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23yr old female I have had severe and horrible acne since I was in 4th grade! My 4th grade teacher even sent me to the nurses office for chicken pox. How emberassing! Iam almost 24 now. I just started accutane 4 months ago. I read on here that a lot of people were really bothered by the side effects. The first month was the worst, super dry skin & super dry lips. But for me having acne my whole...

Most voted negative review

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I had adult cystic acne, mostly around my mouth. I hadn't had much acne in high school because after one low point in my life- I had permantly put myself on tetra-cycline, after a break out. I thought if I stayed on it, I would never get a zit. For ten years this worked until I got adult cycstic acne and thought to switch anti-biotics. I figured that I had built an immunity towards tetra-cycli...

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Anonymous | Male | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 2.0
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At first my skin extremely affected, leaving it as dry as the Sahara desert. But that was treatable. The main reason I believe NO ONE SHOULD USE THIS DRUG is it’s effect on my mental health. It ended up with me in a severe depressed state to the point I had suicidal thoughts. Although I am now diagnosed with depression and anxiety, I wasn’t at the time, I was much better before. I believe Accutane was a cause for this downward trend in my life that has caused a lot of pain. Take the alternatives, don’t take the chance Read More Read Less

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smoothskinbeauty | 13-18 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

Accutane completely cleared up my severe acne and 90% of my acne scarring. If you have severe acne I'd recommend it. I started accutane at 17 and used it for 5 months. I've been off of it for 4 months now and have only ever had a few bumps - and only on my period. I was terrified to use accutane because of some bad reviews and the possible side effects. Know that these are rare. The only side effects I experienced were very dry lips(common cleared up within a month of finishing) and hives when I drank alcohol(you're not supposed to drink on it). I did also experience some depressive feelings the last few months I was on accutane and for about 3 months after. I don't regret using accutane but this part sucked. I'm not sure if this was just from accutane or also just because of my happiness of life around then. Also, pro tip, use aquaphor for your lips! It's the only thing that worked for my very dry lips! I am so happy I found accutane. Just be aware of the risks but also how rare the worst side effects are.Read More Read Less

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N/A | 19-24 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

Best and quickest resort for Acne. Be prepared for headaches and super chapped lips! BE CAREFUL WITH DOSAGES. My body weight was only 118 when I boosted to the 40 mg and it caused weight loss, breast, chest and back pains!!! Although I was fine while on 20

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J | 19-24 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

When this drug is banned in the future you will think back to this post. Awful medication. 7 years post treatment with a plethora of issues from it. Call me a "minority" or a "rare case scenario," but permanent side effects are more common than everyone is led to believe. The question is not whether the drug permanently damages you, it's how much it has damaged you. That lies on a spectrum, rather than definite 'yes' or 'no'. Initially, you may not be able to tell if any damage has been done at all. As time goes on the issues will become more prevalent - but most won't attribute it to a drug that you're not even taking anymore. This is not a normal medication as in the side effects cease with cessation of treatment. The intended effects are permanent - and so are the side effects. You are screwing with bodily functions that are not meant to be screwed with. 4 months into treatment i considered it the best choice i had made in my life. 2 years after treatment and i considered it the worst choice i have made in my life. Call me dramatic. It starts an irreversible ripple effect that causes your body to systematically break down. Nothing is worth your mental health. Some argue "acne causes depression and anxiety so technically this medication helps mental illness." There is a difference between mental issues being caused by external circumstances (such as acne), and actual internal chemical imbalances within the brain. You can't escape the latter. This drug changes who you are whether you can tell or not. Don't blindly follow anyones advice, including mine. Think for yourself. Do your own research. Learn the drugs history. Google search "Bremner Accutane study" and start there. Make an informed decision. If you do decide to take it, and end up regretting it, don't stay quiet. Speak up. Tell people. Or don't, it will all be figured out eventually. -JRead More Read Less

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Jennerality | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 5.0
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I have tried every product on the market. Proactive included. Nothing cured my cystic acne except accutane. It truly is a miracle drug, albeit with side effects. My acne started to come back after a few years, so I am on a 2nd round, which will be much shorter. I am a 37 yo female and have battled facial acne since puberty.

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Anonymous | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use


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Jspring89 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I feel the rating system for this drug was difficult to complete because although the drug was extremely effective treating my acne, I feel extremely unsatisfied with the effects this drug has done to the rest of my health and am afraid is the result of the difficulties I am dealing with today. My mom worked for a dermatologist and suggested this drug for me when I was 12 or 13 to help treat the acne on my back I was suffering from. Shortly after taking it I started developing psoriasis on my elbows and back of knees pretty bad. I never had it before but after stopping the drug even though it subsided I now continue to get it on my scalp. I also experienced extreme joint pain in which now continued and is diagnosed osteoarthritis when I wad 27. When I was 24 I developed a dvt blood clot and now fear I may have lupus, psoriatic arthritis or some other autoimmune disease because my symptoms are getting far more serious. I was young when I used Accutane and although my acne cleared and haven't developed anything other than an occasional pimple since I don't feel someone my age should be experiencing the health issues I've had and have now. I truly believe taking this drug kick started the issues I am now facing. It was always stressed to me how dangerous this drug could be during my treatment but I dont believe the lasting effects of this drug were/are really know to the fullest extent and could be the culprit to many more and far greater health consequences.Read More Read Less

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Jon | 19-24 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 3.7
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Goodbye Acne. Hello chronic dryness. Hello anxiety and agitation. Hello chronic gut issues. Hello erectile dysfunction. Only thing that hasn't hit me is joint pain. I am 5 years after treatment and these symptoms persist. 100% fine before.

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SteveR | 19-24 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 5.0
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Look acne was so bad for me my dermatoligist once let a student look at me as an example of the worst. Accutane is a miracle. Sure nose bleeds and chapped lips were temporary side effects. So what!!

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George | 45-54 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

I had bad acne from Rosacea at age 45 and nothing was working for me so I asked my doctor to put me on Accutane. It cleared things up but by month 3, my joint pain was so bad I couldnâ??t stand from a seated position from a chair and stopped taking the drug. Now looking back 5 years later, I feel this drugs has done permanent damage to my joints/auto immune system. My feet, hips, and other joints are painful in am. Blood work and xrays show nothing bad but Iâ??m convinced the problem started with this drug. Iâ??m now 50 (6â??4 slim 200 lbs active landscaper) and when I wake up I feel 80. If you have issues with acne rosacea try Solontra cream. It works. A miracle cream. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
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my acne was horrible. i was embarrassed to walk outside. i hates it. i tried everything and nothing worked like this. honestly no medicine has ever worked better in my life. looking at before and after pictures it’s like i’m a whole new person. i love feeling confident in my own skin and being able to walk around with no makeup.

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Dr. Visitor | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Caregiver
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 1.3
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Accutane oral = Not effective - dangerous!

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 4.7
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I am currently on month 4 of Accutane, I had to stop briefly because my liver enzymes were high, I may have had a few drinks that month but I would have a few sips here and there, I figured I would be fine but yes, do NOT drink AT ALL, I learned the hard way not even a few sips are good. I am back to normal though, I occasionally break out during my period so that sucks but I used to have clogged pores all over my face that never went away and they are GONE! Years of bad skin, and I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. This has changed my confidence and while it seems scary it has been amazing for me. I didn't even get the bad symptoms besides the liver thing and dry lips but that was tolerable. Read More Read Less

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M, The invisible man | 19-24 | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 4.7
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First and foremost, this medication is a MIRACLE CURE for acne. I struggled with acne that progressively got worse (developing from minor facial blemishes to severe, body-wide boils from fifth grade to my junior year of high school), which was increasingly painful, eye-drawing, and generally displeasing. After numerous other treatments and cleansers and such failed, my dermatologist put me on this. Within six months, most of it was gone, but there was still room for improvement, so he put me on another six month course, which COMPLETELY removed my acne. If you are even considering this medication, by all means, I recommend it wholeheartedly. NOTEWORTHY: There are SEVERE side effects of this drug. You WILL have cracked, dry, painful, and peeling skin. Imagine the worst case of cracked lips you've ever had and put it all over your body, then make it WORSE and you're getting close to what this thing does. You will be exceedingly light sensitive, and will burn faster and worse than you ever have before, with mere minutes of sun exposure. You can get some nasty headaches with this, but mine weren't as bad as some described. While taking it, the side effects will make your life hell, and you WILL need to moisturize EVERYTHING. For me, my arms cracked and scaled and looked (no exaggeration) like a snakeskin, but with blood clearly visable from the severe cracking of the skin. It's an easy pill to take, and it's almost a sure shot of solving or at least partially removing acne problems, but it does have its costs, and they hurt the whole time you're on it. Overall, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND THIS, despite all the horrid dryness and pain that accompanies it, the remediation of my acne was absolutely worth it, and it left me with no acne scars, no acne, and a generally much more positive outlook on life.Read More Read Less

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Lilly | 19-24 | Female | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I had really bad cystic acne and was given many topicals to try before resulting to accutane. I was so scared to try it after hearing horror stories. I decided to go ahead anyway and try it, because nothing else had worked. The 6 months when I was taking the accutane were brutal and my skin would peel off everyday. Aquaphor is a life saver for your lips, and drown your skin in moisturizer. After completing my 6 months I still had a few pimples here and there but nothing compared to what it was like before. After about two months of finishing accutane, my skin smoothed out and no pimples were in sight. I am grateful everyday I took accutane, and would take it again if my acne ever comes back. I did not experience depression or anything like that while taking this drug. I recommend you try accutane if you have acne that will not go away with other treatments. You won’t regret it!!Read More Read Less

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Health | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I had around 4 pimples. My derm told me to use this medication and all of a sudden I got severe acne. 6 months later i still get like 4 pimples but I have a ton of deep visible acne scars. Agreeing to this medication is the thing I regret the most in my life. Please dont take it.

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mamacancook | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Caregiver
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

This caused SEVERE, SUICIDAL DEPRESSION in our 15 year old son!!!! Never subsided. It ruined his life. DON'T USE THIS HORRID DRUG!!!

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Anonymous | 35-44 | On medication for 1 to 6 months |
Condition: Hair Follicle Inflammation due to Gram-Negative Bacteria
Overall rating 5.0
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Ive had acne since i was 14 and im now 36. I suffer from acne on my face, back and scalp. Severe folliculitis with postulates which I tell you is an absolute nightmare. I started Roacutan Here in Costa Rica about 1 month ago and i can say that i am acne free. My hair is extremely dry and falls out a lot but this medication really works.

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hev | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

So im 16 and i struggled all through the last year of primary school and all throughout high school with severe acne. Some times were better, others not. My 'good' days were when my spots weren't red and inflamed they never seemed to go but when one did another 2 would replace that. i tried changing my daily routine, from what i was eating to exercising, home made 'remedies' all i can say for that is dont believe everything you read on the internet. It eventually got to the point where all the doctors and nurses at my doctors knew me, thats how regularly id been going to either get a new prescription or because the stuff i had wasn't working for me. This went on for about a year until my doctor finally told me about a dermatologist and booked me an appointment. i went had the blood test and weighing procedures, if im honest i was terrified about going on this, all the side effects potentially life threatening ones nearly stopped me from going on accutane. I went back saying i didnt want to risk it but my dermo insisted i should as they don't open this up to many people and turn away most that are asking for it. so i gave in, the first month i was on 20mg because i was a baby and panicked about what it could do internally, i saw slight changes, just slightly dry lips. 2nd month i was upped onto 30mg my skin got much better but as my dosage upped i broke out,making me think this was all useless, side effect: slightly drier lips, bit of cracking in the corners, dandruff (but i seemed to have sorted that) im on my third month now, 40mg one day, 30mg the other, my skin has cleared up so well im left with maybe 2-3 but spots, these are really unnoticeable and i feel so much more confident going out, i have some red scars left but nothing concealer doesn't cover up. im looking to eventually get rid of my scars completely but im in no rush. overall my experience has been so good so far, the only side effects ive had is dry lips and i went a couple of weeks not eating proRead More Read Less

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lje2000 | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Severe Difficult to Treat Nodular Acne
Overall rating 5.0
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Accutane was the best decision I ever made. I had acne since about 5th grade, and when I had a bad outbreak in college I decided enough was enough and decided to try accutane--even though I was really scared. The only reason I'm writing this review, is because I read about a million reviews on accutane before starting, and I feel a lot of them scared me more than reassured me. I am here to reassure you. It's worth it. Not only did it clear my acne, I had decently oily skin and some blackheads... not anymore. SO that's another perk of accutane. It's worth it. So what if your skin is dry for a few months (mine honestly didn't get that dry..) or you have a bad initial outbreak at first ( I had no initial acne outbreak--just started clearing my skin right away). It's worth it. It'll change your life. Read More Read Less

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