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You do it because you are told it is good for you. All your joints ache, can't sleep, diarrhea, constipation, no memory, hot flashes, weight gain and not able to lose it. Can't get an insurance policy because you have to still take a medication as treatment, even though the medicine is supposedly preventing a recurrance. I quit and feel so much better. I'm living for quality not quantity now. ...

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Arimidex | 75 or over | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Breast Cancer
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

February 2020-Breast Cancer IDC, Grade2, ER+|PR+|Her2FISH negative Lumpectomy 3/18/2020 I had been on Arimidex since! Fatigue, weight gain, eye problems, muscle and bone pain (diagnosed recently with osteoporosis), mood swings, hot flashes (I’m 75), insomnia, increased BP, other words, I have just not been having a good quality of life! I reached 3 1/2 years of all of this and as of September 30th, I took my last tiny little white pill, better known as Arimidex!! Today makes 6 days without taking and I can literally tell the difference!! I’ve prayed long and hard about my decision and feel like my Lord is telling me that I will be just fine! So, no more Arimidex for me!!!Read More Read Less

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Me | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Breast Cancer
Overall rating 3.7
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Diagnosed with stage II lobular estrogen positive right breast cancer 2015….opted for double mastectomies due to high risk family. Neg onco gene. Went through 6 mons of devastating chemo and then @arimidex for 10 years. Immediately developed all the side effects others have experienced. Severe joint pain lower and upper extremities, poor sleep, melancholy, just simply all over out of sorts. Bone density has shown major loss. Tried the bone builder meds….extreme side effects of flu like symptoms, bone pain and cost was exorbitant (>$5000k / dose not to mention IV admins) … oral meds no better with side effects. Anyway, did some research, there has been several clinical trials showing take Arimedex 7 years has the same effectiveness as taking it 3 more years (10 years). Study says because of the associated side effects and bone loss…benefits of the 3 extra years does NOT outweigh the debilitating side effects. Pharmaceuticals ran studies for 10 years (nice round number)…they get a captured audience for 10 years and all the extra money! I stopped after 7 and half years based on the new 7 year study outcomes.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Breast Cancer
Overall rating 1.0
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This drug has ruined my quality of life. Each morning I struggle to get out of bed, tired after 8 hrs of sleep, stiff and achey with no motivation to excercise. The side effects are numerous for the drug, but the joint and muscle pain are the worst. I no longer enjoy yoga, gardening or entertaining family or friends, it just costs too much energy and pain. My care team tells me my body will adjust after 3 months, but after reading so many reviews, I seriously doubt it. My oncologist wants me to take an injection for bone density. The reviews of those drugs are just as bad as anastrozole. I cannot understand that with so much patient input, the drug companies can't do better.Read More Read Less

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pgp | 65-74 | Male | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.3
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I am a male physician who has been on testosterone replacement therapy for 30 years for hypopituitary hypogonadism. When I changed my primary care doctor a few years ago he prescribed anastrozole to block estrogen (estradiol) produced by testosterone therapy. Initially I did fine on the medication. However, over past year I have had particularly shoulder muscle and tendon pain and tenderness and weakness which has been severely compromising and has resulted in close to a frozen shoulder situation in both shoulders. I consulted with my primary care doc and my orthopedist before arriving at my own conclusion that anastrozole was the cause of my symptoms. I stopped the medication now 10 weeks ago and slowly have improved with with assistance of physical therapy therapy. I did the research. Clearly anastrozole since 2007 has been reported to cause potentially severe myopathy and tendinopathy. The majority use is by women in treatment regimens for breast cancer. Up to 30+ percent of patients on anastrozole have complaints of muscle/joint pain. Many stop the medication because of the side effects. This medication may be helpful for some people but also may be harmful for some people. Those who take this medication should be aware of the side effects. I wish I had never taken the medication because for me there was no clear indication. Read More Read Less

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EC | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Breast Cancer
Overall rating 2.7
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I had Stage I breast cancer. No lymph node involvement. Took the Onco gene test with a result of 1. Had radiation and lumpectomy. Been on Anastrozole for 3 1/2 years. An awful experience with this drug. Conditions may/may not be result of AI use. Got glaucoma within a year... Google effect of AI on eyes, became hypothyroid with the first year. Check result of hypothyroid and radiation treatment. (one of the main causes). My cholesterol and triglycerides are now high and was recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes... Anastrozole affects your lymphatic system and glucose. All coincidence? Who knows. But the side effects: barely enough energy to get out of bed, constant joint pain... lower back, hips carpal tunnel and recently trigger finger. Kept me awake at night. Significant depression almost every day. All these things together can lead to cardiovascular disease. Not usually mentioned unless you do your research. I lost confidence in my Onco Dr. who was dismissive of any connection to Anastrozole and just wanted to put me on bone meds. I had enough and stopped the meds after 3 1/2 years. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: malignant tumor or cancer
Overall rating 5.0
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I have been a heavy steroid user for years, you name it, ive tried it. From low dose to high dose as well. And of all the things out there I've used to help with insanely high estrogen, Arimidex works the best. Ive been using it for 10years or better. No pain, no joints, no lethargy, just sick gainz in the gym.

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Zoey | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer
Overall rating 2.0
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Only on anastrozole for three months, waited 8 months to start because I read about all the bad side effects. I had joint pain, depression, headaches, stomach pain, hot flashes, and sleeplessness to name a few. Doctors love to scare you to take the medicine, but the quality of life is so much more important. After reading these other women's experiences, I feel bad that the doctors are not always telling the whole truth. Yes, after going off the medicine you can have high blood pressure, heart issues, other cancers, high cholesterol and so much more I would love to hear from other ladies who have never taken these hormone drugs and see how they are doing. In general, I bet the cancer rates would not be that different, I sure would like an honest answer for all the women who experiences cancer and these hormone drugs.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 45-54 | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Breast Cancer
Overall rating 2.0
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I have been taking this drug for over a year now. Since starting I have had severe fatigue, memory issues, sleeplessness, anxiety, and the worst bone pain imaginable. Some nights it gets so bad it brings me tears. It had got so bad my oncologist finally took me off it. She said I needed a re-set. Well I was off it for about 3 months and was feeling a bit better. Mostly more energy. But now I’m back on it taking it every other day. The bone pain is back with a vengeance, I’m so exhausted, and I’m having sharp pains under my left breast that feel like they are coming from my arteries and surgery site. I see my oncologist in 2 days to discuss how we move forward. I can not take this drug anymore it’s literally destroying my body. I was a young 52 before my diagnosis and treatment and now I feel Ike Im 70. I fear that this pill plus the 16 rounds of chemo and 30 rounds of radiation have done irreversible damage to my entire body. I was beyond fit and healthy before my diagnosis. It’s heart breaking what this has done to me. I don’t think I’ll ever see the old me again. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 65-74 | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Breast Cancer that has Spread to Another Part of the Body
Overall rating 4.3
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I have been on arimidex for 8 yeas. Things have gone very well for me till lately. I never got over hot flashes so that never bothered me. My feet and ankles have started swelling, I have gained a lot of weight. My PCP keeps telling me to loose weight. Impossible to do. My bone densiety tests have been OK.

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Roseanne | 65-74 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Breast Cancer
Overall rating 1.0
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Here goes! 30 yrs ago at 40 Ihad a lumpectomy R breast with 36 radiation treatments. took tamoxifen for 1 yr. develooped uterine cancer. had total abdominal hysterectomy. 2008 had lumpectomy on left breast no further tx. 2013 lumpectomy Left breast no further tx needed. 2019 cancer came back both breast different cancers insitu left breast and right breast and also stage 11 right breast. I had a bilateral mastectomy in Oct. 2019. I was started on Arimidex (did not want to take this drug) took it for 6 months just stopped. severe joint pain, wt gain, depressed, moody, hot flashes to name a few side effects. I am a registered nurse, I still work, I exercise daily and feel so much better since I stopped this drug. anyone have any advice. My onocologist says there are no side effects from this drug. I really seriously doubt I am making this up. Good Luck to all of us surviors. Read More Read Less

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Roseanne | 65-74 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Breast Cancer
Overall rating 1.0
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Here goes! 30 yrs ago at 40 Ihad a lumpectomy R breast with 36 radiation treatments. took tamoxifen for 1 yr. develooped uterine cancer. had total abdominal hysterectomy. 2008 had lumpectomy on left breast no further tx. 2013 lumpectomy Left breast no further tx needed. 2019 cancer came back both breast different cancers insitu left breast and right breast and also stage 11 right breast. I had a bilateral mastectomy in Oct. 2019. I was started on Arimidex (did not want to take this drug) took it for 6 months just stopped. severe joint pain, wt gain, depressed, moody, hot flashes to name a few side effects. I am a registered nurse, I still work, I exercise daily and feel so much better since I stopped this drug. anyone have any advice. My onocologist says there are no side effects from this drug. I really seriously doubt I am making this up. Good Luck to all of us surviors. Read More Read Less

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Phunny | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Breast Cancer
Overall rating 3.7
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Joyce | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer
Overall rating 4.7
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In 2005, had lumpectomy for invasive ductal carcinoma. Received 35 treatments of radiation, and I was started on Arimidex for 5 years. Only side effect was crying, so pcp put me on an antidepressant. I now have neuropathy in my feet that neurologist said was usually seen in people who had received chemotherapy.

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Eileen | 65-74 | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Breast Cancer
Overall rating 3.3
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I am so grateful that my cancer has not returned, first and foremost. Three months after starting on anastozole, I woke up one morning and could barely walk. The pain in my knees was excruciating, and from that day on, all my joints started to be one painful. I was fit before, but started putting on weight quickly. I practiced yoga the first four or so years until I became too sore. Cut out potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, cut right back on sugars. It didn't make a bit of difference. Hot flashes, sleepless nights, hair loss, foggy brain, feet and legs on fire when I lay down. I'm praying when I finish these pills in eight months, this will all reverse. It's discouraging when so many women complain about the same symptoms, only to read..Doctors say this doesn't cause weight gain, high sugar etc. Good luck to everyone going through this.Read More Read Less

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Anastrozole(Arimidex) | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Breast Cancer
Overall rating 3.3
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I am in 4 years of taking Anastrozole and the last 2 weeks I have 30 side effects and I feel very miserable, I want to stop taking this, My cancer was stage 1, mini tinny tumor, margin and main gland clean, and didn't tested positive for the h2 whatever is. Choose SAVI device for radiation and the pill, for 5 years, but why going thru 5 years for this tinny cancer? this is awful and doctors obviously don't have this side effects, pharma is a HUGE business. I will talk to my doctor, but Im stopping this medicine.Read More Read Less

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FIONA | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer
Overall rating 1.7
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I developed GROVERâÂ?Â?S DISEASE after taking this drug for a few months, which is a rash that matched the pictures and symptoms described in the on-line info that I researched. Nowhere in the literature from my pharmacy, nor did any knowledge or info come from my oncologist about GROVERâ??S DISEASE being a side-effect of ANASTRAZOLE. I was then prescribed EXEMESTANE, which was much too costly for me - so I am now taking TAMOXIFEN, which is affordable for me. I am thinking positive in the hope that I will not experience the side effects that others have been listing. Has anyone else had a rash that could not be identified when taking ANASTRAZOLE? And if you have, have you researched whether or not it could be causing GROVERâÂ?Â?S DISEASE. ??Read More Read Less

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Karenvm5pim | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer
Overall rating 2.0
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Increased bone pain with fracture of spine after 6month p use!

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Anonymous | 65-74 | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer
Overall rating 2.0
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STXChick | 55-64 | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Breast Cancer
Overall rating 2.3
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Ductal carsinoma in situ. Biopsy dislodge duct wall. Caught by sentinel lymph nodes. Non in later layers. 33 radiation sessions. Took Arimidex for three years with 3 clean mammograms. Stopped taking as I could hardly walk (pain in joints, muscles, and bones), had no joy (depression?), cholesterol increased. glucose increased, and extreme fatigue. I felt as those I was 90 years old. So I decided to stop taking the Arimidex. Amazingly, within days everything went back to normal. I could walk without pain and I felt FREE!!! I will keep getting my mammograms, and am awaiting my bone density test to see if any permanent damage was done as I had good bones. I believe they took the cancer out and I am cancer free. But, I could not live my life with the pain and anguish of Arimidex. Read More Read Less

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Lynn | 55-64 | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Breast Cancer
Overall rating 5.0
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I had a lumpectomy and radiation at the beginning of 2017. I began taking Anastrozole (1 mg) (generic brand of Arimidex) in March of 2017. I was concerned because of all the reviews I have read about the side effects. I have to let everyone know that there is hope that you may not experience these effects. I have been taking it daily since then and have had NO side effects (praise the Lord) I thought there would be fatique or joint pain- but so far in the 9 months. I have had no bad side effects. I hope you will have the same experience that I have had.Read More Read Less

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