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4.3 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

40 People found this comment helpful

For me this medication was so helpful. I was so fearful of yet again getting addicted to one drug to escape the pain of letting go of another. I had a sever opiate addiction. Hydro, oxy, morphine, demeroll, methodone, whatever I took all of them for years and was medically detoxed twice nothing worked! i was ready to just accept the fact I may never be able to stay clean until I found a clinic...

Most voted negative review

5 People found this comment helpful

Roxanne's brand of buprenorphine... The pills are bitter in taste and the size/shape of them are difficult to dissolve under your tongue. This seems like the only generic brand and only choice of buprenorphine available in North and South Carolina. I used to be on a different brand and they were oval in shape and made by Reckitt Benckiser, now they are completely unavailable and the Hi- Tech brand...

Shared reviews and ratings

Beanny63 | 55-64 | Female | Patient
Condition: opioid use disorder
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I detoxed myself off methadone to about 5 mg from 90. I couldn’t get lower. I heard of this at my meth clinic, get off in the privacy of a Dr. Office. I had to be in complete withdrawal from the last mgs of meth. And when I was I took this. It saved my life and health. I’m clean about 30 yrs but off methadone the last 10 I’d say on this. It gave me a life and I’m working on getting off this. There were small round pills that were so much better than these large ones. These don’t hold me or do what the small ones did and I find myself having to take more at times. I just don’t know why they only have one kind of a sublingual pill. It worries me about getting down and off. Thanks. Good luck to everyone. Read More Read Less

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LCG | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I have been on this medication going on 8 yrs maintenance for chronic pain. I was prescribed opioids for yrs until I was prescribed such high dosages I really shouldn’t be alive. Shame on the drs is all I can say. My life was a mess and I almost lost everything until I was switched to this medication after being prescribed 3 80mg oxy, 6 30mg oxicodone, 4 soma and 3mg Xanax PER day. I was put on 3 8/2 subs per day and I was fine for yrs until recently and that’s what brought me back to all the reviews. My pain has increased due to an accident and my current pain dr gave me 2 options he raised my subutex script by 1 per day now 32mg and it hasn’t helped otherwise he offered a pain pump put in my back filled with fentanyl which I said no to so now I feel stuck with pain. When in hospital the tortal shots worked but can’t have that all the time. I was hoping to get some feedback of other meds I could try with sub to a leave pain for lower back pain and broken ribs. Overall tho this med saved my life and I have NO problem being on it forever opposed to pain pills Read More Read Less

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Natalia | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

Does not stick to skin. Had to add/buy additional supplies such as duct tape, medical tape and clear adhesive bandages. Other brands have worked well. Going to try a different pharmacy and search for another brand. Due to it being a narcotic, it is too much trouble to replace through TEVA along with your doctor. This product gets the lowest rating available.

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Anonymous | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I began in 2008. I fell frome a 6 ft loading dock and came down on my lumbar spine crushing two levels and having lumbar spine fusion which did nothing to reduce my pain. I tried all of the opiate meds out there. Some would make me a zombie while other had me craving more after 4 hours. In 2010 I tried a new pain doctor and he changed my life. He told me he knew exactly what to do. He said he had hundreds of patients doing this and almost all of them swear by it today. He prescribed me buprenorphine 2 sublingual tablets of 2mg 3 times a day. It's now 12 years and I manage my pain without any of the misery I once live with. To this very day I have not increased my dose and I once again have the ability to enjoy some of my life again. This medication and my doctor have changed my life and I thank God everyday for them. If I follow the instructions to the letter and try not increase the dose I see no reason for me to stop using this medication. Find a doctor who cares and understands people with chronic pain and doesn't treat good people who suffer like addicts because they are sure hard to find nowadays. I get tested every month and some of those are random calls as well as random pill counts because I care and know that if I abuse this gift it's misery for me. Also I need to prove that not all of us with chronic pain are junkies. GBRead More Read Less

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McNally | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: opioid use disorder
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

It completely stopped any craving for opiates and for the first time in the 8 years I'd battled with abusing pain medication, I was able to be productive and live a healthy life. I even had to have surgery to get my gallbladder removed and stopped taking the pain meds much sooner than the surgeon expected. My head is clear and my depression is gone. I'm now able to experience success at work and with my friendships and family relationships. It's been a bright light leading to the next steps. I get therapy and attend meetings which I couldn't ever stick with before. I can truly say I'm happy.Read More Read Less

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Cameron | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Prevention of Opiate Drug Abuse
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Medication did not effectively reduce all symptoms of withdrawal. Hot and cold flashes. Leg cramps and slightly upset stomach. This generic has been known for this problem and the manufacturer hasn't fixed the problem

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Beuprifinibe/naloxone | 25-34 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

The reason people are on here complaining about Suboxone or supplicate is because they did not wait long enough because they didn't follow the doctor's instructions of the least. Waiting 24 hours before taking Suboxone by omitting opiates beforehand. The withdrawal is precipitated if you do not go into full full withdrawal, in other words, you must be at the 18 to 24 hour American. I'd suggest 24-hour. Otherwise you're going to go into precipitate withdrawal and can't shake it for 7 days. Probably, it will be the same as narcan and block every receptor you have and you could go take 4 g of heroin. It wouldn't do a thing to you, you couldn't feel it. You couldn't get over the sickness. Nothing so people are just abusing the system thinking well. Geez I'm sweating after 8 hours so I want to wait till 12 hours and then go and take my dose to start and just like my buddy did the same thing. That's what put him into possibility withdrawal and had to be carried into the house. All those different things, because he tried to cheat the system. You cannot cheat Suboxone. It has no locks on it which is narcan so it's mixed in such a way that you get your body enough opiate not to get sick but has the opiate so you cannot feel it at all and you can't inject it, so it's wonderful and it works great, but if you don't follow the rules of starting it, you will go into withdrawal no ifs and they're butts. Precipitated on your own self because you couldn't wait the extra few hours of sweating and not feeling great, thinking that hey maybe I'm different than everybody else. Else I'm sick at 12 hours so I can go in and take it well. We all get sick at 4 hours to 6 hours pretty much so you just have to push your way through to the 18 to 24 hour American order to get relief from it instead of actually going into the worst pain you've ever felt. And I think that is actually something people cannot put their heads around and actually admit as an addict, that's why they are so strict to votes starting with 4 mg, then upping it, then opening a bit more to see if you cheated the system and are going to go into precipitate withdrawal. They don't give you big 8 mg tablets to start. They start you off very slowly and if you're on methadone by the way you have to wait 72 hours which is horrible but they have microdosing which they do in Canada now to slowly switch you over and it's not easy but I've never been on methadone wouldn't recommend it to anybody cuz you'll be on it. Probably your whole life. But it's for Suboxone goes. They now have actually the belly shots that you can take supplicate and it hardens a ball and your stomach. They put it underneath the layer in your skin and it lasts anywhere from 30 to 45 days. So they go 300 ml then they switch to 100 every month. I was off everything within 5 months and I walked away with it. Even a second thought because it went 30 days, 30 days, 41 days, 44 days, 49 days and then done because I knew that at that point I could walk away if I can go 49 days without a second injection which is just enough to talk you up and when they do the injection it hardens it under your skin so slowly releases. It's like a little skin popper basically, but if you tried to cheat system, you're only hurting yourself. Don't do it. If you're going to hurt yourself because it will hurt you. It will put you in precipitate withdrawal and no matter what you do, you cannot get out of it. I lived in San Diego at the time 15 minutes from Tijuana right down there. I'm telling you four grams of heroin and still could not get out of it but that's because I went 12 hours sweating and thought that I could cheat the system. Hey I'm going through withdrawal. I'm fine but no if I had to just waited six more hours I would actually have a smooth transition but my body felt sick and my buddy tried to do the same thing and he absolutely crashed and would never go near it again but only cuz he couldn't wait 18 hours minimum. He just didn't have itRead More Read Less

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Jc Canterbury | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

20 years of treating debilitating chronic pain with a variety of traditional opiates. They just didn't work anymore. 200mg of ER morphine 3xday and 10mg oxycodone 4xday still there were days I would spend in bed due to the pain. Tried methadone, effective but certainly not good or intended for long term. Tried heroin, great, immediate reliaf, but short lived effect, too much euphoria, understand why it's so addictive. I switched pain management Dr's and this guy had me admitted in a rehab facility while changing me over to Subutex ( not suboxone, that made me sick) Started at 24 mg x3 a day, dotn now 8mg 3 X day. It's been more than 2 years, and I can honestly tell of being 95% pain free. No euphoria what's so ever, just relief! I am concerned about long term use and the stories I've read about of individuals who stopped taking it. For now, would recommend buprenorphine ( not Suboxone which has narcan) to anyone who's hit the glass ceiling of narcotics for legitimate pain management. Do not recommend just switching from an agonist to an agonist- antagonist medication like Bupre on your own! To do so will put you in immediate withdrawals. Read More Read Less

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Mickey | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Buprenorphine 8-2mg is a life saver for me, having severe Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis is a living nightmare. When doctors began trying me on different meds, nothing would give me any type of relief. Ask have I ever heard of the Buprenorphine, I stated no, doctor asked was I open to trying them, in my situation I was in I told the doctor yes, anything to get pain relief. Started me low and had to work my way up to a dose I was comfortable with. The best pain medication I ever had. It’s worth trying for anyone battling chronic pain.Read More Read Less

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Qwete | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I’ve been on several types of pain medications for three types of severe arthritis diseases. I was confused why the meds gave me very little relief. I dealt with this a couple years. Finally my new pain management doctor suggested me to get tested on why I’m not responding to many narcotic meds. Weeks later I finally gotten my answers on not just narcotics, blood pressure, anxiety, different classes of meds.seems it’s CYP2D6 Poor Metabolism, meaning none of the drugs Given would not have helped me. The pain doctor that ordered the test finally had a idea on where to begin, certain classes a No as in Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Methadone etc…. This is when the Buprenorphine began, or class of Morphine, Fentanyl etc…Fentanyl gave me horrible bad reactions I never want to look at another Fentanyl. Been taking Buprenorphine 8-2mg three times daily. I have no pain now and this drug works wonders, my primary care physician also had to make changes to many of my meds due to this testing. Know your body and it’s difficult trying to tell a doctor pain meds are not working, there quick to judge instead of helping to find the problem. Thank god I found one who really listened and worked together with my rheumatologist to make certain I live a comfortable life. Hopes this information will help those who struggles with similar issues. Read More Read Less

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Shawn | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I’ve been on Buprenorphine 8-2mg for two months, this works better then any narcotics I’ve been on. Besides the pain would only last 4 hours and it’s back. Now I’m getting at least 6-8 hours, then it’s time for my second and last dose of the day. I advise anyone to give it a try, it can really change your life. Live a pain free life.

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Buprenorphine 8 | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I’ve read some of the testimonies and ones that’s off any type of narcotics ????????Ones who still struggle, don’t give up. My situation is different, been in pain management for years, disabled living with three types of arthritis Type 1 Diabetic and Neuropathy. Years taking pain meds it would only ease it and not take ie completely take it away. Finally told me I would need a breakthrough pain medication, was on Oxy’s 40 mg and Perc 10 mg. After three months I instructed my doctor to take me off the Oxy’s there not working for 12 hours just give me the Perc. Years later I’m sill experiencing this pain coming back within 3-4 hours, by now my old doctor left who really cared. The new doctor did nothing to try and help my pain level. To shorten this down, My rheumatologist referred me to another pain specialist, over the months, I continued with this issue. My pain doctor mentioned a test patients can get done, it will explain why ones reject meds and what cannot be taken. Tested families in the Psychological, Rheumatoid, Muscle Relaxers you name it. Weeks awaiting on the results and suffering badly, it all came down to my Genetics and enzymes, drugs was being released extremely too slow and all the pain meds I’ve taken would have never worked for me. I have a class of meds I have to stay in and higher doses, Fentanyl Patches was listed I can take, well prior to testing had a severe bad reaction to patches for 10 days, horrible experience. I’m limited to about 5-6 narcotics or I’m dumped.Buprenorphine was listed, doctor ask was I willing to try it and goes under the tongue. Lordy Lordy within a day I had total full effect. Pain finally under control after years of agonizing pain. My list consists of Morphine, Dulidid, Buprenorphine etc… Primary even had to change some of my other daily meds. Anything low doses and certain class, I have to stay away from, this goes for Psychotics. Have to carry these papers the rest of my life now. If anyone ever experience this or similar story, have your Primary Care or Pain Management doctor Oder a Pharmacogenetics Testing, Medicare covered the testing. Many doctors are quick to judge you automatically think addiction. Moving on was the best decision of my life. Sorry there’s a lot to this, someone may undergo the same as me. Considered as CYP2D6and Multiple Drug Intolerance Syndrome. Wish all well. Read More Read Less

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Nerak | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

It is giving me minimal relief from severe chronic back pain. Perhaps I am not correctly dissolving it under my tongue?

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156 | 55-64 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

iI was on opioids for 10 years, with no issues getting off. changed my pain dr. He is too conservative for me, this is not an effective pill for me., maybe a stronger dose. maybe put me on the pills I am aware of helping me. will give it a week but at this point not highly recommended.

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Tom Vander Sys | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

This medication has twice failed two month trials in 2017 and 2019 but I was forced to use it a third time due to the hospital’s change in policy that offered no protection for legacy patients like me who was forced to use opioids 19 years due to a medical mistake. There is no relief for legacy chronic pain patients.

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SassyMerc | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Pain
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Have been on this medication for 2 years taken for Nerve pain had been on hydrocodone, gabapentin, oxycodone This is worth better than everything with no withdrawals 2 mg three times a day maintains my pain management without anything else

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SheIsResilient | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Narcotic Addiction
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

This medication has been a lifesaver for me. I had a severe addiction to opiates and tried to quit several times to no avail. I finally decided to go on Suboxone Maintenance and I believe it saved my life. I have been on it for nearly 10 years now and I don't believe I would be alive without it. I also use it for pain management, and I am very pleased with how well it manages my pain. I take the brand name (Indivior) films. If you are on the fence about starting Suboxone, I'd highly reccomend it. It could help give you your life back and even help save your life!Read More Read Less

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Rich | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Chronic Pain
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

Worse than kicking morphine and the withdrawal lasted for weeks.

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Amber36 | 35-44 | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Symptoms from Stopping Treatment with Opioid Drugs
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

The medication Subutex works well but three times I got off it cold turkey and it took three months for the withdrawals to completely go away it's the worst thing to withdraw from but in the end I always end up going back because of the fear of relapsing on other opiates and I want to get off Subutex again but I don't know if I could do the three months withdraw it is horrid I had hot and cold sweats for 3 months diarrhea for 3 months I could not sleep for almost 4 months restlessness for two months it was horrible I never want to go through that again and there's no way to taper I tried tapering and the withdrawal is the same intensity there is no easing it so my suggestion is if you're coming off heroin or pills only use Subutex for a 7-Day period And then the withdrawals will be manageable uncomfortable but manageable the medication does work but if you want to be completely sober medication free it's a long 3-4 months Road to be completely right and normal I read what these Suboxone sites put oh seven days of withdrawal and you're fine those are complete liesRead More Read Less

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Clean mom here | 45-54 | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Prevention of Opiate Drug Abuse
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

This medication saved my life. I went off of it for a short period and in time, I was back to narcotics. I ran back to my doctor and asked him to prescribe it again. I plan on being on this until I die. My mood is so much better, even though it doesnâ??t advertise as a mood enhancer. I do get very angry with illegal/street sales of this drug. It had saved so many lives!

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