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I can not tolerate statins.The dr just started me on this drug. Been taking it for 2 months now and it's working for me. My LDL went from 163 to 123 so far. I take 2 fish oil for the triglycerides and that brought that down from 300 to 100, so that combination is working for me. I don't have any side effects so far and I'm very very sensitive to drugs. Hardly can take anything because of a sensiti...

Shared reviews and ratings

Zettia | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I have genetic high cholesterol & am intolerant of statins. I have arthritis with three replaced joints ( 2 knees & 1 hip so far at age 73). My cholesterol is 360 with an HDL of 103. I have tried several statins all of which caused severe joint pain on top of my arthritis. Headaches were also an issue. I have had several cardiac work ups including a stress test & cardiac cath & echo heart test. Despite the high number, there is no damage. My doctor insists I need a medication to lower the cholesterol! She placed me on Zettia which she says is not a statin & does not have the same side effects. Actually, I have to say the side effects from this medication were worse!! My arthritic pain became unbearable after 2 months. The CBD topical cream, heat & other methods I used to help arthritic pain no longer worked while taking this. Migraines became more frequent. I will not restart this medication after 2 1/2 months. It is all about quality of life. Read More Read Less

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Tammy I. | 75 or over | Male | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Caregiver
Condition: Combined High Blood Cholesterol and Triglyceride Level
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

My husband took this drug for several years. Cholesterol and triglycerides came down. Over the last 10 months he started complaining with horrible vertigo attacks..fine one minute..throwing up and unable to stand the next. Then his legs started getting we started walking to build up muscles...over a few more weeks it just hurt too bad. Then his hips and shoulders started the point of not sleeping at night and unable to raise his arms over his head. I've read here that it takes about 3 months to get back to normal after you stop taking it...January 31 will be 3 months...and he has good days and bad..but days that i wonder if it's worse. He's very discouraged and so am I. Someone please tell us that this will pass and he will get back to being his normal active self. The last few months have been terrible for him. Looking for hope..and prayers please.Read More Read Less

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Phil | 55-64 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Combined High Blood Cholesterol and Triglyceride Level
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Not able to tolerate statins. Took the drug zetia and within less than an hour, my head started pounding and a severe headache occurred. Within another hour my heart started pounding and racing. Face was flush and sweating around my head area started. Would not recommend this medication at all.

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noel | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

Not sure yet if there are any benefits but I started getting headaches, felt light headed and anxious. something feels very off. I probably won't finish the medicine.

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JB | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Homozygous Inherited High Blood Cholesterol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have always had high cholesterol it runs in my family. Changing my diet did not help. At age 63 I had a heart attack and now have 4 stents. My LDL was 150. I have been on 40 mg Rosuvastatin but it only lowered my LDL to 100. 2 months ago I added Zetia and now my LDL is 66 which is acceptable. I have no side effects from either drug.

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KK | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Started this medicine 6 days ago because I am intolerant to statins and was hoping this non statin drug would be the answer. Definitely NOT the answer. I am 55 years old and on day 6 I had horrible headache, my arms legs fingers and toes felt as if I was becoming crippled. I could not walk without wobbly feeling and such weakness. Felt as if I had the worst flu ever and started coughing with excessive mucus. Last night I had stabbing sensations in my left kidney? I called my doctor and he said stop taking Ezetimibe-Zetia and we will recheck you in 3-6 weeks. This is the exact reason to why I am so afraid to take prescribed medicines because what was supposed to help in one area actually wreaked havoc on so many other areas. I'd say this drug was a horrible failure and very scary to make me feel dehabilitated.Read More Read Less

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Angie | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

My levels were slightly high so doctor put me on zetia.I thought I was having no issues with it but over the last few months I started having severe muscle cramps and a horribly stiff neck. I have become off balance and dizzy headed. I cannot walk in a straight line almost like I am drunk. Have had to go to physical therapy to regain my balance. I read these reviews and feel as though it could be this drug. Has anyone else had these symptoms from taking zetia? I have had to go out of work because I cannot perform my job. Read More Read Less

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Zetia | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Do not take this medication! A week & 1/2 after starting this I thought my cancer had returned: extreme fatigue requiring a daily nap, foggy brain, upset stomach after each meal, charlie horses in calves, my feet actually hurt!? ? I remembered I started this med and quickly stopped it. The reviews on this med are troubling. Hoping the symptoms depart soon.

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Ann | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Homozygous Inherited High Blood Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

This drug is so terrible, no one should ever take it! Beware! The side effects were so debilitating, I seriously felt like I was 80 years old. The side effect started slowly, and progressively got worse. I didn’t realize it was the drug at first, and thought maybe I had lupus or ruemitoid Arthritis. I had a strange foot pain that got worse as the weeks went by, to the point where standing for any length of time felt like I was standing in rocks. Then it was hip pain and neck pain. Also had swollen joints especially in my hands and knuckles, they hurt so bad. It took over 6 weeks for these symptoms to disappear. I can finally say after 2 months I feel like myself again. I didn’t realize how much strength I had lost. I am a very active person, and I want able to exercise like usual. For a while I was scared that these side effects were permanent! So thankful they weren’t. On a side note, statins gave me very similar issues, but my pharmacist recommended Citrus Bergamot and I am happy to say in 3 mo. It lowered my cholesterol 58 points!! No side effects! Wonderful alternative to these horrid drugs!Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I have been using the Zetia generic for four months. My cholesterol and triglyceride numbers improved and are the best in a few years. I cannot tolerate statins that well (did ok many years ago). I am now experiencing greater muscle weakness and fatigue. Before my visit, all my levels were normal within limits except my LDL, PA recommended stopping Zetia and starting Repatha. We'll see how it works, hate injecting my body. I am stopping the Zetia muscle pain pill.

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Jess | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Homozygous Inherited High Blood Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

This drug is so horrible, i cannot believe that Dr’s prescribe this drug! I was on it for 8 weeks. During this time my quality of life deteriorated. When I finally realized that the drug was the cause of all my issues I felt like I was 90! I had this constant pain in my foot, fatigue, achy swollen joints, especially in hands neck and hips. I could hardly work in week 7, I had to take 4 alieve to survive a day of work. I felt terrified that the symptoms would not improve after reading the reviews on wed md. It has taken 2 full weeks for me to feel like myself, and I am so thankful! I was worried I was dealing with permanent damage from this drug! BEWARE IF ZETIA!!Read More Read Less

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TB | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Within several days of taking this med, I could barely walk. Extreme lack of energy.

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rapthafan | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Heterozygous Inherited High Blood Cholesterol
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

I've taken Zetia for ~ 2 years. No side effects to note. It helped bring down overall cholesterol from about 199 to 165...and brought down LDL to about 105. I started taking Rapatha4 months total cholesterol is now 87 and my LDL is 20 (down from 105)! I've been on statins for 25 years and my current numbers have never been this low. Talk to cardio next week...plan to stop taking Zetia.

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Randy | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Combined High Blood Cholesterol and Triglyceride Level
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

I also cannot tolerate statins. My Dr. started me on Zetia (Ezetimibe) 2 months ago. I can now barely walk. Pain in legs, ankles and feet. Fatigue and mild depression. The side effects are debilitating. Stopping this drug immediately.

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Ezetimibe | 75 or over | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

After two weeks I started feeling jittery and anxious. I had constant head aches and at inconvenient times an urgent feeling I would void my bowels. I also felt depressed. I did not feel the exquisite pain I get with most statins (Livalo excepted), I coughed more than usual which I read happened to some others. My Cardiologist responded that mine were not normal reactions to Zetia, but after reading these reviews I'm glad I stopped taking it yesterday. My head still hurts. I hope the reactions subside soon.Read More Read Less

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Smith | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Combined High Blood Cholesterol and Triglyceride Level
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I have been using the Zetia generic for four months. My cholesterol and triglyceride numbers improved and are the best in years. I cannot tolerate statins. I am now experiencing muscle weakness dizziness diarrhea nausea and fatigue. Last night I had a significant breathing problem although that is not listed as a side effect. I plan to stop taking it.

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Phyllis | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

No tolerance for statins, month on 5 mg of Zetia daily had brought cholesterol down to 167, from 234 but the side effects are overwhelming. Joint/muscle pain/cramping has cut my activity level WAY down; either stuffy or continuous runny nose and dry hacking cough; fatigue, constant chills. Have felt like crap entire time. Can't say I'd recommend the drug and will most likely quit taking it.

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Abster | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Homozygous Inherited High Blood Cholesterol
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

I’ve taken Zetia for 1 year (with a statin) for FH. LDL plummeted. I thought EXCELLENT! Dr suggested COQ10 for new muscle & back pain. This was tolerable. I recently began process to be a kidney donor and failed the first round of testing. My liver enzymes were 3x normal and my kidney output is insufficient. I researched, this is a rare side effect. Dr confirmed not typically seen, I stopped Zetia 6/11/21. Back pain has 100% diminished. Blood work again in two weeks. I will be going to a Lipid specialist next. Read More Read Less

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Jazzi | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Combined High Blood Cholesterol and Triglyceride Level
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

Very effective bu PAIN in every joint, extremity, soft tissue of my entire body. I literally cannot move without assistance. I was very active before and am now almost unable to get out of my home....I have decided to stop taking it for a week or two and see if the pain diminishes. If so, I will contact Dr. for what to do next. I cannot live like this as I have genetically high triglycerides.

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Laury | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: High Cholesterol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have very high cholesterol-- over 400 when I was only 35 and weighed 110 pounds. Barely controlled for years on statins. I'm now 60. When my new doctor doubled my statin and saw no change in lipid levels, he prescribed Zetia in addition to the statin. I've been taking this drug 3 months now and my total cholesterol dropped 50 points. I've never been in the "normal" range before! I've experienced no side effects.

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