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3.5 Overall Rating


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I have endometriosis and the only relief I have found is the Lupron Depot shot. This pill was also prescribed as add back therapy for it. The Lupron Depot sent me into a menopausal state (hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings). I found that combined with the norethindrone acetate (Aygestin), those symptoms went away. I could clearly tell when I missed a pill. I've been dealing with endometriosis ...

Most voted negative review

4 People found this comment helpful

I have used this medication since 1/6/16. I have had hot flashes, night sweets, a rash on back, mood swings, weight gain (15lbs). To me that is a lot of weight in a short period of time to gain that much weight. My pain has not changed at all. I spend most of my time in bed. The Lupron Depot shot is why I am taking this medication. I don't recommend taking Norethindrone or the Lupron Depot shot. T...

Shared reviews and ratings

Larissa | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding caused by Imbalance of Hormones
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

I started taking this medication a little over a month ago for PCOS. I’ve had horrible cramps, heavy bleeding, a lot of clotting, and weight gain. I stopped taking it a couple days ago, because the symptoms are not worth it. I will never take this medication again.

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Ti | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I’ve tried this medication on two separate occasions, prescribed by two different doctors. Both assured me that there was very little risk of side effects. The first time around, I stayed on it a couple months. I dealt with constant spotting, which does not work for my lifestyle. I’m a competitive athlete and have a very physical outdoor job. Maybe some people don’t mind these side effects but the fact that it also didn’t help my endo pain, made it an easy choice to stop. The second time around, years later, I agreed to give it another shot. At this point I have cramping about half of the month. Well, let me tell you that I will take the pain of endo over this medication. This time is worst than the first. A week into it, I gained five lbs, have awful cramping, it hurts to move as my entire body is bloated, and i am bleeding a lot more than just spotting. My period is very regular, and not due, so I know it is the pill. I realize it can take a few months to adjust to this medication, but this is pure hell. I guess you could say it works for endo by multiplying the agony, so that when you stop taking it endo feels better by comparison!Read More Read Less

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alyssa | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

terrible terrible migraines, so tired like more than ever. it’s terrible. i can say though it made my usually 5-7 day period into 3 days so that was fine but besides that don’t really recommend but also depends on the person.

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Ann | 35-44 | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding caused by Imbalance of Hormones
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I went on this medication daily Feb 2016 for abnormal bleeding. It was all over the place. Once I started taking this medication my period was gone for about 3 months, then my body has a period. It usually lasts about a week - 10 days. That seems to be the norm. Sometimes I get cramps, which I haven't had in years. I believe I am also starting pre menopause because I have had night sweats and such. Since taking this medication those have seemed to diminish. A side effect of this I have noticed is my increase in sexual desire, which I didn't really have before due to having my period so often and for so long. I have not noticed breast tenderness but my nipples seem to extra sensitive, I am assuming this is due to increase in sexual desire. All in all I am happy with this medication.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 45-54 | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding caused by Imbalance of Hormones
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

It took about two months for it to take effect. I have been on it for two years now and don't get periods anymore. I haven't had any side effects from taking this.

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Cmarie | 45-54 | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding caused by Imbalance of Hormones
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I'm 47 and started having a period every two weeks. A half milligram of this and estradiol stopped all the irregular bleeding. However, the negative side effect has been daytime fatigue.

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tee oh why five two sever eight two | 25-34 | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I take this with Lupron. I took Lupron for the first time 3 years ago. I was taking it monthly without Norethindrone and the hot flashes were horrible. As soon as I did my 6 months of Lupron my pain was back...I have to admit that I had NO pain while on the Lupron. 2 years after that I had my 2nd laproscopy and my condition was still really bad. About 6 months later I begged my new doctor to give me Lupron again. I first did 3 monthly samples and had no relief until about a month after the 3rd injection. After that my nurse said that I could do a lupron shot every 3 months as long as i agree to take *Norethindrone. This does really help with my hot flashes. I have been pain free since officially being on the Lupron. I know that I have to get off of it soon..but it has helped me tremendously. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 25-34 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I have used this medication since 1/6/16. I have had hot flashes, night sweets, a rash on back, mood swings, weight gain (15lbs). To me that is a lot of weight in a short period of time to gain that much weight. My pain has not changed at all. I spend most of my time in bed. The Lupron Depot shot is why I am taking this medication. I don't recommend taking Norethindrone or the Lupron Depot shot. They don't help at all.

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claudia927 | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding caused by Imbalance of Hormones
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I was prescribed this medicine to stop the heavy bleeding & pain during my cycles due to very large fibroids. I was also given the Lupren shot to stop my cycle. I am scheduled to have a hysterectomy but the doctor will not perform yet because I'm anemic due to the excessive bleeding. The side effects are disturbing & do interfere with my everyday life. The night sweats are excessive, interrupted sleep nightly, the headaches are everyday & bothersome. The mood swings are terrible that I do not even recognize myself. Weight gain has been about 10-12 lbs (I started the meds a month ago). Daily & frequent diarrhea, I need to be near a bathroom every time I eat. I have no desire to do anything but stay home. All I want to do is sleep or just be alone, which could be a sign of depression. Also, the heavy bleeding stopped but I spotted for 2-weeks straight this month. The only thing that helps is that I know that surgery day is coming up. Can't wait for all of this to be over. Read More Read Less

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tiredofpain | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

Been taking this for 5 months; it really worked great the first two months, my pain was mostly gone. But during the third month, the pain gradually returned. Now I am back to needing ibuprofen daily, which seems to help less and less. Lupron sounds horrible, so I don't know what to try next. :(

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding caused by Imbalance of Hormones
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I had tried all natural remedies because I'm not fond of taking medications due to my sensitive system.I was flooding with huge clots for 32 days straight and after the second day of taking a total of 8 pills, the bleeding stopped. It has been over 2 weeks,gained 2 pounds but to me thats better than getting the hysterectomy my gyno recommended due to a fibroid.Hoping I can stay on this pill for a long time instead of surgery.

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Mahogany Black | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding caused by Imbalance of Hormones
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

It has caused these big huge disgusting clots to come more frequent, I've had a period for almost a month now, and that's worse. The pain when I'm releasing the clots is extreme.

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ashle | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I take two 5mg tablets per day. I have used this medication for about 2 years now. In the beginning I had terrible hot flashes, my migraine headaches worsened, I still had break through bleeding and pain the first month so I actually took 3 pills per day for 1 month and then went back to 2 per day. I have strange side effects, I have a sort of dizzy feeling with it. I can tell when It is going to happen, it will happen a few times a day for about a week once a month, my doctor and I believe it is when I should have a period. I have gained about 45 lbs while being on the medication even with a great diet and exercise. No energy, feel sad a lot. No interest in sex what so ever. lots of fluid retention and swelling. I know am having more pain again and occasionally spotting. I am going to schedule a hysterectomy soon so that I can get off of the medication. Both my ob/gyn and pcp feel like it is doing more harm than good now. Read More Read Less

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chickadee | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Absence of Menstrual Periods in Woman Who Has Had Them
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I'm on this and Lupron for an unusual reason. Only for severe breast pain. Since this can cause or increase breast pain I'm going off it immediately. It prevents hot flashes. However, I have Fibrocystic Breast Disease, that's why I'm on it along with Lupron to try to shut estrogen down. Neither are working, and Norethindrone I suspect is the culprit. I want the cysts drained and get an oncologist if possible. No cancer but I don't see Fibro breasts at all posted or for treatment of severe breast pain. Stress increases the pain. Demanding a referral from my doctor in 2 days. Cannot tolerate the breast pain any longer. Anyone else with FBD?? Read More Read Less

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chickadee | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I'm on this and Lupron for an unusual reason. Only for severe breast pain. Since this can cause or increase breast pain I'm going off it immediately. It prevents hot flashes. However, I have Fibrocystic Breast Disease, that's why I'm on it along with Lupron to try to shut estrogen down. Neither are working, and Norethindrone I suspect is the culprit. I want the cysts drained and get an oncologist if possible. No cancer but I don't see Fibro breasts at all posted or for treatment of severe breast pain. Stress increases the pain. Demanding a referral from my doctor in 2 days. Cannot tolerate the breast pain any longer. Anyone else with FBD?? Read More Read Less

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Potter.S | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

I am on my second month with this medication and I'm not to pleased with it. This is the second time trying it & now i remember why I stopped. I have night sweats, bad mood swings and I still have pain. I still have to take Vicodin every day to help with pain. I have gained 10 lbs and feel swollen every day. Nothing fits me anymore and I feel miserable. I eat healthy and watch my intake but feels like I am only getting worse in weight gain and swollen. I am not feeling very confident nor happy. :( Read More Read Less

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MicheB | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Developed severe pain after 20 years of complete radical hysterectomy and doc put me on this item and lowered my does of estrogen. I eventually cut my estrogen out completely and this little pill gave me relief within DAYS literally! It's the only medication I take at age 48, but well worth what it does for me. I never knew I could have endometriosis still growing 20+ years after the hysterectomy, but thankfully it's under control again.

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alicia | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I was given this medication to control bleeding. It worked very well for me I was only on it for 30 days. However I was diagnosed with breast cancer within a year and a half of stopping this drug. I had an aggresive form of cancer that was progestone induced. I believe that this medication was the main cause. please use caution.

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dquinn | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding caused by Imbalance of Hormones
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I have taken this drug a little over a year for premenopausal/menopause constant bleeding. The drug took 2 months to stop a non-stop bleeding episode. I have not bled in 11 moths. That part is great however it has interrupted my sleeping patterns and has caused some severe mood swings and depression.

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Anonymous | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Endometriosis
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have been taking this medication for about 3 months now after having surgery for endometriosis. Personally, I love it. I take it every night before I go to bed, and the only side effect I've encountered was occasional night sweats. However I did forget to take it for one night during my first month and was subjected to a sudden heavy flow and was passing large clots for about a day. Besides that I've hardly had as many problems as other reviewers have had. I'd recommend it; however it sounds like it may not be suitable for everyone. Read More Read Less

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