I do fell like I’ve taken a muscle relaxer, sleep med sleep long periods ,mental/mood changes (such as agitation, confusion) lightheadedness dizziness, disorientation (there has been heart disease in my mother’s side of family (don’t know if related)dark urine, have gurgitated up in mouth 1-2hr after at times . does that mean I’m allergic or have other issues? Side effects I’ve encountered , horrible headaches giving blurred vision,., nausea, confusion, dizziness, back pain,tried, neck pain, (amnesia) cannot remember, anxiety, confusion, depersonalization, change behavior, drastic change in speech (after taking lasting 1 hr +),winded breathing ?)(asthma? or inflammation?),mild pain under right side of chest(gallbatter or kidney?), insomnia, sleep disorder ,vertigo, , sweating, blurred vision, taste loss, weight loss, lightheadedness/sweating/dizziness, ,abnormal stools (more),dark urine, difficulty in swallowing.Read More Read Less