kept being increased. Eventually it did stop me wetting the bed. It also stopped me urinating for the entire following day, which I would spend in agony. I would beg parents not to let their children use this drug.Read More Read Less
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Heather from Ohio | 7-12 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Caregiver
Condition: Bedwetting
Overall rating 1.7
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Put 8 yr. old son with mild asperger's on this drug at a low dose for bedwetting - he wet because he was sleeping too profoundly. This drug made him sad, paranoid and weepy. After three days I told doc I was taking him off. She convinced me he would get used to it and to keep him on for another week. At ten days, my son was clearly getting depressed and was still wetting the bed. I took him off it. Being on Tofranil for ten days changed my child. It made him less confident, more anxious, and fearful of many imagined things. It took a year for him to come back to being just his usual weird self. Now he is 11 and still wets the bed once a week average. Gradually he seems to be growing out of it. His therapist thinks he would benefit from being on Zoloft but I am very concerned - once bitten twice shy - I see he struggles with anxiety and some darkness sometimes (didn't we all at age 11?) so I am going to NOT put him on meds just yet. Now we are increasing his excercise daily and hopefully this will give his brain a joy and peace boost naturally. Read More Read Less
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Evelyn | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 5.0
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I have been taking Imipramine HCL 50 MG for 20 years or more. My doctor originally prescribed it for sleeplessness. However, as time went on, I found it to help me with temporary bouts of depression as well. My current doctor is of the opinion that if a medication helps you function better in life, there's nothing wrong with taking it. Imipramine has certainly helped me. Yes, I've gained weight but I've also lost weight. I was a yo-yo dieter before taking Imipramine. Losing weight is all between the ears. I don't blame the drug as I have lost up to 70 pounds while on the drug. I can't speak for everybody, but for me it works.Read More Read Less
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MIKE | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 5.0
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This one leaves all other depression meds. in the dust! This includes the new "wonder" drugs like Cymbalta,Effexor,etc. gives a natural good mood, and I get less side effects than I did from the new "clean anti- depressants.Prozac and Zoloft gave me a very unnatural feeling and I found myself doing things I wouldn't normally do.Tofranil gives me a constant mild euphoric state, the polar opposite of how I felt when I started using it.Less side effects than other older anti- depressants.In my opinion, the best anti- depressant, hands down, and I've tried 9 different ones.Tell your M.D. you want to try this one first!Read More Read Less
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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Caregiver
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