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I can not tolerate statins.The dr just started me on this drug. Been taking it for 2 months now and it's working for me. My LDL went from 163 to 123 so far. I take 2 fish oil for the triglycerides and that brought that down from 300 to 100, so that combination is working for me. I don't have any side effects so far and I'm very very sensitive to drugs. Hardly can take anything because of a sensiti...

Shared reviews and ratings

Cheriberry | 65-74 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

After taking zetia for 6 weeks, severe joint pain in knees which were both replaced in 2012/2013.

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Sharonpyb79n | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.0
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I have been on zetia for one week and during that time I have experienced the most severe stomach pains with diarrhea and vomiting. The reason I changed med was the statins were damaging my legs and had quite severe pain. I am at a place where I can't?t tolerate either.

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Robinhood | 55-64 | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

After about 6 months or so of taking this drug (ezetimibe) I started experiencing constipation and brain fog. For past 4 months this has become serious depression, brain fog, memory loss, loss of appetite, constipation (leading to fissures), anxiety. I am 56, with low cholesterol and otherwise a healthy male, healthy diet, exercise, I feel I am in a mid-life crisis. Never in my life have I ever felt like this. It's effecting my entire self. After much online research I've uncovered that this drug is known to cause all of these side effects. After reading other comments on here, I now know this to be the root cause of all of these issues. I won't be taking this drug any longer. Thank you all for sharing your experiences. This was very helpful.Read More Read Less

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None | 75 or over | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Within three days had extreme muscle spasms, the same response I got from two statins, very painful

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Scarface 1970 | 45-54 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 5.0
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Statins dont like me so I started Zetia and (Niacin B3 the kind that flushes) and after 3 months my Cholesterol went from 282 down to 143 LDL was 215 down to 85 HDL 46 down to 38 Triglycerides from 103 down to 100. It works for me with very little side effects.

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jc | 75 or over | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Combined High Blood Cholesterol and Triglyceride Level
Overall rating 5.0
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I have been on all the statin drugs and they caused severe muscle weakness and brain fog. My Dr. put me on Zetia and my cholesterol is almost back to normal and my triglyceride level came down to just above normal and that is the first those numbers have decreased ever. I have been on Zetia for 2 years now and don't seem to have any side effects. I am 76 years old.

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Pif | 65-74 | Female | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I cannot take statins and my cholesterol is hereditary. My doctor the last several visits suggested I take zetia. 8 days into zetia my middle toe swelled up and got all red and my left leg hurts so bad I almost had to go to the emergency room I couldn't stand it. I took myself off the drug and slowly the redness and swelling in my toe subsided and my leg pain stopped however I lost the nail on my middle toe after this incident.

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tunro | 65-74 | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 2.7
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I have been on zetia for years. I do not get muscle cramps or weakness but I am concerned about it affecting stomach or bowel. Of course people do not admit adverse side effects of a drug but I am convinced it can hurt you in the long run.

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BSV. | 65-74 | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Combined High Blood Cholesterol and Triglyceride Level
Overall rating 1.0
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I am a nurse. This was like poison, stomach, weakness,flu like bad leg calves and thigh pains then muscle weakness in lower extremities, fell once. I tried taking half, still my body could not function. I told my MD, I simply had to stop after 6 months. I really question what this does to your heart muscle long term.

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linda | 65-74 | Female | Patient
Condition: Combined High Blood Cholesterol and Triglyceride Level
Overall rating 2.0
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I have been having leg, sciatica symptoms, headaches( which I have never had) can barely get out of bed,low back ache hard walking. I was allergic to all statins and it seems after reading these reviews the Zetia is doing the same to me. I am quitting the drug. I ended up in urgent care and no one seems to know why I am having these symptoms. Had MRI's ect . It has to be the Zetia,

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Omafietzen | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

Dr. prescribed Zetia (ezetimibe) after 15 years of muscle cramps and pain from Lipitor, then Simvastatin, then Prevastatin. The side effects from Zetia were far worse than from the others. In 30 days I developed muscle weakness, started stumbling, had loss of balance. In addition to these symptoms, by 90 days I started with the brain fog and memory loss, and I couldn't do stairs anymore, I couldn't even get myself up from a chair and the extreme fatigue was horrible, I wanted to stay in bed all day. It was so much so that I was put on probation at work because my work performance suffered. I couldn't even hold my grand babies! I'm only 59!Dr. told me to take CoQ10. It only helped reduce the pain and cramping a little, not the weakness. I felt like I was 90! My adult children couldn't believe the change in me in 3 months time. I stopped the Zetia. In one month the muscle pain is almost gone, the brain fog gone, the weakness in my hamstrings and muscles in my arms is lessening. I still have "flares" if I over-exert myself or experience a lot of stress from the myositis. I'm taking a more natural route now with diet and lifestyle change and fish oil, CoQ10, B-Complex, and Vit. C. I am feeling better, and am gradually retaining the use of my legs and arms. It was the brain fog and memory loss that really scared me and prompted me to stop. It also barely lowered my cholesterol, and it increased my blood sugar levels. This medication is HORRIBLE AND LIFE DEPLEATING! Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 65-74 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.0
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Iam 73 with colesterol of 289. I cannot tolerate statins and believe me, I tried them all. I was prescribed zetia and the headaches started right away. Then I got severe eye pain every time I moved my right eye up. Then nausea, leg, hip and foot pain. My arthritic hands hurt horribly. Then all over body pain. Then I developed upper right abdominal pain, stomache pain and I got very bloated, and my temperature started fluxuating. I was tired and so sore I couldn't walk well. I talked to the pharmacist who suggested I stop taking zetia. That all happened in only 2 weeks on that medicine. So all you guys aren't crazy. Me too!Read More Read Less

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bomashisha | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 2.7
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Horrible back and leg pain; also it appears my lymphedema in my left arm has gotten worse. Yesterday was the last day I took Zetia. I've taken several other statin drugs and they all caused bad leg pain. It's why the doctor suggested Zetia. My back and leg pain is worse than ever. MRI shows slight arthritis. I recently lost 40 pounds and was hoping this would fix my cholesterol problem, but it didn't. I am 69 years old and feel like I'm 90. I absolutely hate statins and Zetia. No more. I have to find an alternate treatment.Read More Read Less

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Gary | 65-74 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.7
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Husband has been on Zetia for 5 days. Is stopping today. Heâ??s experienced sleepwalking twice that I am aware of thatâ??s not listed on the side effects but that he found listed on the FDA site for Zetia. Yesterday he experienced extreme dizziness to the point of unstable walking and then vomiting. No fever or other issues that would constitute anything viral causing the nausea.

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Amanda A. | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Combined High Blood Cholesterol and Triglyceride Level
Overall rating 5.0
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Before I started taking Zetia, my cholesterol was at 296. I did not want to be put on a statin as my father has had large side effects from them and can no longer take them. Within 2 months of starting Zetia, my cholesterol had already dropped to 213, and my triglycerides had decreased as well. I have had absolutely no side effects from this drug. It has also helped my father, and he has suffered no side effects as well.

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Scotty | 55-64 | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.0
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Took it (10mg) for over 6 months and had to stop due to severe leg and back pain, rash on my legs, joint pain and more. Took my diet very seriously for a change and my last LDL was 36. Yep, 36. HDL was 32 (which I want to get up a bit). Both my cardiologist and GP were gobsmacked and I never told them that I had stopped taking the Simvastatin and the Zetia. You can do it!!!!!

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Diane | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 2.7
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I am having terrible leg pain in my left leg. Some elbo pain too. I am going to quit taking this and see if my leg gets better. I’ve had this pain for a week now.

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Lady | 75 or over | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: High Amount of Fats in the Blood
Overall rating 1.0
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This drug caused my arthritis bursitis to get worse I have aches and pains all night I was tired I had diarrhea I was depressed I was taking 500 mg prescribed Advil for my arthritic pain the pain was actually caused by this drug I’ve stopped taking it it also affected my mental function

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Elaineintokyo | 65-74 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I took Zetia years ago and it didn't work. New Doc thought I should try again, because I cannot tolerate statins. Turns out I can't tolerate Zetia either. Tingling in feet, the worst back-ache i have ever experienced all with-in a week of starting. Back-ache is listed as common but not dangerous side effect. I could not stand up without screaming and (I gave birth naturally)this back-ache was the worst pain I ever experienced Since Zetia does not reduce risks associated with High Cholesterol, I can't imagine why it is still on the market.Read More Read Less

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mary | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Low dose of Zetia ....After just first days had severe diarrhea, halfed the dose. After a month I started seeing flashes in my right eye. Lots of eye fatigue, now a lot of 'floaters' in my right eye. Got checked by eye doctor to make sure it wasn't optical nerve damage. Scarey. Coincidence? Don't think so. Cholesterol levels did drop in a month. But, wIll stop Zetia.

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